Alls Methods,techniques,strategies and tactics of defense for Targeted Individuals as me and as you.
If you help me, I help you because
My problem is your problem.Your problem is my problem.
We must work together to solve our problem.
Do you understund my philosophy Sir/lady?
- (Danke 1000 David - 25oktober2012)
Wir wollen alle strategie für uns verteidigen.
Copy/paste my email 26-12-2010 (christmas) TO : MCMAILTEAM, DOC AISJCA, DOC RAUNI KILDE SUOMI FINLAND, Dr ROGER LEIR, MR D.ROBINSON freedomfchs (USA), McMailTeam Monsieur Rudy (France), McMail Team Gill (DEU), McMailTeam Dimitri (DEU), McMailTeam Michael B. (USA), McMailTeam LUCIUS, McMail Annie (Sweden), McMail Alfonso López (España), McMailTeam Soleilmavis (Asian case n°91), McMailTEAM Chris U.S.A., Enrique McMailTeam España MADRID, McMailTeam Pepo (España), Monikastoces (Belgium),,,
TITLE EMAIL: Methods,techniques and tactics of defense in multilanguage for all and synthetic and schematic ►►►NO REPLY◄◄◄
Spett. membri e “amici di sventura”
Vi scrivo questa email,nella speranza che seppur lontani, voi possiate trascorrere al meglio la vostra esistenza e queste feste di natale.
Finora,avete pubblicato e reso noti,moltissimi progetti di armi psicotroniche a presa diretta, armi non letali e armi elettromagnetiche.
Grazie a voi, ho imparato il termine V2K (Voice to skull) e molto altro.
Se è vero che l’unione fa la forza, vi esorto a continuare nella resistenza,ma vi pongo un quesito e vi chiedo umilmente,se possibile, di schematizzare e rendere pubbliche a tutte le vittime e agli attivisti, i sistemi,le tattiche,le tecniche e i metodi di difesa.
Siete stati tutti molto bravi nello attingere informazioni sulle armi “non letali”,sulla sorveglianza satellitare,ma dove sono tutte le tattiche di difesa?
Per favore,per piacere, per cortesia, se vi è possibile, riunite tutte le tattiche di difesa e fate giungere grazie al mcailteam uno schema in multilanguage .
Non importa se ci vorrà molto tempo,ma riunitevi e ragionate sul fatto che adesso, abbiamo bisogno di mettere insieme tutte le tecniche per difenderci.
Vi lascio un esempio di quello che vorrei che venisse reso pubblico per ogni sintomo di disturbo.
Solo i metodi di difesa,le tattiche e le tecniche per difendersi.
Nella speranza che questa email non vada persa,vi auguro di riuscire assieme a me, a vincere questi maledetti assassini e “wakaresaseya”.
So far, you have posted and made known, many projects psychotronic weapons , non-lethal weapons and electromagnetic weapons.
Thank to you, I learned the term V2K (voice to skull) and more.
If it is true that In union there is strength, I urge you to continue the resistance, but I ask you a question and I ask you humbly, if possible, to outline and make public to all the victims and activists, systems, tactics, techniques and methods of defense,synthetic and schematic .
You were all very good at drawing information on non-lethal weapons, satellite surveillance, but where are all the tactics of defense?
Please,if you can, meeting all the tactics of defense and then get mcailteam thanks to a scheme in multilanguage.
It does not matter if it takes a long time, but get together and think about that now, we need to put together all the techniques to defend ourselves.
I leave you an example of what I want it to be made public for any sign of disturbance.
Only methods of defense tactics and techniques to defend themselves.
In the hope that this email is not lost, I wish you success with me, to win these accursed murderers and "wakaresaseya".
Respektabel. Mitglieder und "Freunde des Untergangs"
Ich schreibe diese E-Mail, in der Hoffnung, dass auch weit entfernt, können Sie ausgeben, um besser Ihr Leben und dieser Urlaubssaison.
Bisher haben Sie gemacht, viele arbeit, und bekannt gemacht, viele Projekte psychotronische Waffen, nicht-tödliche Waffen und elektromagnetische Waffen leben.
Danke zu Ihnen,ich habe gelernt auch die worter: V2K (Voice to Skull ) und vieles mehr.
