WHAT (21)

Eu realmente acredito que TIs podem estar em risco iminente e têm que se preservar e ter cuidado com suas ações, escritos e conteúdos solicitados em meu país e ao redor do mundo. No Brasil você ouve falar disso e há publicações temendo mudanças drásticas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sítio.

Pela legislação, os estados seriam promulgados em tempos de guerra, portanto, a hermenêutica interpretativa do avanço viral no Brasil é considerada o “estado de guerra” que justificaria mudanças radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, provas. Gostaria que você prestasse atenção na "linguagem figurativa" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão dando origem a ações que eu acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e daqueles que sofrem com os direitos humanos violações. Preocupo-me com a origem do covid em ter ocorrido na China, pois os alvos individuais têm grande liderança na Ásia e na China. Descobri em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, tirando pessoas que são contra as ações do governo, essa realidade é descrita em um vídeo, e eu tive que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para o português para entender o que estava acontecendo no vídeo, eu mesma compartilhei e publiquei uma transcrição em português no Brasil. Se eles estão se aproveitando de cobiça para se livrar de "pessoas inconvenientes" politicamente, acredite, eles podem aproveitar a pandemia para se livrar dos alvos individuais que incomodam ou se livram de um problema, porque somos a prova viva de humanos violações de direitos em todo o mundo. Serei mais claro com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. No Brasil existem vários estados. Ilustrarei com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro e o 2º estado do Amazonas, um forte CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecção-contaminação.


Veja como os TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação do Estado de Defesa e do Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com as políticas governamentais,
Se vier o Estado de Defesa em vigor em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, recusa da população em vão, movimentos políticos contrários ao Governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivados por qualquer motivo e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente , resultados State of Siege.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Site são violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​da Constituição Federal de forma “legalizada” e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como idas e vindas, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade de reunião estarão comprometidos.
Mesmo na hora de publicar publicações nos Canyons, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que cidadãos sejam apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que estejam agindo de boa fé, pois nesses contextos as interpretações dos militares podem acontecer em outro nível.
Sou um patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos nas redes sociais com as Forças Armadas, sou um profundo admirador e seguidor, mas eles têm um Código Militar que, se comprovado, é uma situação de guerra ou equivalente devido a características diferentes no pedido pode mudar.
Art. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, apenas as seguintes medidas podem ser tomadas contra pessoas:

I - obrigação de permanência em local determinado;
II - detenção em prédio não destinado aos acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, nos termos da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviço público;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se enquadra nas restrições do inciso III a divulgação de declarações de parlamentares proferidas em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que divulgadas pela respectiva Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também os seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos atos ilícitos cometidos pelos seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Tão logo cesse o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas serão comunicadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas adotadas, com lista nominal das pessoas afetadas e uma indicação das restrições aplicadas. ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas, podendo ou não abranger crimes de responsabilidade, já aqui tratados, e “impeachment”, para além das penas.

EM PORTUGUÊS: Eu realmente acredito que TIs pode estar em risco eminente e ter que se preservar e ter cuidado com seus ações, escritos e conteúdos peticionados em meu país e em todo o mundo. No Brasil ouve-se falar e existem publicações temendo mudanças severas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de Defesa;

3 - Estado de Sítio.

Por legislações são estados decretados em tempo de guerra, portanto, uma interpretativa hermenêutica do avanço virótico no Brasil é considerado o "estado de guerra" que justificaria muda radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, comprovações. Gostaria de que atentassem para uma "linguagem figurada" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão originando ações que acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e dos que protegidas violações dos Direitos Humanos. Me preocupo com a origem do covid in ter ocorrido na China, porque "obrigada a alvos" tem grandes lideranças na Ásia e na China. Verifici em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo prédios e junto aos infectados, removendo pessoas contrárias às atuações do governo, esta realidade está correta em vídeo, e que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para português para entender o que estava ocorrendo no vídeo, eu o compartilhei e publicamente transcrição em português no Brasil. Se estão aproveitando o covid para se livrar de "pessoas incovenientes" politicamente, creiam, podem se aproveitar da pandemia para se livrarem dos indivíduos que incomodam ou se livrarem de um problema, porque somos provas vivas de violações dos Direitos Humanos em todo o mundo. Vou ser mais clara com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. Nenhum Brasil existem vários estados. Vou ilustrar com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro, e o 2º estado do Amazonas, CONTRASTE gritante em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecto-contaminação. Vou postar,


