Do your perps call you a fake?

My perps call me a fake all the time, including all of the people who know me and have turned on me and volunteered in my harassment. As a result, I have lost a lot of my dignity because of this harsh treatment. I also get called a number of other things. Am I the only one who gets called a fake or are there other Targeted Individuals out there who get called a fake?

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  • Fake no, they try to make you dislike yourself that is for sure, the process is a psycholigical attach but it is pretty consistent, what are the things that can get people to turn against you, that is what is being used, it isn't very complex, difficult, or insightfull,  pretty run of the mill stuff. Believe in what you believe in, don't let those things be impacted from a personal perspective.


    The stalking part for me started so long ago, decades, thinking back on it, it really had an impact. It was really scaled back for about 15 years and then started up again with the EH attacks. The stalking and libel don't really impact me anymore, that really makes it easier, try and get to that point. I find it a little amusing, make a game out of it if you can.


  • No matter what they said to you, don't listen to them.

    If you know what you do, you write down in a paper.

    If torturers control your brain, and you forget what you should do. You take out the paper and again you know what you should do.

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