My name is Gretta Fahey. I have been subject to remote neural monitoring and electronic brain link for the past fourteen and a half years. The technologically induced voices which I heard coming from inside my head in the past have informed me that I am now being prepared for electronic enslavement by the use of direct neuro weapon enslavement. They also informed me that if this situation should come about I would no longer be able to voice any words or phrases or whole sentences other than the words or phrases or whole sentences I have been programmed to voice.
I find this type of information very frightening. I am writing about it because it needs to be investigated by the human race. The neuro weapons research team have already made me both nod and shake my own head vigorously against my will. They also have made me open and close my own mouth against my will. They have made me twist my arm against my will. They can formulate sentences and make me speak them against my will. They can make me swear against my will. Many other targeted individuals are making similar claims as myself.
It is very difficult for targeted individuals to make ourselves believed by the rest of the world because other human beings appear to be heavily mind controlled and will readily believe that we are mentally ill. When ever we inform them of our experiences they will deem us mentally ill and they will have us locked up in psychiatric facilities where we would then be forced to ingest extremely poisonous substances posing as anti-psychotic medication. Whenever this supposedly anti-psychotic medication is in our bloodstream we become unable to effectively illucidate our experiences in some instances mainly due to brain fog.
If telephone towers and related antenna are dismantled I believe it would aid in solving both problems of mind control of the masses and wireless neuro enslavement of selected targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research.
These neuro weapons operatives use microwave radiation which is being emitted from cell phone towers to carry the digital signals to and from the wireless slaves.
Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-
Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.
There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air space. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers dismantled the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.
While millimeter waves have a hard time penetrating solid objects, they will still penetrate our skin and skulls to a certain depth and this is how it will be used to influence epigenetics on the human population. You see those bio-nano-particulates being dropped from those Chem-Tankers in the sky are so small that they will pass right through the blood-brain barrier in our bodies and thus can be sent directly to our brains. This is evidenced by the fact that they are absorbed into our bodies through our skin pores and also through our lungs as we breathe them in on a daily basis.
If you get out of line then all they have to do is target your specific bio signature and zap you with whatever they deem will put you in your place or they will simply euthanize you out of existence with some exotic disease or maybe just a harsh energy pulse that fries your brain. I dunno, use you imagination on that one.
The indiscriminate testing of biological weapons on humans is nothing new and make no mistake, Transhumanism research is the new arms race of the 21st century. Neural lace is just one more biological weapon and the primary function of neural lace is to create an electromagnetic control layer interface that will give the sentient computers a control interface for the human nervous system.
By having access to the control of our nervous systems, they can effectively gain full control of our entire bodies, right down to the ability to twitch your nose or wink your eye.…/beast-system-one-world-govern…/
Please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain"
For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement."
"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says."
System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism
Patent No US 3837331 A
Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled..…
For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists…/21st-century-bio-hacking-a…/
In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens.
In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.…/5584676
Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".
There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.…/How-to-Stop-Electronic-Harass…