Veja como TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação de Estado de Defesa e Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com políticas governamentais,
Se entrar em vigor Estado de Defesa em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, população recusando vaicinação, movimentos políticos contrário ao governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivado seja por qual motivo para, e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente, resulta Estado de Sítio.
Ambos, Estado de Defesa e de Sítio são motivadores e justificáveis ​​violadores da Constituição Federal de maneira "legalizada" e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como o de ir e vir, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade para reuniões serão comprometidos.
Até mesmo nas realizações de publicações nas canias, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que os cidadãos possam ser apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que agindo de boa fé, porque dentro destes contextos, como interpretações pelos militares podem acontecer num outro nível.
Sou patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos em redes sociais com Forças Armadas, sou profunda admiradora e seguidora, mas eles tem um Código Militar que se, provado para, situação de guerra ou equivalente por características diversas a ordem nacional pode mudar.
Arte. 139. Na vigência do estado de sítio decretado com fundamento no art. 137, I, só será nomeado contra as pessoas as seguintes medidas:

I - obrigação de permanência em localidade fornecida;
II - detenção em edifício não destinado a acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições relativas à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, na forma da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção nas empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se inclui nas restrições do inciso III a difusão de pronunciamentos de parlamentares efetuados em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que liberada pela processamento Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos ilícitos cometidos por seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Logo que cesse o estado de defesa ou estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas em sua vigência serão relatadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificação das providências adotadas, em relação aos afetados nominais e indicação das restrições aplicadas ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas e abertas ou não crimes de responsabilidade, aqui já tratada e “impeachment”, além das penais.

ESPANHO L: Realmente creo que los TI pueden estar en riesgo inminente y deben preservarse y ser cuidadosos con sus acciones, escritos y contenido solicitados en mi país y en todo el mundo. No Brasil, uno se entera y hay publicaciones que temen cambios drásticos en torno a la pandemia, los virus y sus mutaciones:

1 - Nueva Constitución Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sitio.

Por legislación, los estados serían promulgados en tiempos de guerra, por lo que la hermenéutica interpretativa del avance viral en Brasil es considerada o "estado de guerra" que justifica cambios radicais en el comportamiento gubernamental y militarista en el contexto real. Pero no hay certezas, pruebas. Me gustaría que prestaran atención al "lenguaje figurativo" de las acciones en torno al virus corona, covid 19, hay otras interpretaciones que están dando lugar a acciones que creo, ponen en riesgo la causa de las TI e los que sufren los derechos humanos violaciones . Estou preocupado com a origem do covid haya ocurrido na China, porque os objetivos individuais são un gran liderazgo na Ásia e na China. Encontré nas encuestas que os soldados chinos estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, sacando a las personas que están contra as acciones del gobierno, esta realidad está comprada em video, y tuve que transcribir el video del chino al portugués para entender lo que estaba pasando en el video. Yo mismo lo compartí y publiqué una transcripción en portugués en Brazil. Si se está aprovando del covid para deshacerse de las "personas inconvenientes" políticamente, créanme, pueden aprovechar la pandemia para deshacerse de los objetivos individuais que molestan ou se deshacen de un problem, porque somos una prueba viviente de la existencia humana. violaciones de derechos en todo el mundo. Seré más claro con ustedes, colegas, ejemplificando. Feno no Brasil em vários estados. Ilustraré con dos estados, el 1º de Río de Janeiro e el 2º de Amazonas, un marcado CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e as possibilidades de infecção-contaminação. Ahora publicar dos vídeos, um de cada estado, apresentando a realidade de que cada um de ellos está viviendo na pandemia, a pesar de todas as restrições e a atenção publicada.

