This is an interesting and simple explanation of one man's opinion. Hope you enjoy the read. Peace.

The psychology of what is really going on.

So many people ask me to explain why everyone is so confused about the truth. I will try to explain in as simple terms as I can what has happened, psychologically, to our society.

Think of it as nothing more than a cattle ranch so as to remove the emotions behind your involvement in this problem.

The cattleman/ranch owner:
These are the governments of the world, especially American governments.
They don’t care about the cattle, they are in it for the money. If the herd gets too big, they thin the herd. If they want to sell more milk, they kill off the bulls and only let cows survive. If they want to sell meat, they pick the cow or bull that will yield the best price.

The wranglers:
These are the cops, IRS agents, school teachers, judges, FBI, etc.
They convince themselves that what they are doing is good for us and them. If they need milk, they say milking us keeps us healthy.
If they need to count us, they say branding us will help prevent us from being stolen.
If they want to control us with less effort, they will cut off our balls and tell us being docile is better for us.
If there are too many of us for the range, they will kill us off and tell us they are doing this so the rest of us won’t starve.

The slaughterhouse:
Known as courts. This is where the ranchmen and wranglers decide which cattle to milk, breed or eat. Try not to go there, but if you do go there , look like you taste bad, have sour tits, but make good calves.

The cattle:
That’s the average American who forces himself to believe the ranchmen and wranglers care about cattle. These cowards are lost and belong as part of a heard. They don’t deserve freedom because they would rather be cattle and be taken care off, regardless of the cost. They won’t fight for their freedom anymore than they would give up watching a sporting event to learn how to save their ass. When someone helps them, they claim they were entitled to the help and don’t feel obliged to share any the stored grass in one of their stomachs. They make for good steaks, lots of fat, full of chemicals, antibiotics and preservatives and are easy to be persuaded that they need to talk to the guy with the weird looking metal rod.

Free range Bulls:
That’s us crazies. No brands. Big balls still attached. Won’t give milk, even if we could. Only visit the herd to make calves. Don’t need a herd, (except see previous sentence.)
Feed on the range where we want to feed. Will shit over where the herd is because the cattle wouldn’t know the difference anyway. Think wranglers are just wimpy people that can’t make it on their own without being part of a group of idiots. Think ranchmen are just Satan’s way of separating the stupid cowardly cattle from the smart ones.
Every now and again we go over to the herd and see if we can wake up some of the sleeping cattle. Once in awhile we stumble over a couple acting like they are asleep while they make their plans to escape the herd, then we give them a map of the range. Some are smart enough to read the map, some are too dumb, too dependent on GPS. Regardless, we did our part even though we know we will be blamed by the stupid ones for not doing enough to save them.
Oh well, that’s why the ranchmen invented A-1 sauce, (or in human cases pot, crack and powder coke, heroin, and big corporations that call themselves church.)

- John Stuart

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