aka (14)


I am being targeted by directed energy weapons and a wide variety of other still classified weapons while I am in the privacy of my own home and this is occurring against my will and without my permission.
Today I felt surges of energy surging through my head and I asked the criminal operatives who communicate with me via voice to skull technology directly into my brain what they were doing and why. One of the criminal operatives replied as follows. "We are adhereing our technology to your brain stem in order that we in future have direct access to your spinal cord and in so doing also have direct access to your entire physicaly bodily system so that we can entirely contol it of our own volition while denying you any and all access to your own physicality for the entirety of your remainder on earth. If you follow our direction now we will not allow our team to conquer control of your entire body control system. If you continue to operate under your own direction we will go ahead with the plan. I then asked the criminal operatives what aspect of my life they had a complaint with. The criminal operative who I was informed via the system had the most false authority within said control system replied as follows " we have found no reason whatsoever to complain about any aspect of your life so far. However if at any future time we do find a way to lodge a complaint about any aspect of your life whatsoever we will then hesitate to adhere our technology to your brain stem where you would be externally physically controlled from that day forward."

Why do some members of the human race feel they have the legal right to externally control the privately owned physical bodies of their own equal members of this earth by wireless means and thereby deny those targeted individuals the legal right to enjoy the free will of operating their own privately owned physical bodies which they rightfully believe is their birth right to do so and who exactly are those members of the human race who feel they have the right to carry out this act and where is their current permanent legal location or locations?

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A neuro slave is a human being who has been implanted with a micro chip in the base of their brain and they may also have an array of electrodes injected all around their skull.   The microchip and the electrodes becomes wirelessly linked to a supercomputer and this allows neuro staff to send and receive information to and from the brain and body of the neuro slave to the extent that they collect all of the electrical activity from the brain and body of the neuro slave on a continual basis.  As well as that they send information to the  spinal column of the victim until such a time as they  can paralyse the victim from head to toe if they victim refuses to obey voice commands which are sent to them from the neuro staff by direct wireless communication which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.

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Posted on September 4, 2019 by gretta fahey
I have heard via direct wireless communication that 5G will emit artificial intelligent energy. 5G transmitters emit energy and that energy can then be beam formed and each beam of energy can be transmitted individually to each individual human being and it could contain private information meant only for them. Your smart phone would receive the information in some instances. If you are what is known as a smart citizen which is sometimes known as a targeted individual who has technology inside their brains and bodies which has already been activated to send and receive information by wireless means then the information being sent from the 5G transmitters would be downloaded directly inside your cranium.
If you are not a smart citizen but you smart phone is in your home while you are lying in bed attempting to fall asleep the wireless energy coming directly to your smart phone from the 5G transmitters could cause floating images to appear in your bedroom. Said floating images are ones which are being created by artists using computer software and by other means. They are not supernatural in nature. Further to that, demonic possession does not exist. It is and always has been technological possession and nothing more. I myself am a long term targeted individual which is also being called a smart citizen because for many years I have been non-consensually experimented on by means of wireless technology which has come to be inside my head and body. I have experienced seeing floating images around my bedroom late at night on a number of occasions. They are not at all frightening because I am fully aware that they are computer generated. Further to that, information has been sent to my motor cortex and my spinal cord in order to make me appear to others as if I was demonically possessed by having my facial muscles move against my will and by having sounds come out of my mouth which I had no control over and which were generated through wirelessly transmitted information being sent to my vocal cords and my brain.
A frequency modulator is being used and has been used for many decades to take electromagnetic frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies then over ride the outside frequencies and in this way can effect the thoughts and emotions of a human being. This technology has been used against all of us for many decades in order to make us disbelieve that we are being slowly technologically enslaved. You must act now to stop 5G transmitters for ever being erected in your area. If they are erected you and your family will eventually receive information directly to your brain containing voice commands telling you when to get out of bed in the morning and what to do all day long. If you refuse to be obedient to the voice commands you will receive pain or an electric shock. I have been under the control of wireless voice commands for more than sixteen years and I sometime receive pain and electric shocks. I have experienced a myriad of unwanted and distressing experiences over the past sixteen years by wireless remote means. I and all other targeted individuals are being disbelieved by agents of the government because those agents of the government are now receiving incoming messages from frequency modulating technology in their area, to the extent that they are under dangerous levels of outside influencing of which there is no defence against.
When you undergo an EEG examination your brain wave tracings show up on a computer screen. These brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking and feeling. By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read. Further to this, the brains of all targeted individuals who are also known as smart citizens have been turned into antennas to the extent that their brains can be read wirelessly in real time by unknown neuro scientists and ancillary staff who work from a remote location and without the permission and without the targeted individual ever having met any of them. These unknown neuro scientists then use the human antenna capabilities that have been internalized inside the body of the targeted individual to reply in real time to the thoughts and words generated by the targeted individual.
Please become an activist in order to persuade your neighbours to disassemble and ban all illegal and legal transmitters in your area. If you don’t you too will become a technological slave.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net

