" b="">

" b="miércoles, marzo 17, 2010"">Wednesday, March 17, 2010
 " b="Computadora ya puede detectar cual de entre varias memorias estás recordando">Computer and which can be detected from a number of reports you are remembering

" b=""">
" b="El año pasado les hablé de un experimento que permitió por primera vez deducir de manera rudimentaria en qué lugar entre varios habías estado recientemente dentro de un entorno virtual, con solo escanear tu cerebro."">Last year I spoke of an experiment that allowed for the first time in a rudimentary way infer where in you had been among several recently in a virtual environment, just by scanning your brain.
As a group of scientists from University College London, building on this work last year, now they have done an experiment where they can deduct, just study your brain through an fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Scanner), a group which " b="de memorias en algún determinado tu estás pensando."">memory in any particular you're thinking.
" b="El experimento confirma una sospecha que por al menos un siglo se ha tenido sobre el cerebro humano: Las mismas memorias entre distintas personas, se almacenan de manera similar en el cerebro, y por tanto deben generar los mismos patrones."">The experiment confirms a suspicion that at least a century has had on the human brain: The same memories among different people, similarly stored in the brain, and therefore should generate the same patterns.
That is, unlike other previous experiments in which these were very specific to a particular person, is the great step taken was to remove power from the mind of any person, remember that these individuals not only of the person " b=", sino que además del recuerdo mismo."">but also the memory itself.
Specifically, the experiment consisted of taking a group of 10 people and make them see 3 different videos. " b="Los 3 videos fueron visto 15 veces por cada persona (para reforzar las memorias y hacer el experimento mas fácil en estas etapas experimentales)."">The 3 videos were viewed 15 times per person (to reinforce the memories and make the experiment easier in these experimental stages).
During this period of "recording memories," participants were told them which of the 3 videos should remember at all times (which was repeated with all the videos). " b="En ese momentos el cerebro de los participantes (quienes recuerden, están dentro del fMRI) se leía, y se grababan los patrones generados por la decisión tomada."">At that time the brains of participants (those who remember, are within the fMRI) was read, and recorded the patterns generated by the decision.
" b="En otra sesión posterior (y esta es la parte interesante del experimento), se colocaban los voluntarios una vez mas dentro del fRMI, y se les pedía que recordaran uno de los tres videos que habían visto anteriormente."">In another session later (and this is the interesting part of the experiment), the volunteers were placed once again in the fMRI and were asked to recall one of the three videos they had seen previously.
In this instant game then enters the algorithm reads the minds of these people, and based on previous patterns recognized guessed in which people were thinking, and to confirm, participants pressed a button one more time 1 to " b="3 para revelar lo que habían visto, y los resultados se comparaban."">3 to reveal what they had seen, and the results are compared.
" b="El sorprendente resultado fue que en todos los casos los científicos pudieron predecir certeramente en cual de los 3 videos las personas estaban pensando en determinado momento."">The surprising result was that in all cases were able to predict accurately scientists which of the 3 videos people were thinking at the time.
One interesting thing mentioned in the article is that it was known before that there are short-term memories in the hippocampus (which was the area scanned), but later these memories are transferred to long-term memory in the frontal cortex " b=", por lo que se alude a futuros experimentos que lidien con estos casos."">therefore refers to future experiments that deal with these cases.
" b="Finalmente, algo muy importante que mencionan en el artículo es que muchos medios han extrapolado esta noticia y declarado que los científicos ya pueden leer las mentes de las personas, cosa que no es cierto."">Finally, something very important to mention in the article is that many media have extrapolated this news and said that scientists can now read the minds of the people, which is not true.
These are just the first steps to detect patterns that are very limited, and with today's technology we are made for the moment impossible to deduce any thoughts of people, however, the fact that we can take these steps tells us much of what we can expect in the future, and why I have written articles like this where I submit that in the future a new generation of hackers will develop technology to decode not only our minds, but pass control them and even give us the illusion that we do things " b="que quieren que hagamos de manera voluntariosa."">want us to do so willful.
" b="Fuente de la noticia">Source of news