Wenn es ist wahr ist, In Gewerkschaft ist Stärke , ich fordere Sie auf den Widerstand fortzusetzen, aber ich stelle eine Frage Ihnen und ich emütig Sie bitte ,wenn möglich, zu umreißen und zu veröffentlichen, um allen Opfern und Aktivisten, Systeme, Taktik, Techniken und Methoden der Abwehr.
Sie waren alle sehr gut zeichnen Informationen über die Waffen "nicht-tödliche", die Überwachung Satelliten, aber wo sind all die Taktik der Verteidigung?
Bitte,wenn du kannst, das allen die Taktik der Verteidigung und dann bekommen mcailteam einer Regelung in mehrere Sprachen.
Vi lascio un esempio di quello che voglio per tutti i segni di disturbo.
Nur die Methoden der Verteidigung Taktiken und Techniken, um sich zu verteidigen.
In der Hoffnung, dass diese E-Mail nicht geht verloren, ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg mit mir und gewinnen diese verfluchten Mörder und "wakaresaseya".
Vielen Dank
Je vous écris ce message dans l'espoir que, même loin de là, vous pouvez dépenser pour améliorer votre vie et cette saison de vacances.
Jusqu'à présent, vous avez déposé et fait connaître, de nombreux projets armes psychotroniques de vivre, les armes non létales et armes électromagnétiques.
Merci, j'ai appris le terme V2K (voix sur le crâne) et plus encore.
S'il est vrai que l'unité fait la force, je vous exhorte à poursuivre la résistance, mais je vous poser une question et je vous demande humblement, si possible, de définir et de rendre public à toutes les victimes et les militants, les systèmes, les tactiques, techniques et méthodes de la défense.
Vous avez tous été très bon en dessin renseignements sur "les armes"non-létales, le satellite de surveillance, mais où sont toutes les tactiques de défense?
S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, si vous le pouvez, répondant à toutes les tactiques de la défense et puis obtenir grâce à un régime de mcailteam en multilingue.
Il n'a pas d'importance si elle prend beaucoup de temps, mais se réunir et de réfléchir à cela maintenant, nous avons besoin de rassembler toutes les techniques pour se défendre.
Je vous laisse un exemple de ce que je veux qu'il soit rendu public pour tout signe de perturbation.
Seules les méthodes de tactiques de défense et de techniques pour se défendre.
Dans l'espoir que ce message n'est pas perdu, je vous souhaite du succès avec moi, de gagner ces meurtriers et maudit "wakaresaseya".
Merci beaucoup
Les escribo este mensaje con la esperanza de que, incluso muy lejos, puede pasar a mejor su vida y en esta temporada de vacaciones.
Hasta el momento, se han publicado y realizado proyectos más conocidos, muchas armas psicotrónicas de vivir, las armas no letales y armas electromagnéticas.
Gracias a que, jo aprendido el término V2K (Voice to Skull) y mucho más.
Si bien es cierto que la unión hace la fuerza, les insto a continuar la resistencia, pero puedo hacerte una pregunta y les pido humildemente, si es posible, ponga de relieve y dar a conocer a todas las víctimas y activistas, los sistemas, las tácticas, técnicas y métodos de defensa.
Usted fue muy bueno dibujando información sobre "las armas"no letales, la vigilancia por satélite, pero ¿dónde están todas las tácticas de la defensa?
Por favor, si puedes, cumpliendo con todas las tácticas de defensa y luego al mcailteam a un esquema en varios idiomas.
No importa si se tarda mucho tiempo, pero se reúnen y pensar en eso ahora, tenemos que juntar todas las técnicas para defendernos.
Os dejo un ejemplo de lo que yo quiero que se hagan públicos para todos los signos de perturbación.
Sólo los métodos de las tácticas de defensa y las técnicas para defenderse.
En la esperanza de que este mensaje no se pierde, le deseo éxito conmigo, de ganar estos malditos asesinos y "wakaresaseya ".
Muchas gracias
][\/][ATT RED BLOOD, ITALIAN CASE n. 77 on 191
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I ask with humility, patience and
"McMailTeam spirit"
ENG) Please, you can add all of the below methods of defense and translate in all languages for all?
ITA) Per favore, è possibile aggiungere qui di seguito tutti i metodi di difesa e tradurre in tutte le lingue per tutti?