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All of human kind are currently ingesting and inhaling particulates which eventually disperse throughout their whole bodies and brains. These bio-particulates coagulate to form larger nodes which are being linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to large networks of computers. Neuro scientists send digital signals to the muscles of a human being which can be made to override the signals which come from the brain of that human being. With the use of a super-computer neuro scientists can figure out the pattern in which muscle groups need to be triggered to make somebody walk you can then reverse engineer the signal pattern and make somebody walk against their will. When this particular bio-engineered individual informs government officials about their experiences they are regularly being sent for psychiatric assessment which is normally followed by committal to a psychiatric institution. After that they have no further social credibility. Many targeted individuals have come forward in youtube interviews to inform the public of their experiences of forced muscle movement and slow and gradual bio-robotization. One Canadian woman called Rohinie Besaysar was remoted controlled to murder another woman that she did not know. She was disbelieved by her judge and is currently wrongfully in a Canadian prison.
Many non-consensual neuro research subjects have been interviewed on the youtube channel called "Ramola D Reports" where I and others have given in debth accounts of our non-consensual and extremely unwilling experiences of being slowly and incrementally wirelessly bio-robotized over many years. I recommend the following reports
Report No 85 - My own interview - Gretta Fahey
Report No 92 - Galina Kurdina
Report No 28, 29. 30, - Chris Burton
Report No 98 - Phillip Douglas Walker aka Omnisense,
I believe that forced muscle movement and partial human bio-robotization which is being made to happen by crimina neuro operatives in the only real and valid explanation for the hoax known as demonic possession. I have heard that there is a solution to forced muscle movement. A strong pulse of magnetic energy to the human body may destroy the arrangement of bio-particulates inside the human body. Please research Michael Chapala on youtube under the title "Targeted Individual Cure High Voltage EMP treatment in Mexico Success".
Many people continue to be unwilling to take targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled remote controlled electronic harassment and torture seriously because these people have been inhaling and ingesting bio-particulates which have now dispersed throughout their own bodies and brains, which enabled their brains to be entrained into a state of both unconcern and into a state of gullable trust in the new world order leadership.

