As far As The Parasights And Nanotech We Got To FInd There Places The Make These Things And Burn Them To The Ground. It's It Nighr Time And There Is Noone In The Bulilding THen No Pne Realy Gets Hurt It Would Just destroy There Equipment. I Know In The 1970's even hippies were destroying places even Earlyer than That. some know there are computers and radios that are connected to this stuff. we need a sampel of the software. Then Maybe we can find someone to Wright a computer virus to destroy there equipment. even if it's a satallight it can still be uploaded. I know some police Run equipment also and they will not talk about it. so to find there software and upload a virus can be done. with stuff like LRAD it's a machine it can be damaged or distroyed. in sure someone in electronics can build something maybe a Jammer or something that can destroy an LRAD machine. there has to be something that can be done to destroy the equipment. anything running with electronics can be hacked and destroyed.
the first order of buisness is to find a way to destroy this stuff or make a law against it. if that fails then people need to start fighting back. most people are afraid to fight back but hay it's you're Frunial If you Sit There And Wait To Do Nothing And Die. Alot of this stuff is run by police criminals and
Government. Alot of people may be dead because they chose to be passive and not fight back.