Jared Loughner and Mind Control

(1)   Contact representatives


State representative Chip Limehouse is introducing a bill in the house this week that would require colleges to report cases of extreme behavior to local law enforcement officials.

Meanwhile, Summerville Representative Chris Murphy has plans to file a bill that would make anyone convicted of killing a public official face the death penalty.  Limehouse says he's considering rolling both bills into one.

Please contact with Rep. Chip and Chris to expose secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.

Representative Chip Limehouse represents South Carolina's House of Representatives District 110, which includes the community of Mount Pleasant and the heart of Charleston's Historic District.



8 Cumberland Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401-2650

(843) 577-6242


326C Blatt Bldg. 1105 Pendleton Street, South Carolina Statehouse, Columbia, SC

PO Box 11867

Columbia, SC 29211-1867

Office (803) 734-2977 Home (803) 252-0845

Representative Chris Murphy


Washington D.C. Office

412 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4476

*New Britain Office

114 West Main St. Suite 206, New Britain, CT 06051

Phone: (860) 223-8412 Fax: (860) 827-9009

 **Meriden Office

22-26 West Main St. Meriden, CT 06450

Phone: (203) 630-0815

 **Danbury Office

198 Main St. Danbury, CT 06810

Phone: (203) 798-2072

 **Waterbury Office

49 Leavenworth St. Waterbury, CT 06702

Phone: (203) 759-7541


(2)    Jared Loughner has mentioned Mind Control in his video.

He suffered "Sleep deprivation". Jared writes “All humans are in need of sleep. Jared Loughner is a human. Hence, Jared Loughner is in need of sleep.”


Torturers used their electromagnetic (/microwave) mind control weapons:-

   To hack victims brain;

   To "inject" dreams to victims brain at night;

   To "inject" thoughts to victims brain every day;

   To harass victims brain with electromagnetic waves and make victims cannot concentrate to do anything;

   To torture victims and make victims suffer many diseases;

   To harass victims with "voice to skull" technologies;


An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), the result shows that victims have suffered many symptoms. You can read these symptoms in question16 of the survey from the following link:



Thousands people have claimed that they have been torturing and abusing by covert Mind Control Weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons).

Some victims were tortured to death or driven to crazy, some victims were controlled to do bad, please have a look:



If you can hear voices inside your brain, you are possible harassing by new "voice to skull" technologies.


Mind Reading; mind control technologies had been well developed

More information about Mind Reading technologies


More information about Mind Control technologies




I have filed my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures. 

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis



Please help to urge government to investigate secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.


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  • Looks like they may have interfered with my emil.....................Never mind,they just intercepted it,but then let it go through    GOOGLE;<David Fulton Conspiracy        >>>      Its about me .JESSE VENTURA put it on the internet.             DAVE FULTON
  • JESSE VENTURA posted my comments on the internet.Being a TI,it was a tough job writting what I did but maybe now,my efforts will help spearhead our efforts......GOOGLE (Before NSA finishes forming their partnership with google) the following; David Fulton Conspiracy.    >>>>>     Cheers ......DAVE FULTON
  • Secret Mind Control weapons can control a normal people to do evil.

    And currently, electromagnetic mind control weapons can attack victims from very far distance, not implants needed.

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