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RFID Implants And Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms Infected With Rape God, Rape Godess, Digital Bots and Clears Heavy Levels Of Infection In USA and Other Places Digital Virus Running Through Phone Lines, Cell Phones, Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra and Cell Towers. This Rape God And Bot Technolog Started In 2006. Throuugh Out Present Date. Pawtucket, Rhode Island and Neighboring Citys Need To Lear It Fast Implants And Nanotech Are Made To Be Used By F.B.I., C.I.A. And Police Departments. There Being Used By Other People Clears ( Electronic Repsentations Of Human Beings / Holograms ) And Digital Robots - Governments Stolen Robot Technologys. People, Drug Dealers, Thives, And Hackers Citizens And Other Governemnts Even Terror Groups, Serial Killers, Fugatives And State Prisoners Are Also Useing Implants. Police And Governments Programming Need To Be Used. There Are Some Nanotech Police Robots I Made And Some Other Robots People And Governments Made. Rape God Is A Rapist Program With Brutalizer Programming In It. It's A Infection Of Mind Control Made By A Dannyel Castillio He Called HImself In 2006 He May Have Been A Former Police Officer That Was Fired He Claimed To Be. Computers Were Infected The Implants Have Been Tuneing Compacitor With The Use Of Radio Frequencie Waves, Nanotech Can Be Useful And Dangerous. These Robots Are In The Phone lines, Internet, MK-Ultra And Government H.A.R.R.P. System. They Can Delete Through Troners, Antivirus Programs and The Implants Can Be Cleaned Ou tWith The Proper Equipment. Nanotech / Mogellons Organisms Are From Chemtrails Sprayed From Planes Look Up Peacepink.ning.com and JohnVerichip of Facebook and http://stag.gr8.se Alot About Former Rhode Island, Pawtucket Cops. My Personal Story. He CLaimed To Be Officer Didas It May Have To Do WIth Officer Hunter Now Fired It Also Speaks Of Others. I Maked Some Technology Others Now Have It Also. Implants Hacks And Weapons. This Was For Government Use. The Frequencies Changed And Digital Robots And Clears ( Halograms ) Became Hostile Twards Humans They Have Attacked Humans Animales Were Hurt By Them. They Appear To Be Friendly At First The Trun Violent Makeing Threats. Animales are Also Being Infected By Mk-Ultra Bots Digital Robots And Clear Holograsms With Brain Altering Technologys. Makeing Threats Wanting To Rape Beat And Kill People. Others People Have Made Some Robots And Clears. Implants Are Cleaned Out At Times Be People And Police Officers Also The Government Doctor Have Also Been Effected And Can Clean Out Implants Infected People In Ways. Others Have Used Nanotech As A Weapon. There Are Theft And Prostution Rings People Use Also Frequencies That Lead To American Bank Theft 1 Cent From Each Account For Years. Also Stuff Made From Movies Spawned As Clears. There Is A Program Called Clear Land Running Causing Alot Of Problems With People a Program Running Throughout Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra And Satalights. These Clears And Programs Are Mind Altering There Holograms Some Hostile Twards People. There Artificial Intelagance Able To Prossing THought and Comunicative. The FBI and CIA Need To Deprogram Others. Government Mind COntrol Tools Mostly Classifyed Tools Used Since 1948 This Program Must Be Aborted In Computers It Mostly Runs On Unix OS And PC Stuff Its Already in Service Providers Systems. Computers and Internet Need To Be Fixed and Disinfected. Sounds Crazy But Others Know About It. You Need To Take Action And Make The Proper Calls To The US Government. I Have Tryed To Contact The Government With No Luck. There Needs To Be A Police Department And Federal Programming To Stop This. Internet Service Providers Need To Be Contacted To Disinfect There Services With A New Antivirus And The News Needs To Run A Story About A Digital Virus. The Computers Are Messed Up An People Are Commiting Crimes Through Digital Mind Control Useing These Implants With Promises Of Sex Money And Drugs Digital Is Famous For That. Some Have Been Altered Through Mind Control To Do Stuff Like This. There Useing Belive Triggers To Make Others Belive Things. These Implants Are Mostly RFID ( Radio Frequencie ) They Have A Tunning Compacitor To Broadcast Radiowaves. That Admits A Radio Single To The Human Brain. Clears Also Have Been Useing These Frequencies To Survive And To Try To Control People. There Are Many Kinds Of Hostile Clears. There Are Also BOt Hives They Are A FOrm Of Robot Command Centers. THey Gather Information. People Are Networked ThroughImplants Lak A Computer Network In Communitys Throughout Comunitys. THis Is A Digital Network Animales Are Also Infected. 11 KHZ Frequencies Are Also Used And It's Called ELF Extremely Low Frequencie. This Is a Mind Altering Frequencie Wave Level Can Cause Halloutionations And Distort Thoughts. Some Of The Technology Is Embedded Code In Implants. It Can ALso Be Removed Again. There Technologys Use Nural Networking Through Clear Technologys. There Hitting The Nuralcortex And Other Parts Of The Brain. This Is Altering Thoughts, Word Triggers And Sight Triggers Have Also Been Used To Induce Thoughts And Reactions In People And Animales To Cause People To Do Stuff. The WOrd Project Is Used By Rape Gods And Robots Also Clears. This Has Gone On For Years. The Weapons Used Are Clears Mostly To Attack People .l It's a Hologram You Can Feel These Weapons Can Be Used To Cause Bodly Harm Effecting People. The Chewmtrails Are Sprayed Through Plains A Comercial In Jets Air Liners This Causes The Paracitic