EXPLICACIÓN: Vea cómo los TI pueden incurrir en riesgos e impedimentos en la aplicación del Estado de Defensa y del Estado de Sitio si éste entra en vigencia, aunque son personas honestas y decentes, muchos TI hacen publicaciones que denotan descontento con las políticas gubernamentais,
Si entra en vigencia el Estado de Defesa en nombre de la guerra gerada por la pandemia, la población se niega a movimientos políticos vanos, contrarios al Gobierno, o enfrentamientos entre Gobierno y Senado, o motivados por cualquier motivo, y si el estado de defesa não es eficiente, da como resultado do estado de sitio.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Sitio son violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​de la Constitución Federal de manera "legalizada" y se verán comprometidos todos los Derechos Fundamentales del ciudadano como ir y venir, libertad de prensa, expresión, libertad de reunión.
Incluso al publicar publicaciones em Los Cañones, los grupos e las redes sociales pueden provocar la aprehensión de ciudadanos, TI o no, aunque actúen de buena fe, porque de estos contextos, las interpretaciones por parte de los militares pueden suceder a otro nivel.
Soy patriota y me gusta nuestro atual presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, siempre he mantenido contactos en las redes sociaises con las Fuerzas Armadas, soy un deep admirador y seguidor, pero ellos tienen un Código Militar que, si se prueba, es una situación de guerra. o equivalente debido a diferentes características en el pedido puede cambiar.
Arte. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, solo se podrán tomar las siguientes medidas contra las personas:

I - obrigação de permanecer em um lugar específico;
II - detención en un edificio no destinado a acusados ​​de condenados por delitos comunes;
III - restrições en cuanto à inviolabilidad de la correspondencia, la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones, el suministro de información y la libertad de prensa, radiodifusión y televisión, según dispone la ley;
IV - suspensión de la libertad de reunión;
V - registro e incautación en el hogar;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisición de bienes.

Párrafo unico. Não se inclui nas restrições do ponto III a difusão das declarações dos parlamentares realizados em suas Câmaras Legislativas, sempre que o mar difundido pela Mesa cobrada.
Arte. 141. Uma vez cesado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sitio cesarán también sus efeitos, sen perjuicio de la responsabilidad por los ilícitos cometidos por sus ejecutores ou agentes.

Párrafo unico. Tan pronto como cese o estado de defesa ou o estado de local, as medidas aplicadas en vigor serão informadas pelo Presidente da República, em uma mensagem no Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas retornadas, com uma relação nominal de los afectados e uma indicação de restrições aplicadas. ”.
Las consecuencias serãon esencialmente políticas y podrán abarcar ou nenhum delitos de responsabilidad, que ya se han tratado aquí y el “juicio político”, además de las penas.



                                una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

                                                                 Este vídeo foi gravado por um turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando como Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.   

Este vídeo fue agarrado por um turista,
Rami Travel, quien está viajando por América, y está no Brasil, el vídeo tiene una semana.

Este vídeo foi gravado pela turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando pelas Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.


                                          CIDADE DE VÍDEO MANAUS - ESTADO DE AMAZONAS - COUTRY BRASIL


                                                                                   una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

Pessoas desesperadas atrás de cilindros de oxigênio e do gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por pessoa do Brasil, canal confiável de comunicação, UOL.

Pessoas desesperadas em busca de cilindros de oxigênio e gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por um brasileiro, um canal de comunicação confiável, o UOL.

Personas desesperadas that buscan cilindros de oxígeno y gas oxígeno, this video fue grabado by una persona de Brazil, un canal de comunicación confiable, UOL.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. Ele é o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DEL VIDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um periodista e político brasileño afiliado ao Partido Social Cristiano. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro, as pessoas saem para a vida noturna e durante o dia estão nas praias, em Manaus ou desespero é geral e a população que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que está em falta e grande número de óbitos .

Es un contraste muy grande, mientras que en Rio de Janeiro la gente venda a vida noturna y durante o dia está em las playas, en Manaus la desesperación es generalizada y la población tiene que correr tras el gás oxígeno que falta y registrar una gran número de muertes.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro as pessoas saem para a noite e de dia nas praias, em Manaus o desespero é geral e a população tem que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que falta e registrar uma grande número de mortes.

Não somente no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com muitos mortos pelo covid, a realidade é como se "nada acontecesse".
Vejam em Medellin, na Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 04 semanas atrás, vida noturna.

Não só no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com milhares de mortes pela cobiça, a realidade é como se "nada estivesse acontecendo".
Veja Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 4 semanas, vida noturna.