SWE) Snälla, kan du lägga till alla nedan metoder för försvar och översätta till alla språk för alla?
CHI) 請,您可以添加以下方法所有國防和所有語言的翻譯嗎?
ESP) Por favor, usted puede agregar todos de los siguientes métodos de defensa y traducir en todos los idiomas para todos?
DEU) Bitte, können Sie alle unten Methoden der Verteidigung hinzufügen und übersetzen in alle Sprachen für alle?
- Solution 1: Neodymium Magnets
- Solution 2 : surgeon
- Solution 3 : Jammer (disturbatore di frequenze)
- Solution 5 : (31/03/2011) Grazie a Paolo Dorigo per questo.(File acqua.wma (file acqua/ file water) nel sito italiano da qualche parte)
- Solution 6 : An anti-tinnitus CD is available for free for victims suffering from high-pitched sounds; it has also been found to be therapeutic for other victims as well (requires separately purchased high frequency headphones). Contact David Case at (573) 870-0938 for the CD and details (leave message).
- Solution 7 : .................................................................
Question: "It's possible to demagnetize the microchips?" If you can not remove the microchips with a 'surgical operation, I'ts possible demagnetized and render them useless? How? Only with the Neodymium Magnets?
V2K (Voice to skull)
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Solution 4:.................................................................................
- Solution 5:.................................................................................
- Solution 6:.................................................................................
How to find foreign bodies or microchip
- Solution 1: How to scan and remove implants?
- Solution 2:.................................................................................
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Solution 4:.................................................................................
- Solution 5:.................................................................................
- Solution 6:.................................................................................
Sleep deprivation
- Solution 1: Danke a "Joen" por suggestion Gabbia di Faraday pour dormire. Il concetto è che l'alluminio riesce a schermare, quindi si può utilzzare una retìna (piccola rete) oppure l'alluminio da cucina (io l'ho rivestita per bene con nastro adesivo largo da pacchi, perchè non si rompa), anche i contenitori rigidi della misura più larga che trovi (schiacciati e coperti bene con nastro adesivo per non rompersi o tagliare su bordi e angoli,vanno bene). E' molto importante che non ci siano spazi aperti (giusto il minimo indispensabile per respirare) da cui possono penetrare le radiazioni elettromagnetiche. Non si può usare la gabbia di Faraday, se si soffre di claustrofobia.
- Solution 2: .................................................................................
- Solution 3: .................................................................................
- Solution 4: .................................................................................
- Solution 5: .................................................................................
Sabotaggi ai computers
- Solution 1:screen-shot or videorecording monitor is useful also a videophone. Examples:
Dahna from Boston U.S.A.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing"
China user bbhh
Italy case n°38 - sabotaggi sui computers this video, a my dear friend of Pakistan, phishing has been on two computers. My friend have an internet Cafè and he spoke only Urdu and little italian. My videophone has been very helpful. It is not necessary to use a camera. The computer froze. The only solution was to use the videophone and call the police.Police arrived at 'internet cafe in 10 minutes. The police, perhaps, have traced the PEPR of phisingh.
- Solution 2:.................................................................................
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Tecnico RFID informatico
- Smagnetizzatore di TAG RFID
- UNICAM - Università Ramo informatico RFID
- Protezione da onde radio. Come filtrare le onde radio
- Giubbotto anti onde elettromagnetiche (simile a quello della Protezione Civile)
Danke schòn zu WHITEPARL from Deutschland for THIS !
this copper tube is beside my computer and it is grounded - I feel bette now, I put it very near to my body when they torture me with direct energy.......and than I feel better......but do not touch it ......its full of very bad radiation........
dieses Kupferrohr ist bei meinem Computerarbeitsplatz und es ist geerdet, wenn ich bestrahlt werde, dann platziere ich es sehr nah an meinen Körper heran, dann geht es mir besser, aber nicht berühren, denn es ist voll schlechter Strahlung.......
This is austrian socket, this is my grounding of the copper with a copper cable.........diese ist eine österreichische Steckdose, so habe ich die Erdung des Kupfers mit dem Kupferkabel gemacht.......
go to there are shielding tips.
Danke 1000 David von Deutschland for dieses (25-10-2012)
Click hier,für diese Deusche idee
REPLY 01 APRIL 2011 : THANKS TO MICHAEL from U.S.A. for this book
ENG) It may work.
