Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

I accuse

I have a great need to inform the Russians as a people who liberated Auschwitz and at the same time felt the shame that belongs to the same human species, what it looks like to have a programmed dream, perfectly convincing in my school example of a digital Auschwitz, a dream of suffocation with poisonous gas in a gas chamber! The dream was programmed for me by Serbs, pro-Russian oriented because of my support for the most massive student demonstration in the…

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Freedom for Julian Assange

In my Belgrade, too, journalists organized protests in support of our Julian Assange, a targeted individual, as we think and know about him. They also carried pictures and banners! Although they know that he is a whistleblower, they think that journalism as a profession would be irretrievably endangered and they accepted him as a colleague who above all fights for freedom of speech and thought and in this way is in the service of defending national…

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Remembrance of the Holocaust

The world marked the day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust on January 27. Savindan is a holiday of the Serbian Orthodox Church that is celebrated on the same day and was introduced to Serbian schools as a school holiday. That is why the President of Serbia decided that in Serbia that day, the day of commemoration of the Holocaust, will be marked a day later, but he still emphasized on that date that we must fight so that such a thing never…

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Stop the insidious network of psychotronic terrorism pressures on the citizens of Serbia, especially intensified during the election campaign, which is the only hope to remove the government that once again glorifies all war criminals from the 1990s. This method of intimidation is a decades–long practice in Serbia and is an order from the very top of the government. The branched network of abusers-perpetrators consists, first of all, of war volunteers,…

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Tito de Alencar Lima - one of us


Many of us are on the pages of our Peacepink portal because we are strengthened by the words of “God Bans Mind Control”, whether we are believers who go to their churches or not or those  who carry their God within them!

An important question for all of us is how our Churches are announced and posed when we, the targeted individuals, are in question! For us, members of the Christian religion, the question whether our…

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"A man"


If any of us had just read Oriana Falaci’s “A man”, a biography of Alexandros Panaogoulis, a Greek hero of the Resistance Movement during the fascist military dictatorship in Greece, he would have been appalled by the gruesome torture of this Greek anti-tyranny fighter. He would be appalled by these torturers in prisons and the imaginativeness of his executioners and the hatred that accompanied it. Each of us might think that we could discuss the similarities and differences…

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Activity Feed

Gordana Filipovic posted a status
From my unfree country - fifth time
"Happy International Women's Day to all women targeted individuals!
Posted by Gordana Filipovic on March 9, 2021 at 2:26am
"Today, on this day that had certain importance in history, I ask all men, boys, young…
Mar 8
Gordana Filipovic posted a blog post
I have a great need to inform the Russians as a people who liberated Auschwitz and at the same time felt the shame that belongs to the same human species, what it looks like to have a programmed dream, perfectly convincing in my school example of a…
Dec 18, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
I accuse
I have a great need to inform the Russians as a people who liberated Auschwitz and at the same time felt the shame that belongs to the same human species, what it looks like to have a programmed dream, perfectly convincing in my school…
Dec 18, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
Are any of you targeted individuals, at the same time, victims of trafficking kidnapping in digital, persecuted for political reasons and in favor of pilates washing the hands of the top of the pyramid of power? Do any of you have multiple owners,…
Sep 27, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
And something else!

Do THEY announce you when you are walking down the street or in public transport and it seems that you yourself are thinking the most passionate things and lies about yourself and your loved ones and those false thoughts of…
Sep 21, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
It may be useful to someone!

Are you familiar with this form of persecution when you think that people on the street you pass are throwing all kinds of insult at you, but they are actually just relays, that's all the abuser from the armchair!
Sep 21, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a photo
Sep 15, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
Hi Stephen,
Great to know you're still alive! I am too! I even managed to to Valletta this summer and take a picture in front of the monument to the murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galicia,whose son, also a journalist, said at a two-day…
Sep 15, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
Maybe the planet is counting its last days because off the quantum of evil that is being done to all of us!
Is it really too late to definitively register the heavy echoes of our accusations?
Jul 30, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
Dear CM, I read that there were days in your life when you prayed on your knees for an end to your suffering! I just wanted to recommend that you use the curse along with the prayer!
I know the perpetrators of my hell and the suffering and death…
Jul 30, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
From crime and tragedy - to farce and comedy!
Do we, members of Peaccepink, forget as quickly as people in my country have a short memory for all events related to the last four decades. Julian Assange, just like us, expected justice from the help…
Jun 26, 2024
Gordana Filipovic posted a status
"In dictatorial regimes, gang stalking can lead to a ' kind of genocide' against one's own people."
For me, the result of the vote by which the UN will declare the International Day of Remembrance related to July 11 and the genocide in Srebrenica…
Apr 17, 2024







