A very sad and horrible story
First of all, I must send my regards to all the family members of all who died in the very tragic 911.
Because what I am about to reveal is something that is extremely disturbing. Sometimes the Truth can be very disturbing.
On the day of September 3, 2001. I posted an article on an internet newsgroup. I cannot remember the title of that article but in that article, I blasted how Satan became the god of death. How he violated the Ten Commandments and how he wanted the society to violate the Ten Commandments so that he can claim souls with him to hell.
At that time, I did not possess heart knowledge. I only had an intellectual understanding of what was happening. I did follow YAHUSHUA at the time but I was very green spiritually so to speak.
As we all now know, eight days later, America was attacked by 911.
NYC was in complete chaos. But I at the time did not see a connection between my posted article and the tragic event.
I for seven years have been harassed by Hong Kong based Cantonese satanists. Recently I came to the conclusion that they have already received the Mark of the Beast also known as the 666. Once you willfully receive that, you are damned and will be sent to hell. A true believer in YAHUSHUA will never take that Mark. Only those who do not love YAHUSHUA have the possibility of receiving that. Because once you willfully receive that Mark, you belong to the devil.
Now, this is the disturbing part. The devil has his agents everywhere in the world. You know even normal criminals will have a very hard time committing some very cruel and serious crimes. I have reasons to believe that the devil is using some of his most trusted agents to set up a New World Order. He will demand these agents to take that Mark in order for them to be trusted by him. Not only that, once a person has taken that Mark, his mind will no longer function like ordinary people, he will be free from his own conscience. These agents are the most dangerous criminals on earth at this time because they can do the dirtiest work for the devil. They are totally beast like in nature.
What if my article infuriated the devil and he used his agents to orchestrated 911? The Satanists I am currently at war with have already confessed to me long ago that they wanted to start WW3 and they hated America. They wanted the money and positions in power in the satanic New World Order but was frustrated by my investigation of the devil's secret society known as the illuminati that I started since 1999. They hate me with a vengeance because they did not get the money they wanted. One more thing which is worthy of mentioning is that 911 has a lot of occult signatures. The devil and his agents are definitely behind it.
So I am here to warn people to get saved and do YAHUSHUA our Saviour's will for divine protection every where. Because the devil has unleashed his beast like agents to do his dirtiest work. We need to stand with God and be Holy in order to combat this serious threat of humanity.
A word on the nature of his beast like agents:
The ones I come across are Hong Kong based low lives.
They are very cunning.
They speak to lie, to deceive, to attack, to make threats and to insult.
They get easily offended by love.
Anything that is related to God and love. They will hate and attack.
They love to attack the Holy Trinity.
Either by their words or action.
They are totally cursed, so that they minds and thinking are totally twisted. They will try to get the things they want through cunning and subtle means. They hate the truth and exist in their own illusions. They do not connect with reality.
They are capable of doing any kind of evil you can imagine.
They are truly an abomination.
They never cease doing evil just like the devil.
They have very little self control.
They love to attack me by causing various parts of my skin to itch.
Especially my facial skin.
They hate all virtues from God.
They love all vices from the devil.
They love to harass and intimidate people to show their puny power.
They love to threaten me by suggesting me to fear them.
But I am motivated by God to expose their evil acts and evil nature so I am not afraid of them.
To be honest, I am willing to give up my own life to expose their horrible deeds for the sake of humanity.
The satanists/beasts who are harassing me are very afraid of this information to come out. The one thing they are afraid most is the truth.
I am doing all this in the service of my dear God and mankind.
I will keep posting important information to warn the people as directed by YAHUSHUA.
Originally dated June 16, 2014 at 22:29.
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I pray for your healing and protection in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.