We are currently living through a secret war which is being fought for the most part by wireless weapons. Many people throughout the world have been secretly placed on a wirelessly enabled control system known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. Nano technology has found its way into all of our brains and bodies through inhalation and ingestion. In a selection of people this internal nano technology is being connected wirelessly to supercomputers by two way links. These two way links allow unknown neuro operatives to upload sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, and even pain signals to the brain of the targeted individual. These neuro operatives can even send information to the body of the victim in order to force the victims own limbs to move against their own will, or even to make the victim unwell. Remote neural murder to direct neuro link is also possible and has happened. These two way links are also used by the neuro operatives to collect all electrical signals which the human brain and body constantly generated. This electrical activity is downloaded from the brain and body of the targeted individual to the supercomputer where it is data analysed. All of the thoughts, memories, words and actions can be made known to the neuro operatives by this method. The targeted individual can have no mental privacy from then on.
Secondary to remote neural monitoring wireless microwave weapons are also being used to place whole populations under electronic mind control using frequencies which entrain the brains of people into states of unquestioning trust in leaders who are either knowingly or unknowingly leading us into wireless enslavement.
Targeting human beings and wirelessly tethering them to supercomputers against their wills and without their permission is an act of war. We are now at war against the dark new world order criminal cartel who wish to have more and more power in fewer and fewer hands, their own hands. We the rest of the human race can easily win this war provided we act now.
We must tear down all microwave transmitters which are being used for both remote neural monitoring of a large selection of targeted individuals as well as electronic mind control over large populations. All adults should and must carry microwave readers with them at all times which can be used to detect if microwave beams are being transmitted from vehicles which might be parked near schools or housing estates or indeed anywhere.
We must stop using mobile phones also known as cell phones because they are miniaturized microwave weapons and they are responsible for entraining the brains of the users into artificial states where they are being manipulated into high levels of mind control.
The main stream media is for the most part owned and controlled by the dark new world order criminal cartel to the extent that any and all information about remote neural monitoring and electronic mind control is being censored from it.
We must decentralise political power as a matter of urgency. It is a rule of thumb that the more centralized power becomes the less freedom the ordinary people have, and the more decentralised power becomes the more freedom people have. We must dismantle the European Union and we must have very limited government inside our own countries. No government at all, simply a system of rules without rulers would be even better. This system is known as anarchy. It is a linear based self regulating system.
Fight (2)
The mind and how it works
Certain sounds can cause certain triggers of images to be produced in the mind.
The human mind can be explored in many ways, it just depends on the person and how they want to explore it. Certain sounds can trigger certain thoughts in the mind. Take for
instance the sound of a bell ringing. If one hears a bell ringing,
then the mind produces an image of a bell. The same goes with smells.
Certain smells can cause a trigger in the mind. The mind produces an
image of the smell or tries to produce an image of what the smell is.
If you smell a rose, then your mind will produce a picture of a rose.
When you say don't t think of this or that, then you end up thinking
about it in your mind, but when you say do think of it, you don't
think of it, at least that's how my mind works.
Now take electromagnetic radiation, a silent weapon, and use it on someone's mind. Pointing the weapon directly at their brain and you get horrible results. If one is
happy, energetic, up going, fun, and wanting to take on the whole
world, these weapons can turn that around. You have a weapon that can
affect someone's mind so bad with this radiation, that it turns that
person into a fearful, non energetic, paranoid, depressed, unhappy
person. This silent kind of weapon being used on people can make one
look as if she/he has a mental disease and is in need of treatment.
The hearing of voices, how can one explain that? Truly, is it my own
mind doing this? Is my mind so messed up that I want to speak out of
terms in my own mind and not be able to control it? The research is
that there's an imbalance in the brain cortex and that's why the
hearing of the voices occur, same with bi-polar disease and chronic
depression. Medication and Psychiatry treatment are suppose to help
this area, but does this really work with one's who claim to be
Targeted Individuals? If they seek professional help and nothing is
changing, then what? Are they still considered mentally ill and
crazy? What about the facts they lay out? Why not take that into
consideration? Technology is so advanced, why wouldn't silent
electronic harassment weapons be possible in today's society? What
makes it impossible to exist? Why the use of silent weapons and why
is it being used unwillingly on people in the United States? Test
subjects. To see how they will react to the “attacks” as I call
it. It's an experiment. When you create something, you want to try it
out. So you experiment on objects and things to see how it works. If
it fails or doesn't do exactly as you would expect it to, then you go
back to the drawing board. You tweek it and start over again. If it
works as planned, you eventually upgrade it and keep the
experimentation going to see how the objects react to it til you get
to the point where you are confident you can use it on a wide range
of objects without error. Same with this technology. The people or
shall I say Military and Government body who funds it, are
experimenting with it right now (a guess, but a pretty good guess).
And that's why you have Targeted Individuals. They are seeing how the
people chosen are reacting to it and if they fight back or not or
commit suicide, give up, do as they are told (voices in the
head/orders), etc. No wonder people killed others because they were ordered to do so by the voices in their heads. I have done a lot of research in the past and a
lot of thinking every day to come up with this theory. What's your
opinion on this?