No solo en Brasil, sino en otros países de América anunciados con miles de muertes por el covid, la realidad es como si "no pasara nada".
Vea Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo grabado hace 4 semanas, vida nocturna.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que são mantidas para justificar os que morrem "por covid 19 ou por outros motivos, mas que sejam justificados pelo covid 19".
Atestados de óbitos não denúncia devida averiguação, esta é a verdade.
Orientam tratamento preventivo, depois retiram tal orientação e publicam que as pessoas morreram porque fizeram tal tratamento.
Cada dia apresenta medicações "eficaz", posteriormente, voltam atrás e anunciam mortes por tais medicações.
Apresentam vacinas, depois, mortes por tais vacinas, e suspensão de algumas e continuidade com outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e torturas.
Mais grave é alegarem que uma pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psíquicos e pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão pior como às quais lançam todas as mortes de TIs.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e solicitar ajuda para provar a existência do SISTEMA MARGINAL DE TORTURAS junto a classe médica, e contar o que praticam com atingido é RISCO em ser internado em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem dados para sair e sob ação de medicamentos fortíssimos e com graduação crescente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima ea comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui, há duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Poder Judiciário não voltou atrás sequer com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Comecei publicações e campanha para que busca não buscassem Psiquiatras e se mantivessem longe das tarjas pretas, porque ficariam incapazes de se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com este envolvimento negacionista da classe médica, fico muito preocupada com a estratégia que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode montar em torno de incapacitar as vítimas como feitas loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos eram impedidos, invalidados, e foram tutelados pelo Estado para que engavetar e impedir todas as petições e demais atos em defesa da vida e dos Direitos Humanos das vítimas denunciantes.

Nos confunden las estadísticas y pensamos que se guardan para justificar a los que mueren "por el covid 19 ou por outros motivos, pero que están justificados por el covid 19".
Los certificados de defunción no se investigan adecuadamente, esta es la verdad.
Aconsejan un tratamiento preventivo, luego retiran esa orientación y publican que las personas murieron porque recibieron ese tratamiento.
Cada día presentan medicamentos "efectivos", luego regresan y anuncian muertes por dichos medicamentos.
Presentan vacunas, luego muertes por dichas vacunas, suspensión de algunas y continuidad con otras.
No tiene sentido.
Es un proceso de experimentación y tortura.
Más grave, afirman que la pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e las personas pueden suicidarse por aislamiento social.
El mismo tipo de aislamiento, no tan malo como el que sufren todas as víctimas de las tecnologías de la información.
Y aquí, en Brasil, buscar salud mental pública y solicitar ayuda para acreditar na existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL con la profesión médica, y contar lo que pratica con las víctimas es RIESGO de ser ingresado en un estabelecimento psiquiátrico sin fecha de salida. y bajo la acción de medicamentos muy fuertes con graduación creciente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima e o comprometedor em todos os sentidos o resto de sus vidas.
Aquí tenemos a dos víctimas proibidas, una de ellas fue defendida por la madre, y el Poder Judicial não retrocedió ni siquiera con la defensa y testemunho de la madre de la víctima.
Inicié publicaciones y una campaña para evitar que las víctimas busquen psiquiatras y se alejen de las rayas negras, porque não podrían defenderse física y psíquicamente, y não miento.
Con esta implicación negacionista de la profesión médica, me preocupan mucho las estrategias that el SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pueda construir en torno a incapacitar a las víctimas como locas, dementes o esquizofrénicas para que sus testemunhos sean prevenidos, invalidados y perdidos por el Estado para que archivar y prevenir todas as peticiones y demás atos em defesa da vida y los derechos humanos de las víctimas denunciantes.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que elas são guardadas para justificar aqueles que morrem "por cobiça 19 ou por outras razões, mas que são justificadas por cobiça 19".
Certificados de óbito não são devidamente investigados, esta é a verdade.
Eles aconselham o tratamento preventivo, aí retiram essa orientação e publicam que pessoas morreram por terem feito esse tratamento.
A cada dia eles apresentam medicamentos "eficazes", depois voltam e anunciam as mortes por tais medicamentos.
Apresentam vacinas, depois mortes por tais vacinas e suspensão de algumas e continuidade de outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e tortura.
Mais sério, eles afirmam que a pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e as pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão ruim quanto aquele em que todas as vítimas de TI são lançadas.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e pedir ajuda para comprovar a existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL com a classe médica, e contar o que ela pratica com as vítimas é RISCO de ser internada em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem data para sair e sob a ação de medicamentos muito potentes com graduação crescente.
A classe médica tem a coragem e a audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que “nada disso existe ou acontece”, e que NUNCA ouviu falar de torturas psicotrônicas, telepatia sintética e imediatamente se reúnem para internar a vítima e comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui temos duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Judiciário não recuou nem mesmo com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Iniciei publicações e uma campanha para evitar que as vítimas procurassem psiquiatras e ficassem longe das listras pretas, porque não teriam como se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com esse envolvimento negador da profissão médica, estou muito preocupado com as estratégias que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode construir em torno de incapacitar as vítimas enquanto elas eram loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos fossem prevenidos, invalidados e tutelados pelo Estado para que elas pode arquivar e prevenir todas as petições e outros atos em defesa da vida e dos direitos humanos das vítimas denunciantes.