" b="Previamente en eliax:"">Earlier eliax:
" b="Computadora que ve lo que el cerebro ve (jun 27, 2005)"">Computer to see what the brain sees (Jun 27, 2005)
" b="Por primera vez, simulan parte del cerebro humano, en tiempo real (jun 17, 2008)"">For the first time, simulating part of the human brain in real time (Jun 17, 2008)
" b="Servicio de Inteligencia EEUU: El cerebro la próxima frontera bélica (ago 21, 2008)"">U.S. Intelligence Service: The brain the next frontier war (Aug 21, 2008)
" b="Científicos decodifican imágenes directamente del pensamiento (dic 11, 2008)"">Scientists decode images directly from thought (Dec 11, 2008)
" b="Científicos logran leer pensamientos de preferencias en el cerebro (feb 12, 2009)"">Scientists can read thoughts of preferences in the brain (Feb 12, 2009)
" b="Predicen localización en entornos virtuales escaneando cerebro (mar 15, 2009)"">Location in virtual environments predict brain scanning (Mar 15, 2009)
" b="Identifican parte del cerebro donde elegimos entre varias opciones (mar 30, 2009)"">Part of the brain identify where we choose between several options (Mar 30, 2009)
" b="Descubren área del cerebro que regula el auto-control (may 15, 2009)"">Discover brain area that regulates self-control (may 15, 2009)
" b="Google crea algoritmo que predice renuncia de empleados (may 22, 2009)"">Google creates algorithm that predicts resignation of employees (may 22, 2009)
" b="Nuevo dispositivo para leer mensajes del cerebro desde su superficie (jun 18, 2009)"">New device to read messages from the brain from the surface (Jun 18, 2009)
" b="Sobre el futuro de la comunicación humana (sep 6, 2009)"">On the future of human communication (Sep 6, 2009)
Study: Videos can create false memories false. " b="Opinión (sep 18, 2009)"">Review (Sep 18, 2009)
" b="Editorial eliax: Hackers pronto empezarán a controlar la mente humana (sep 25, 2009)"">Eliax Editorial: Hackers will soon begin to control the human mind (Sep 25, 2009)
" b="Dispositivo que se conecta a tu cerebro y averigua lo que haz visto (sep 28, 2009)"">A device that connects to your brain and see what you've seen (Sep 28, 2009)
They manage to hold false memories in the brain, with a laser. " b="Opinión (oct 18, 2009)"">Review (Oct 18, 2009)
" b="Logran controlar cerebro con genes que responden a un láser (nov 4, 2009)"">Fail to control brain genes that respond to a laser (Nov 4, 2009)
" b="Intel anuncia que tendrá chips controlados por la mente para el 2020 (nov 23, 2009)"">Intel announced that it will chip controlled by the mind for 2020 (November 23, 2009)
" b="Reflexiones 15: Un asistente personal artificial… (dic 9, 2009)"">Reflections 15: An artificial personal assistant ... (Dec 9, 2009)
" b="Gran hito: Máquina traduce pensamientos a habla en tiempo real (dic 30, 2009)"">Milestone: Machine translates thoughts into speech in real time (Dec 30, 2009)
" b="Posteriormente en eliax:"">Later in eliax:
" b="Alarmante: Fotocopiadoras almacenan todo lo que copias a discos duros (abr 22, 2010)"">Alarming: photocopying copies stored all that hard drives (Apr 22, 2010)
" b="Neuromancer por fin podría ser adaptada al cine (may 27, 2010)"">Neuromancer finally could be adapted for the screen (may 27, 2010)
" b="Crean primera fusión experimental entre transistores y células biológicas (jun 5, 2010)"">Created the first experimental fusion between transistors and biological cells (Jun 5, 2010)
" b="La supercomputadora Watson de Inteligencia Artificial de IBM empieza a ganarle a humanos (jun 18, 2010)"">The AI supercomputer Watson begins to beat IBM to humans (Jun 18, 2010)
Lie detector works by analyzing the eyes, on the way (Jul 19, 2010)

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