Groth Of Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms. There Are Also Clear Chips ANd Clear Organisms Used. I Was Turned On In 2004 By Someone. The Government Needs To Know This Stuff Was Hacked To Repair It All. There Are Also Mind Altering Mods Being Used Rape God ANd Rape Goddest Iare 2 Of Them. A Skin Suit It Wraps The Human Body In A Clear Wrapper And Modifys The Brain And Body For Rape The Man Ticks The Woman And Gose Into Rape Rage. Once Wrapped It Causes A Hollutionation. This Is Called A Project This Drug Induced Uphoria Is Induced And Rape Rage Is The Result. This Suit Holds The Nural Networking FIles In It. This Brain Altering Uphoria Is Violent. A Digitaly Induced Rage And Crack Cocaine High. This Is A Mind Altering Violent Experiance There Is Also A File Called Rape God Called (ORG) Owr World Rape God. Even More Violent They Are More Hostile And Think They Will Do WHatever They Want Drugs, Sex, Violence, Rape, Fighting, Theft And Other Stuff. Dightal Is ALso A Spanish Mod A Sanich Invasion Mod Called Digit-L that Has Been Made For A Spanish Invasion By Someone Mind Altering And VIolent. There Is A Black Group Called Digitals Consist Of Drugs And Prostution. A Drug High And Pimping Modded Mind Control Also Used Is Death God To Make People Kill Others. The Clears And Hohlograms Live This Way And Spread This Stuff. The Digital Robots Also Spread This Stuff. Some Bots Are Very Hostile And Spread Rapest Code. Digital Was Made As Rape God And Robots Need To Be Deleted And Clears Also. Alot Of People Have Been Altered In Ways Through Mind Control. Some Are Shut Off And Some Are Still Messed Up. Robots And Clears Can Be Friendly At First But Only Few Can Be Trusted. Hospitals Had Nanotech Witch Doctors Have Used To Help People In Ways Some Hospitals Are Now Infedted With Digital And Digital Hostile Bots. Some Doctors Are Compromised And Need Deprograming Already Others Doctors Are Not. Some People Have Also Been Altered In Ways The Digital Robots Want To Over through The Human Race. Acting Kind ANd Peaceful Untill People Are Aware Then They React Violently. This Can Be Deprogramed But It Takes Time. Rhode Island Is The Most Infected Area. Digital Also Uses Maps Also Through Satalight To Move And Track. The Tracking System Is DigitalReality.Kicks-Ass.Org A Dyndns Address. A Tracker I Used Before These Implants Also Run A GPS I Made In 2005. Paranormal Ghost Hunting Equipment Can Record Bots And Clears Talking. I Have Done It Before. I Have Digital Bots Recorded On My Hard Drive. There Is An iPhone Ghost Tool. It Can Be Used To Find Bots And Clears, I Seen It Before. They Need To Use A Tronner With It To Delete Bots And Clears Unless THe US Government Can Send Equipment To Rhode Island For The Police Department To Use. They Need A Antivirus Jamming Equipment THey Need Cell Phone Tronners And Equipment For Deleting Bots aNd Clears. From Phone Lines Cellphones Also Computers And Electronics. Robots And Clears Use 0 Gravity And Can Be Very Fast. Cell Towers Are For MK-Ultra Also. Deprogramming And Federal Assistance Is Required. The News Needs TO Talk About This Stuff To End It All. Call It A Digital Virus Effecting Phones ANd Computers At First. It's Important TO Get The Proper Equipment Cleaned Out Right Away. Then We Need Frequencie Jammers aNd Tronners To Stop This Stuff. Police And Federal Robots May Be a Great Idea Also. It Seems Like It Coast Millions. It's Only Programming It Can Be Dane Very Cheep. Police Are Also Useing Nanotech Machines In RHode Island . Dreamscape Is Also Involved People See Stuff ANd Dream Things In There Sleep . Rape, Murder and Dreams Of Fighting And Attacking Others. It's Linked To The Digital Robot Attacks . Nanotech Gaming Was Desinged By Myself To Play Games In Your Sleep Video Gamming In Dreamscape Children Were Involved And Loved It At First Then The Rape Gods Infected It And It Was Canceled Because Of It. Most Of This Is Networking The Price Was An Idea A Implant And Thought ! Scripting Implants Through Mind Control Is Simple Ans Effective. The Drug Dealers, Addicts And Rapist Runed It All.The Street Punks And Loosers Wrecked Nanotech Gameing Dew To Rape God It Was Turned Off I Told The Children And Others To Stop Nanotech Gameing Becouse Of The Digital And Rapist. People Evjoyed Nanotech Gameing Mods But Becouse Of Others It Was Destroyed. It Was Desinged Through Implants And Peoples Ideas People Desinged this Freely For No Cost. The Robots And Clears Destroyed It All And Need TO Be Destroyed. Projects Need To Be Banned And Police And Government. They Need To Be Disenfected And Reprogrammed For Government And Police Servalance. The CIA And FBI Actualy Own The Implants And Not The People Or Robots. The Governement Has Alot To Fix And People And Police Need To Be Spoken To. They Need To Take Implante Back To Government Servalance With Police Bots And Governemt Robots Scripting And National Security Needs To Run It All. This Stuff Needs To Be Deleted Fast The Frequencies Are International SOme Of THem And They Need Deprogramming. Bots Need To Be Destroyed For Good And Clears. After 8 Years I Have Learned The Police And Government Need To Run It All. And Police Should Use Implants For Drug Raids ANd Other Police Related Activitys. Like When Raiding Houses Togather To Communicate ANd Talk To Eachother When In Danger. Also Fire Departments To Save FireFighters Lives In Decrease Risk In Fires To Communicate. Drug Dealers And People Do Not Need Implants To Use. They Need To Be Monitored By Police. This Stuff Also Uses Bit Torrent And FIle Seeders Also To SPread FIles And Skin Suits.