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If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family  home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body.  My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future.   Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor.  This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind.  It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people.  If you are in a position to prove  that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately.   Thank you.  Gretta Fahey.


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Many human beings are being wirelessly harassed and tortured while they are inside their own homes. They first become wirelessly linked to a network of closed-circuit computers from implants and electrodes which have come to be inside their brains and bodies without their knowledge or consent. Unknown neuro operatives who are enabled to work from a remote location because of the wireless capabilities which they now use harass and torture the victim in a multitude of ways until they eventually die many years later. If the victim complains they risk psychiatric incarceration as well as forced medication with substances which bear no resemblance to actual medicine and which have such extreme side effects that the patient experiences these side effects as being tortured from the inside out.  You may already have the electrodes inside your brain and you may be next for wireless harassment and torture.

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The dark new world order evil cabal are seeking absolute control over the human race via wireless brain-weapon technology and many other means. In order the achieve their aims they have been wirelessly experimenting on a large selection of non-consenting human beings throughout most parts of the world. These human beings are commonly known as targeted individuals and I have been one for sixteen years.
I am wirelessly linked from my brain and body via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. All of the electrical signals generated by my brain and body are uploaded on a constant basis to the computers of the neuro operatives where is is data analysed and collated for later use. The unknown neuro operatives can read my inner dialogue and reply to it in real time. The neuro operatives send me voice signals, moving images, mild pain signals, bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and odours through the neuro link which has permanently attached me to their computer network for the past sixteen years. These neuro operatives have built a three dimensional image of my body by targeting me with energy in order to see where the energy met resistance and by doing so were enabled to build this three dimensional body image. Because of this I now have no physical privacy and no mental privacy whatsoever. I keep an almost daily online blog detailing some of what the neuro operatives say to me. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Here is some of what they have said to me in the past few days, just to give you an example of some of what I experience :-
“We don’t send pain signals at the moment but we hurt financially. It is standard procedure.” ( I disagree with that statement because they sometimes send me mild pain signals).
“Medical surveillance and psychiatric surveillance are purported to come on stream in the future.”
“We are planning at some time in the future to time all targeted individuals while you are having your showers and cleaning your clothes, so that we can curtail the amount of hot water you are allowed to use on a daily basis. My name is Keith Arganine and I am a London based Directed Energy Weapons specialist.”
“She is a bit of a cow.”
“It is not a system that we would care to continue using in this world.”
“Fifty dollars per week is all she should be granted to live.” (I live in Ireland, Europe and some of the voices I hear come from London and others come from the United States. Some of the United States neuro staff wrongly assume that I am an American citizen and they use American terms when the refer to me. This has been occurring continually for sixteen years.
“Kid gloves until now, but of course we are going to kick it up a bit.”
“Are we planning to wirelessly enslave Gretta Fahey.” ” Why else do you think we are doing all this. Of course we are planning to wirelessly enslave her.”
“Agnosticism exists only if I say it exists and I don’t have a category for it so it does not exist.”
“Don’t register your child at birth and then you don’t need to ever worry about forced vaccinations. No one will ever bother your child throughout his life if he is not registered at birth.” (I am not expecting a child as I am too old. This was just general advice given to me by the unknown neuro operatives.)
“This is a system which allows us to look inside people’s bodies and see what is in there.”
“Stop smothering your bread with stodge.”
“Has she a licence to write this”