May 8

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  • Dear Elizabeth,
    Thank you very much for supporting me!
    These efforts of ours to shake up and make the world aware are truly incredible examples of our persistence and courage that even we ourselves may not be aware of and I am not ashamed to say that they will be part of history. We both know, like many of us,
    that they have everything and we have nothing!
    I don't know if you know, but of all of us, of all the targeted individuals, unfortunately, I have the best chance to succeed, for several reasons, and above all because my goal is to bring the persecutors, abusers and murderers of my son to justice!
    The second reason is that, apart from the psychotronic terrorism that my family and I were subjected to, we were exposed to the public without our permission, turned into a medium, and my always most human determinations created a special target for all kinds of persecution along with creepy and incredible propaganda tricks, lies and mind control! There are many of all documented testimonies about our stolen life where we were destined to be slaves were free in an environment where the majority around us were free and were slaves!
    In my country, something is happening in terms of awareness and positive developments, and we will see the development of events.
    I must admit that I have the support of the administrators of many portals who publish my comments, related to our painful experiences and efforts! I have to tell you that there is one more piece of information in my biography, and that is my brutal rape from May 1997, carried out by breaking into the apartment in the presence of my children, who were drugged and also abused me with an injection for rape. It was a state punishment carried out by 6 members of the supporters protected by Milosevic. I learned this from my current abusers and it completely coincides with everything that was kept secret. I still don't know who they are, but I know that they are not unknown names to the local public! That makes my life especially endangered!
    Forgive me for sharing my pain with you and for sending you a memorial on the occasion o the past 4 years since his death. It says “You had everything but freedom. You thought that freedom is worth giving your life".
    I wish you the best! Take care!
  • Hi Elisabeth! Thank you for your understanding. How are you? How do you fight your abusers?
    Yes, you are right. Every day I find it harder to think what kind of hell my son went through because of opposing this villain who rules the lives of his own citizens! The dictator won the elections and that is good for me because I know that he is still behind everything as the supreme commander of the police, army and the security pillar, which I informed everyone in detail about our persecutions! My abusers are definitely unprocessed war criminals who dictator all embraced as a Praetorian Guard. I don''t want to burden you but this morning I heard a hoarse perverted voice waking up - "We buried you alive!" I can imagine in their biographies what satanic acts of slaughter and killing there are! I endure, however, with the great desire that as many people as possible find out which nurtured sick monsters have reigned in the country that is in the heart o Europe!
    Thank you for appearing, who knows so well the madness o the 1990s from this area and the Goebbels experiences of Milosevic's Minister of Information!
    Best wishes
  • Hi. It was good to see your recent post & I've been thinking of you. I'm so sorry about your son & you sound like you're struggling right now. I just wanted to send you a big hug & I'm sending lots of them.
    Love & Peace
  • Hello again. So good to know that you found venues to communicate through as it helps everyone. Al Jazeera featured an interview with Christian Schmidt on Bosnia Herzegovina (posted December 25th) & I'm including this link which I first posted on Peacepink's main activity page but needn't have. If the link fails, the interview's on 'Talk to Al Jazeera'.
    Love & Peace
    Snow's falling at the moment - so beautiful - early memories of wonder.
    - YouTube
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  • I'm just checking in to say hello & let you know I've been thinking of you. I hope you are taking care.
    Good to know that Serbian protesters have secured a victory against the mining companies - yes! Are the global problems with supply & demand (greed vs. need) affecting your ability to access food & provide for your basic needs? Belarus' Lukashenko stated he speaks daily with Putin about the Balkans & the situation in Ukraine's most disturbing.
    I do not want to be intrusive so please do not feel compelled to respond with anything that gives you discomfort.
    Bye for now.
    Love & Peace (make love not war)
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