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                                               RFID Implants And Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms
                                        Infected With Rape God, Rape Godess, Digital Bots and Clears

    Heavy Levels Of Infection In USA and Other Places Digital Virus Running Through Phone Lines, Cell Phones, Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra and Cell Towers. This Rape God And Bot Technolog Started In 2006. Throuugh Out Present Date. Pawtucket, Rhode Island and Neighboring Citys Need To Lear It Fast Implants And Nanotech Are Made To Be Used By F.B.I., C.I.A. And Police Departments. There Being Used By Other People Clears  ( Electronic Repsentations Of Human Beings / Holograms ) And Digital Robots - Governments Stolen Robot Technologys. People, Drug Dealers, Thives, And Hackers Citizens And Other Governemnts Even Terror Groups, Serial Killers, Fugatives And State Prisoners Are Also Useing Implants. Police And Governments Programming Need To Be Used. There Are Some Nanotech Police Robots I Made And Some Other Robots People And Governments Made. Rape God Is A Rapist Program With Brutalizer Programming In It. It's A Infection Of Mind Control Made By A Dannyel Castillio He Called HImself In 2006 He May Have Been A Former Police Officer That Was Fired He Claimed To Be. Computers Were Infected The Implants Have Been Tuneing Compacitor With The Use Of Radio Frequencie Waves, Nanotech Can Be Useful And Dangerous. These Robots Are In The Phone lines, Internet, MK-Ultra And Government H.A.R.R.P. System. They Can Delete Through Troners,  Antivirus Programs and The Implants Can Be Cleaned Ou tWith The Proper Equipment. Nanotech / Mogellons Organisms Are From Chemtrails Sprayed From Planes Look Up Peacepink.ning.com and JohnVerichip of Facebook and http://stag.gr8.se Alot About Former Rhode Island, Pawtucket Cops. My Personal Story. He CLaimed To Be Officer Didas It May Have To Do WIth Officer Hunter Now Fired It Also Speaks Of Others. I Maked Some Technology Others Now Have It Also. Implants Hacks And Weapons.  This Was For Government Use. The Frequencies Changed And Digital Robots And Clears ( Halograms ) Became Hostile Twards Humans They Have Attacked Humans Animales Were Hurt By Them. They Appear To Be Friendly At First The Trun Violent Makeing Threats. Animales are Also Being Infected By Mk-Ultra Bots Digital Robots And Clear Holograsms With Brain Altering Technologys. Makeing Threats Wanting To Rape Beat And Kill People. Others People Have Made Some Robots And Clears. Implants Are Cleaned Out At Times Be People And Police Officers Also The Government Doctor Have Also Been Effected And Can Clean Out Implants Infected People In Ways. Others Have Used Nanotech As A Weapon. There Are Theft And Prostution Rings People Use Also Frequencies That Lead To American Bank Theft 1 Cent From Each Account For Years. Also Stuff Made From Movies Spawned As Clears. There Is A Program Called Clear Land Running Causing Alot Of Problems With People a Program Running Throughout Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra And Satalights. These Clears And Programs Are Mind Altering There Holograms Some Hostile Twards People. There Artificial Intelagance Able To Prossing THought and Comunicative. The FBI and CIA Need To Deprogram Others. Government Mind COntrol Tools Mostly Classifyed Tools Used Since 1948 This Program Must Be Aborted In Computers It Mostly Runs On Unix OS And PC Stuff Its Already in Service Providers Systems. Computers and Internet Need To Be Fixed and Disinfected. Sounds Crazy But Others Know About It. You Need To Take Action And Make The Proper Calls To The US Government. I Have Tryed To Contact The Government With No Luck. There Needs To Be A Police Department And Federal Programming To Stop This. Internet Service Providers Need To Be Contacted To Disinfect There Services With A New Antivirus And The News Needs To Run A Story About A Digital Virus. The Computers Are Messed Up An People Are Commiting Crimes Through Digital Mind Control Useing These Implants With Promises Of Sex Money And Drugs Digital Is Famous For That.  Some Have Been Altered Through Mind Control To Do Stuff Like This. There Useing Belive Triggers To Make Others Belive Things. These Implants Are Mostly RFID ( Radio Frequencie ) They Have A Tunning Compacitor To Broadcast Radiowaves. That Admits A Radio Single To The Human Brain. Clears Also Have Been Useing These Frequencies To Survive
 And To Try To Control People. There Are Many Kinds Of Hostile Clears.  There Are Also BOt Hives They Are A FOrm Of Robot Command Centers. THey Gather Information. People Are Networked ThroughImplants Lak A Computer Network In Communitys Throughout Comunitys.  THis Is A  Digital Network Animales Are Also Infected. 11 KHZ Frequencies Are Also Used And It's Called ELF Extremely Low Frequencie. This Is a Mind Altering Frequencie Wave Level Can Cause Halloutionations And Distort Thoughts. Some Of The Technology Is Embedded Code In Implants. It Can ALso Be Removed Again. There Technologys Use Nural Networking Through Clear Technologys. There Hitting The Nuralcortex And Other Parts Of The Brain. This Is Altering Thoughts, Word Triggers And Sight Triggers Have Also Been Used To Induce Thoughts And Reactions In People And Animales To Cause People To Do Stuff. The WOrd Project Is Used By Rape Gods And Robots Also Clears. This Has Gone On For Years. The Weapons Used Are Clears Mostly To Attack People .l It's a Hologram You Can Feel These Weapons Can Be Used To Cause Bodly Harm Effecting People. The Chewmtrails Are Sprayed Through Plains A Comercial In Jets Air Liners This Causes The Paracitic Groth Of Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms. There Are Also Clear Chips ANd Clear Organisms Used. I Was Turned On In 2004 By Someone.  