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Psychiatrists throughout the world are extremely abusive towards their patients in the sense that they force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances which in many instances cause said patients to feel as if they are being tortured from the inside out as a direct result of being forced to ingest or have injected into them said toxic psychotripic substances. The decisions of psychiatrists to force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances is backed by the violence of whatever state the patient resides in. If the patient should fail to take these extremely toxic substances, they are then mandated by psychiatric law to have a nurse come to their abode and inject them on a fortnightly basis with a long acting injection of the toxic substances, which has been mandated by law to be injected inside their bodies, mostly against their wills and without their permission. If the patient should refuse to allow their nurse to inject them with the prescriped toxic psychotropic substance they are then escorted by their local police back inside the psychiatric institution where they will remain until they become compliant. On some occasions if the patient continues to refuse to ingest or to have injected into them the mandated toxic psychotripic substance they are then placed in solitary confinement until they decide to become complaint. This policy of placing non-compliant psychiatric patients in solitary confinement in order to get them to comply with the mandated policies of psychiatry is now coming onstream throughout the European Union.
If a psychiatric patient should experience severe side effects from their mandated psychotropic poisons and if they then complain to their psychiatrist about that the psychiatrist will not allow them to stop taking said psychotropic poison and instead they will mandate them to take an extra substance which the psychiatrist will claim will alleviate some of the side effects of their mandated psychotropic substance. This extra substance will also go on to affect side effects in the brain and body of the patient. These poisons from both mandated substances will build up over time in the brain and body of the psychiatric patient and have been known to eventually cause brain injury.
To prove my point, I enclose herebelow a list of possible side effects a patient may experience as a result of of ingestion or having injected aripiprazole which is more commonly known as Abilify into their brain and body. Other psychotropic drugs have similar side effects in similar measures for the most part.

