Dear Mrs. Merkel,
I can’t imagine what it feels like to be the most powerful woman in the world according to the Forbes list and according to other assessors of power.
I can tell you that I feel very powerful as I write this letter to you.
I am the target individual and I think my life is in danger at the moment, but I do not give up on delivering this letter to you, posting it on the pages of Peacepink, of which I am a member, and delivering it to several German media together with an open letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, sent to Sputnik and published on the pages of that portal, which is fighting to stop this horrible persecution of people.
In Serbia, you have a great reputation and the President of the State especially praises your friendship.
Personally, I have always liked you with your decent style and peace and self-confidence. I am one of those who does not criticize your attitude towards emigrants. I was in Corfu when your campaign was broadcast on the programs there in the late summer of 2018 and I was impressed.
I was a fan of yours because of your words last year in Auschwitz. I read the article in DW.
At Auschwitz, Angela Merkel expresses shame over barbaric crimes
"To stand here and speak to you today as Germany's chancellor is anything but easy for me. I feel a deep sense of shame," she said. Confronted with such "barbaric crimes" can leave a person without words, Merkel said. "But speechlessness cannot be our only answer. We must remember these crimes."
I want to tell you that neither you, as the representative of the people who created Auschwitz, nor President Putin, also one of the most powerful people in the world, the representative of the people who liberated Auschwitz, have successfully passed the history test, turning a blind eye to digital concentration camps around the world in its form and power more terrible.
I wouldn’t want you to misunderstand me. Bertolt Brecht was my consolation during the 1990s when I thought my country was on the sidelines. For me, the consolation in these days of internal emigration are all the films that talk about that dark period and the history of Germany, but also about the existence of those who were against it. I’m looking again and I remember: Shchindler’s list, Labyrinth of Lies, Prague Duet, A Hidden Life, The Tobacconist, The Boy in the Stripped Pijamas, The Reader, The Pianist, Life is Beautiful, Sunshine, Downfall...
Above all, I appreciate German courageous confrontation with the past!
And finally a very personal reason why I am addressing you. Those who have criminal responsibility in the chain of responsibility, very similar to the one Hannah Arendt wrote about and in the fact that my brave son is no longer with us, told me these words:”Don’t worry, this is a project funded by Angela Merkel and some Rothschild”! To be honest, those words didn’t fool me! I know that you are not the mastermind of our persecution. But I know that you know many things about my country that some interests do not allow you to react to properly. They were a mockery to me who believes in European, American and democratic values. I am not naïve, I know the difference! When something is revealed and proven – it’s over in yours countries! Institutions do their thing. I do not live in such a country!
As for the terrible torture of people and for the idea of enslaving man, I am an optimist! In history, good has always won over evil!
Thank you