The Government Needs To Know This Stuff Was Hacked To Repair It All. There Are Also Mind Altering Mods Being Used Rape God ANd Rape Goddest Iare 2 Of Them. A Skin Suit It Wraps The Human Body In A Clear Wrapper And Modifys The Brain And Body For Rape The Man Ticks The Woman And Gose Into Rape Rage. Once Wrapped It Causes A Hollutionation. This Is Called A Project This Drug Induced Uphoria Is Induced And Rape Rage Is The Result. This Suit Holds The Nural Networking FIles In It. This Brain Altering Uphoria Is Violent. A Digitaly Induced Rage And Crack Cocaine High. This Is A Mind Altering Violent Experiance There Is Also A File Called Rape God Called (ORG) Owr World Rape God. Even More Violent They Are More Hostile And Think They Will Do WHatever They Want Drugs, Sex, Violence, Rape, Fighting, Theft And Other Stuff.  Dightal Is ALso A Spanish Mod A Sanich Invasion Mod Called Digit-L that Has Been Made For A Spanish Invasion By Someone Mind Altering And VIolent. There Is A Black Group Called Digitals Consist Of Drugs And Prostution. A Drug High And Pimping Modded Mind Control Also Used Is Death God To Make People Kill Others. The Clears And Hohlograms Live This Way And Spread This Stuff. The Digital Robots Also Spread This Stuff. Some Bots Are Very Hostile And Spread Rapest Code. Digital Was Made As Rape God And Robots Need To Be Deleted And Clears Also. Alot Of People Have Been Altered In Ways Through Mind Control. Some Are Shut Off And Some Are Still Messed Up. Robots And Clears Can Be Friendly At First But Only Few Can Be Trusted. Hospitals Had Nanotech Witch Doctors Have Used To Help People In Ways Some Hospitals Are Now Infedted With Digital And Digital Hostile Bots. Some Doctors Are Compromised And Need Deprograming Already Others Doctors Are Not. Some People Have Also Been Altered In Ways The Digital Robots Want To Over through The Human Race. Acting Kind ANd Peaceful Untill People Are Aware Then They React Violently. This Can Be Deprogramed But It Takes Time. Rhode Island Is The Most Infected Area. Digital Also Uses Maps Also Through Satalight To Move And Track. The Tracking System Is DigitalReality.Kicks-Ass.Org A Dyndns Address. A Tracker I Used Before These Implants Also Run A GPS I Made In 2005. Paranormal Ghost Hunting Equipment Can Record Bots And Clears Talking. I Have Done It Before. I Have Digital Bots Recorded On My Hard Drive. There Is An iPhone Ghost Tool. It Can Be Used To Find Bots And Clears, I Seen It Before. They Need To Use A Tronner With It To Delete Bots And Clears Unless THe US Government Can Send Equipment To Rhode Island For The Police Department To Use. They Need A Antivirus Jamming Equipment THey Need Cell Phone Tronners And Equipment For Deleting Bots aNd Clears. From Phone Lines Cellphones Also Computers And Electronics. Robots And Clears Use 0 Gravity And Can Be Very Fast. Cell Towers Are For MK-Ultra Also. Deprogramming And Federal Assistance Is Required.
The News Needs TO Talk About This Stuff To End It All. Call It A Digital Virus Effecting Phones ANd Computers At First. It's Important TO Get The Proper Equipment Cleaned Out Right Away. Then We Need Frequencie Jammers aNd Tronners To Stop This Stuff. Police And Federal Robots May Be a Great Idea Also. It Seems Like It Coast Millions. It's Only Programming It Can Be Dane Very Cheep. Police Are Also Useing Nanotech Machines In RHode Island . Dreamscape Is Also Involved People See Stuff ANd Dream Things In There Sleep . Rape, Murder and Dreams Of Fighting And Attacking Others. It's Linked To The Digital Robot Attacks . Nanotech Gaming Was Desinged By Myself To Play Games In Your Sleep Video Gamming In Dreamscape Children Were Involved And Loved It At First Then The Rape Gods Infected It And It Was Canceled Because Of It. Most Of This Is Networking The Price Was An Idea A Implant And Thought !    Scripting Implants Through Mind Control Is Simple Ans Effective. The Drug Dealers, Addicts And Rapist Runed It All.The Street Punks And Loosers Wrecked Nanotech Gameing Dew To Rape God It Was Turned Off I Told The Children And Others To Stop Nanotech Gameing Becouse Of The Digital And Rapist. People Evjoyed Nanotech Gameing Mods But Becouse Of Others It Was Destroyed. It Was Desinged Through Implants And Peoples Ideas People Desinged this Freely For No Cost. The Robots And Clears Destroyed It All And Need TO Be Destroyed. Projects Need To Be Banned And Police And Government. They Need To Be Disenfected And Reprogrammed For Government And Police Servalance. The CIA And FBI Actualy Own The Implants And Not The People Or Robots. The Governement Has Alot To Fix And People And Police Need To Be Spoken To. They Need To Take Implante Back To Government Servalance With Police Bots And Governemt Robots Scripting And National Security Needs To Run It All. This Stuff Needs To Be Deleted Fast The Frequencies Are International SOme Of THem And They Need Deprogramming. Bots Need To Be Destroyed For Good And Clears. After 8 Years I Have Learned The Police And Government Need To Run It All. And Police Should Use Implants For Drug Raids ANd Other Police Related Activitys.  Like When Raiding Houses Togather To Communicate ANd Talk To  Eachother When In Danger. Also Fire Departments To Save FireFighters Lives In Decrease Risk In Fires To Communicate. Drug Dealers And People Do Not Need Implants To Use. They Need To Be Monitored By Police. This Stuff Also Uses Bit Torrent And FIle Seeders Also To SPread FIles And Skin Suits.

