I don't mean to start a debate. Strictly sharing information. Nothing religious, racial or political.
I think it touches on NWO.
Dr Mahathir, former Prime Minister of Malaysia has been a controversial politicians especially to the western govts, particularly US. He has kept himself controversial after retirement by making critical remarks on US such as the above subject 911 This is his blog (http://chedet.co.cc/chedetblog/2010/01/911-and-reactions.html)
Nevertheless, in this site, you can find a few youtube links presented by fellow Americans who demanded to re-investigate 911 based on conspiracy theory and tried to present their report to the public.
Quote "Some building & structure professionals who are bold enough to voice out (in the US mainstream-media i.e.) and demand for a REAL investigation on 9-11 tragedy."
Quote "not only are the WTC Twin-towers were brought down by some 'controlled' demolition experts, but apparently even the new black US President is also a 'controlled' President of some shadow government, as we can see from his speech (in June 2009)"