Organize Gang Stalk them 24/7/365, plant gps devices in their vehicles, character assassinate them everywhere they go, even in church, bath them in painful directed energy when they are at home and when they go places, vandalize their property,disrupt their cell phone, phone and email communications, remote neural monitor them 24/7 and click their head as well as use microwave hearing on them. These things are exactly what is being done to thousands of innocent, non terrorist Americans in the name of Homeland Security and coordinated by the 72 Homeland Fusion Centers around the country. This destroys a persons' life and is a great program for creating a homegrown terrorist.
I will go further by saying they plant devices into vehicle to burn various parts of your body. They sabotage your food and water with contaminates that allow them to use these technologies on your body. They character assassinate you so that other can participate to make your life a living hell. These are all reason to file a lawsuit on everyone who is involved. Documentation (video and picture gathering) is very important. Write down every thing that happens to you and what time. The license plate of vehicles or physical descriptions of the people who are involved.