Well still seems like bot scripting implants sucks the places in Rhode Island effected with Rape God are Central Falls, Pawtucket, Johnston, North Providace, Providance. East Providance. There are a few messed up Citys and stuff. these people use implants and clear technology to do stuff to oghers. these people are scum ther fucking assholes useing a digital voice some of the pretending there robots a few others have made bots and there running on frequencie waves. there pices of shit these people. but there not going to pull this shit for ever there all afraid of getting cought for what they have been doing to others. so far no one dose much about these loosers. the government the police do nothing some already are rape gods so they just need to be delt with.
John N a.k.a Anubis Targeted Indavidual Mind Control. Loosers In My Implant Rhode Island 02860
Posted by John Narkawich a.k.a Anubis on March 18, 2012 at 9:34am