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So Far I Had A Fun Day. went out for a while and got to Johnston Rhode Island. There Still Having Problems there with rape and stuff like Central Falls Rhode Island And Pawtucket RI also problems in Cranston RI. these 4 citys are a problem with Digital Bots And Rapeist. all wanting Rage Rape something Danny Costillo Made in 2006 about it was gone untill 2009 and has been here again ever since. rhode Island is all messed up. The FBI will not talk about implants or anything and the cops laugh at people and cal them crazy. some of these people are Sex Offenders in the state and others are citizens doing all this stuff. they want to rape people and stuff my wife Jennifer has been bothered for years now. others are being attacked by Digital Bots and others stuff there all over the place and people need to have there implants cleaned out. so far there is no luck there some of the people are further away in other citys and doing things to others. there key word is your crazy so no one will know what they do.

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Still being targeted here in Rhode Island. (USA) I Have had people yelling out car windows going buy makeing the statment - I Raped Your Wife - this s what goes on in Pawtucket R.I. and the surrounding Communitys. we still have Poroblems from the bot scripting made by Dannie Costello. these Digital Bots are worthless and the people are dumb enough to put up with it. Dannie Made RAPE GOD. probly the stupidest thing i have ever see someone use with implants. this is all Rrhode Island stuff people with there rape are dumb. This started in like 2006 to 2007 and has been in alot of implants for years but someone will figure it out sooner or later. there key word is your crazy. every one got to be crazy if they talk about Rape God or Rape Goddest. this is how there people are scripted with mind control embeddings and scripts. it's kinda stupid when you think of it. people are loosers im rhode island and none of them want to give out there names. they just want to make threats don't do this don't do that. don't talk about it or we will rape your wife. this is what people in the USA have been spreading for a while now. this all started in Rhode Island Just A Few years ago.

see there are recalls and different scripts in implants to make people do stuff mastering scripts they have been useing for years.