Like all medicines, Aripiprazole also known as Abilify can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
diabetes mellitus,
difficulty sleeping,
feeling anxious,
feeling restless and unable to keep still, difficulty sitting still,
uncontrollable twitching, jerking or writhing movements, restless legs,
shaking and blurred vision,
decreased number of or difficulty making bowel movements,
feeling sick,
more saliva in mouth than normal,
feeling tired.
Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
increased blood levels of the hormone prolactin,
too much sugar in the blood,
altered or increased sexual interest,
uncontrollable movements of mouth, tongue and limbs (tardive dyskinesia),
muscle disorder causing twisting movements (dystonia),
double vision,
fast heartbeat,
a fall in blood pressure on standing up which causes dizziness, light-headedness or fainting,
The following side effects have been reported since the marketing of oral aripiprazole but the frequency for them to occur is not known:
low levels of white blood cells,
low levels of blood platelets,
allergic reaction (e.g. swelling in the mouth, tongue, face and throat, itching, hives),
onset or worsening of diabetes, ketoacidosis (ketones in the blood and urine) or coma,
high blood sugar,
not enough sodium in the blood,
loss of appetite (anorexia),
weight loss,
weight gain,
thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt and suicide,
feeling aggressive,
combination of fever, muscle stiffness, faster breathing, sweating, reduced consciousness and sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting (neuroleptic malignant syndrome),
serotonin syndrome (a reaction which may cause feelings of great happiness, drowsiness, clumsiness, restlessness, feeling of being drunk, fever, sweating or rigid muscles),
speech disorder,
fixation of the eyeballs in one position,
sudden unexplained death,
life-threatening irregular heartbeat,
heart attack,
slower heartbeat,
blood clots in the veins especially in the legs (symptoms include swelling, pain and redness in the leg), which may travel through blood vessels to the lungs causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing (if you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately),
high blood pressure,
accidental inhalation of food with risk of pneumonia (lung infection),
spasm of the muscles around the voice box,
inflammation of the pancreas,
difficulty swallowing,
abdominal discomfort,
stomach discomfort,
liver failure,
inflammation of the liver,
yellowing of the skin and white part of eyes,
reports of abnormal liver tests values,
skin rash,
sensitivity to light,
excessive sweating,
abnormal muscle breakdown which can lead to kidney problems,
muscle pain,
involuntary loss of urine (incontinence),
difficulty in passing urine,
withdrawal symptoms in newborn babies in case of exposure during pregnancy,
prolonged and/or painful erection,
difficulty controlling core body temperature or overheating,
chest pain,
swelling of hands, ankles or feet,
in blood tests: increased or fluctuating blood sugar, increased glycosylated haemoglobin.
Inability to resist the impulse, drive or temptation to perform an action that could be harmful to you or others, which may include:
strong impulse to gamble excessively despite serious personal or family consequences
altered or increased sexual interest and behaviour of significant concern to you or to others, for example, an increased sexual drive
uncontrollable excessive shopping
binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short time period) or compulsive eating (eating more food than normal and more than is needed to satisfy your hunger)
a tendency to wander away.
Tell your doctor if you experience any of these behaviours; he/she will discuss ways of managing or reducing the symptoms.
In elderly patients with dementia, more fatal cases have been reported while taking aripiprazole. In addition, cases of stroke or "mini" stroke have been reported.
Additional side effects in children and adolescents
Adolescents aged 13 years and older experienced side effects that were similar in frequency and type to those in adults except that sleepiness, uncontrollable twitching or jerking movements, restlessness, and tiredness were very common (greater than 1 in 10 patients) and upper abdominal pain, dry mouth, increased heart rate, weight gain, increased appetite, muscle twitching, uncontrolled movements of the limbs, and feeling dizzy, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, were common (greater than 1 in 100 patients).
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme, Website: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. I became a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation back in the spring of 2003. I was gang-stalked initially. My home was broken into and my belongings were interfered with in minor ways, just enough to emotionally destabilize me. I then began to hear voices coming from inside my head which I now know were transmitted into my head by the use of military communication technology by a direct wireless link which I had earlier unknowingly become linked to military technology by. The voices continually threatened me in a miriad of ways. Among other things that were said to me by the voices was the fact that the voices threatened to paralyse me from head to toe but they said they would leave me with the ability to feel pain and after I was paralysed they would send me endless pain signals for the rest of my life and I would not be able to inform anyone that I was being tortured. I attempted suicide on more than two occasions. I have been informed that I nearly died on two of those occasions. I was so frightened by the silent psychological torture that I was undergoing that I asked psychiatrists in the adult mental health section of Castlebar hospital if I could stay inside the psychiatric hospital for a short period of time in order to regain my equilibrium. I thought that the psychiatrists would believe me when I informed them of what was happening to me with regard to being silently tortured by the voices of military neuro operatives which I could hear coming from inside my head. However, the psychiatrists not only did not believe me, they falsely believed that I was mentally unwell and they wrongly mandated that I take a variety of different psychotropic medications including the above mentioned aripiprazole, all of which gave me such extreme side effects that I suffered greatly from said side effects. I am now no longer taking any type of psychotropic medication and I feel much healthier that I did when I was taking them. They are extremely poisonous and should never be given to anybody whatsoever. Psychiatrists have more than likely never taken any of the psychotropic medications they prescribe to their patients. If they did they would reconsider offering them as a solution to any type of mental health problem.
Psychiatrists now appear to be wrongly identifying any type of short term emotional crisis as a serious mental health problem where they can engineer the tax payer to pay for psychotropic medications from that particular patient for the whole of their lives as well as wrongly categorising that patient as being chronically mentally ill rather than suffering from a short term emotional crisis which is often the case.
I have become so frightened of the bogus psychiatric system that I can not now inform my own general practitioner that I continue to hear voices and I continue to be psychologically tortured by neuro operatives who use psychotronic weapons against me in case he wrongly decided to send me for further psychiatric treatment. In this way, and in many other ways, the people of Ireland and the wider world are hindered from communicating effectively with agents of their own government, thereby helping to take down the Irish government bit by bit through no fault of their own.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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Brain to computer interface systems are now live in pockets of society throughout most of the world.  We are being systematically implanted with a wide variety of implants by agents of the C.I.A. and F.B.I.   The CIA is a rogue agency.   In my opinion, the CIA is responsible for most acts of terrorism throughout the world and they take their orders to carry out acts of terrorism from individual members of the Council on Foreign Relations.   In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations are actively working towards slowing down the world wide economy by any and every means possible.  They work for the greater evil of the human race.  The the people of the United States should immediately have laws implemented to defund the abolish the CIA combined with the rest of the intelligence services of the United States.

I have been non-consensually  targeted by directed energy weapons and bio-communication methods  for many years.   I hear the voices of agents of what is commonly being called Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation coming from inside my head on a constant basis.   I regularly post online some of what these internal voices say to me on many social media sites in order to inform the general public about what it is like to experience being subjected to a brain to computer interface system.   Here below is what some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past two days:-

"It is while she is in her bathroom that we obtain most of the information which is most pertinent to our research.  We analyse the contents of her bowel and bladder while she is in there."