We have absolutely nothing to lose.
ITA) Esso potrebbe funzionare.
Non abbiamo assolutamente niente da perdere.
Later email of Michael 01-04-2011 to me, my Email for (04/04/2011_ 10.23AM)
ITA) Io scrivo dall'Italia e volevo sapere se c'è una versione in italiano nella mia lingua e se c'è anche in altre lingue. Se i vostri libri funzionano, è possibile tradurli in altre lingue? Italiano, tedesco,spagnolo, cinese,greco russo etc?
Ci sono molti casi in aumento e in Italia,siamo giunti a più di 200 casi. Molti italiani hanno prove radiologiche di microchip nel cervello e in altre parti del corpo.è possibile smagnetizzare i microchip? Qui c'è un link con un topic che ho iniziato.
Oggi, io aggiungerò questa email che ho inviato a voi. Spero che voi riuscirete a approfondire e fare anche dei video o dei DVD, perchè in queste condizioni è impossibile concentrarsi. Io faccio molta fatica a pensare nella mia lingua, a scrivere nella mia lingua e a vivere. In un'altra lingua è ancora più difficile.
ENG) I write from Italy and I wanted to know if there's an Italian version in my language and if there is in other languages. >- book -> If your books, you can translate into other languages? Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian greek etc? There are many cases on the rise and in Italy, we came to more than 200 cases. Many Italians have radiological evidence of microchips in the brain and other parts of the body. it is possible to demagnetize the microchip? Here is a link with a my topic.
Today, I will ADD this email here ,I sent to you. I hope that you will deepen and also videos or DVDs, because under these conditions is impossible to concentrate.
I do find it hard to think of my own language, to write in my language and to live. In another language is even more difficult.
Thanks and bests regards
Comments and suggestions after topic ricreated because "bug carachters" that now I have not. This topic is old.
- Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 5:57pm
- Spectrum analyzer (costly but there are rental services worldwide) (Roger Tolces actually owns some good ones and use them to detect eavesdropping, hidden cam etc).There are companies that rents these high precision measurement equipment based on number of days used :,,,,
- But it could be quite technical to layman like myself. It needs an antenna (horn or omnidirectional, am not sure) and also a frequency generator if the implants are passive implant.
Comment by Soleilmavis on December 11, 2010 at 2:59pm
some shielding information
Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 1:25pm
I had surgery in March 2008 to remove appendix, and had a barium enigma before the surgery in a hospital in another city. Its quite common in veterinary clinic too I believe, and there are mobile unitsfor vets to do field scanning for cattles.
They should be able to reveal the subderma microchip implants.
Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 1:21pm
- Real time x-ray (fluoroscence x-ray or something) - usually for Barium enigma for colon complications since it can reveal moving objects. Vets use it for scanning restless animals since pets can't stay still for usual x-ray. (Hospital denied me this scan with reasons like the machine is down for repair).I stopped trying to get such scan because I can sense that it really put the perps on their nerve everytime.
- I had surgery exactly a year before the gang stalking began in April 2009. I believe they used about 6 months to a year to monitor my livelihood thoroughly, with hidden camera, covert stalking and eavesdropping.
Comment by Annie Svensson 13 hours ago
I also have posted this link here at PP several times, no one seemed to respond to it although... I have also actually been in contact with a victim that purchased it and have tried it and are under the "deprogram". She says she is better and making progress and that for example the induced dreams are not there anymore. It is unfortunately not (not surprisingly) sharable. The Mp3 download is not able to copy somehow. She also told me that the instructions are that you, along with listening to the tapes and instructions, also have to take "sessions" at Ochs Labs, I checked their website, and they have treatments for stress issues, and they do use brainwave equipment. There is also other instructions on what you have to do, exposure to certain things among other things.//Annie Kitos and thank you veri much Annie
I do not know if it works, whatever implanted or not (the victim I have been in contact with doesn´t know if she is or not, as none of really does, even if we suspect it) The sounds I got is available at: to download. I really agree on the fact that if knowing how to set people free from this horror (especially when having the experience from it yourself) shouldn´t be done with the aim of profit on other victims. It could be its a safety thing from the former victim who produced the e-book, I really do not know.
Thanks to Derrick for :
for the CD and details (leave message).