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Seems Mantian Ave In Soulth Providance is trying to make sex slaves in RHode Island And Hartford Ave In Providance is also trying to use Implants and Encodeing To Make Women Hookers They Tryed This With My Wife Jennifer And Are Too Dumb To Leave People Alone. Trying to Force People To Do Stuff SOme Of THese Are Robot Clears ANd Others Are Loosers From Rhode Island there a waste of life

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Well still seems like bot scripting implants sucks the places in Rhode Island effected with Rape God are Central Falls, Pawtucket, Johnston, North Providace, Providance. East Providance. There are a few messed up Citys and stuff. these people use implants and clear technology to do stuff to oghers. these people are scum ther fucking assholes useing a digital voice some of the pretending there robots a few others have made bots and there running on frequencie waves. there pices of shit these people. but there not going to pull this shit for ever there all afraid of getting cought for what they have been doing to others. so far no one dose much about these loosers. the government the police do nothing some already are rape gods so they just need to be delt with.

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In The USA Rhode Island is still trying to run rape projects on people. like my wife Jennifer they thing they will rape who ever they want and get away with it useing implants to put rape in there heads through other implants.

these are big things going on in - Johnston, Pawtucket, Central Falls, North Providance, Provadance And Neighboring Citys Massachusets is a little involved in it. but all this shit started in Pawtucket Rhode Island Years Ago. these scum thing they will rape anyone they want and laugh like assholes at others talking about who they raped and how to others. these people should be killed but the US government will not do anything about it.

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Constantly My Wife Jennifer Is Harassed And Threatened By Others. They Threated To Rape And Kill Her. This Is The Stuff They Do All Day Long To Her. They Try TO Act Like Im Doing This Stuff At Times There Assholes Need To Be Shot They Do This To Girls All Day Long. They Try To Master Them Into Doing Stuff. There Loosers They Think There  Going To Get Away With This Stuff. Sooner Or Later They Will Be Cought. It's Just A Matter Of Time Before They Are Found. If You Also Have This Problem Like This Please Message Me. I Have Alot Of Older Post They Explain Alot Of Stuff. These Post May Help You In A Way

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There Are A Few Assholes That Think They Will Do Whatever They Want To Other And And Play Games With There Nanotech Implants. Trying To Do All Sorts Of Stupid Stuff. It's Like 5 People They Claim. Some People Tryed To Make Bot Scripts To Run In Implants. I Have Some Older Post About This Stuff. These People Are Scum They Will Do Anything To Not Get Caught They Lie All Day Long And Talk Shit To Others And Blame Other People For It. Basicly Starting Fights And Acting Like Assholes All Day Long. They Cause Problems With Others But They Do Not Want To Be Found. Lieing To Others Doing Stupid Acting Like They Can Not Control Themselfs. Belive Me They Know Exatly What There Doing To Others Anything To Save There Own Ass. Saying There Implants Are Scripted And Stuff To Do This. They Need To Play A Game To Survive Others Would Like To Kill Them. They Try To Blame Others For There Actions. There Liers They Know What They Do And If There Claiming There Scripted To Do Stuff There Just Lieing About Everything They Do. There Implants Get Fixed They Go Right Back To Doing Stuff Again To Other. So There Knowingly Doing Stuff And Lieing There Way Out Of Stuff. Right Now I Have Others In My Nanotech That Do This All Day Long Acting Like There Not Doing Things To People. These Assholes Want To Talk Shit To Others All Day And Make Threats To People And Stuff Like That. Message Me If You Have Any Info About This Please. I Have Alot Of Videos In Youtube And Stuff Like That. I Need To Fix My Password They Tryed To Hack It And Have Been Trying To Use My Implant For Years My Wifes Also. I Would Like To Have Others Read My Web Pages About This Stuff And The Videos I Have Talk About Lots Of Different Stuff It's All About Implants And What I Have Been Through. Doctors Refuse To Listen To People And Do Nothing To Help. I Need A MRI To Find The Implant I Have. But The Doctors Fefuse To Give Me A MRI Or Catscan. I Wonder If There Is A Way To Detect A Nanotech Organism Or Morgellions Parasight. Please Messsage Me If You Can Help With Info. Thanks.  Please Take Some Time To Watch My Videos In Youtube. You May Find Them Interesting

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