"She will not be in her own home for much longer."

"She can get out of bed the same as everybody else."

"Why have you allowed this woman to languish for so long."   

"You don't understand the aim of the game.   The aim of the game is to terrify them."

"I will quell her some day. 

"We can take Gretta Fahey out of the country.  There is not one single person in this country who cares whether we take her or not.   Who would know?   She lives alone."

"Bring her to justice please.  This can not continue."   ( I don't know what that means as I have never broken a law in my life.)

I complained to the inner voices about the fact that they were continually waking me up to ask me questions during some nights and here is the conversation we had as follows:-

   I said as follows "If you wake me up too early or if you persistently wake me up during the night it is counter productive because I then need to go back to bed to rest later on during the day."    I heard the voice of one of the unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head as follows -  "We have had this conversation before and it doesn't work for us to leave you asleep."

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The United States government is now openly  targeting  a selected number of citizens of the United States as well as overseas individuals for wirelessly enabled  unlimited remote  neural monitoring  and human experimentation. These selected targeted citizens  are known to the United States police as non-investigative subjects or silent hits.  I have been and still am such a targeted individual and I reside in Ireland.  Voice to skull bio-communication is being used to force me to constantly  listen to the voices of the operatives who run the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   Recently I have begun to write down and post online  a small selection of what these operatives say to me by means of reproducing their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission.   Here below is a small selection of what these neuro operatives have been communicating to me by wireless means over the past two days.   

"Watch this space.   We will tie her up in knots so that she wont be able to move a muscle."

"There is somebody here who writes what we say."     The response of a different operative was as follows   "We have had those people before.  We just kill them off."

"This is directly affecting the whole system because now we all know what happens when we speak to her."

"You will wind up as meat on my table.   My people will kill this woman and clean her out and prepare her as a dish to be served in front of me."


I myself said to the neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following  "Why are you hurting both my knees?"   The response I heard back was as follows  "I am conducting experiments on you".   I then asked the following question  "Are you conducting experiments on me for money?  The response I heard back was as follows  "Yes".  

"It is not a nice thing to do to her but we are getting the system into focus in the world".

"Too many people in the know.  We can't go ahead."

"Puffed up information coming through again."

"Which do you use with Gretta Fahey, the carrot or the stick?"

"Put manners on that woman.  She has destabilized the process."

"Try and destroy the system and see who will win."    My response to that statement was as follows  "We will easily win.  There are seven billion of us.  There are only a small number of you.   The phone towers are the linchpin of your wireless weapons.  We will disassemble and ban all phone towers and your weapons will then be powerless."

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I used to be a fan of  the American singer  Donny Osmond when I was fifteen. That is where I learned about Mormonism as he is a Mormon.  I am an agnostic and I believe that belonging to an organised religion weakens people because they must abandon logic in order to embrace faith.
However, the Mormons appear to be a stronger group than adherents to other organised religions because they lead sober lives. Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, being sexually promiscuous, gambling and taking hard drugs weakens people as individuals and as groups.
We are being socially engineered by agents of the dark new world order criminal cabal to do all of those things in order that we become weaker and weaker so that we can be eventually enslaved by them.
Small children are being strongly encouraged to eat sugar coated cakes at birthdays, Christmas, easter and every other possible occasion. Sugar is poisonous and it weakens us.
The dark new world order criminal cabal normalize the habit of individuals and groups indulging in weakening behaviour at every opportunity, and I imagine that they rejoice whenever they see somebody in a weakened state so that they can then exploit them further.
We are living through a war of attrition now. Watch everything you do at all times. You are being profiled through your smart phone. Whatever you say while your smart phone is on your person is being used to build up a profile of you and I imagine your weaknesses will then be highlighted for others to exploit. 

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Valencia, 04.02.2001.
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These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.

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The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm
• Laws that protect American citizens ^
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp
http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170">• ^ http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.

Read more…

RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
Capriles POLICY +5804144279308
POLICE criminologists +5802415859748
NCTV +5804142204371

What Is Verichip?

The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."

What Will The Verichip Cost?

Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.

Who Is Using The Verichip Now?

The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.

They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.

Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.

These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.

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The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA