Ireland has become a multi-cultural society over the past thirty years approximately. There are many advantages to this situation, including having friends with many different back-grounds. There is one major disadvantage which has come to the fore. We live in a world containing approximately forty million Satanists and dark Luciferians. These dark occultists are planning to enslave the human race by invading all countries throughout the world and by inserting themselves into all power institutions within all countries. This has already been achieved. These dark occultists do not advertise their presence. They operate strictly through secret societies. There are approximately two hundred countries in the world. There could be as many as ten thousand Satanists living in Ireland. They all have the same agenda which is to take over our lives and to enslave all of us completely by wireless means and by a large variety of other means. Naivety is not an attractive quality in an adult human being. You have a duty to become a politician activist in order to protect the freedom of Ireland.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on September 11, 2018 at 4:31pm
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