when they put Microchips and implants in a person Heart and other parts of the body to attack me and hospitalized me and to take my life and they used nanobots in my opinon allso i beleive this to be Terroist in America the land of the free.In my opinion i all most die again December 25 2012 my farraday cage was sabotoged i woke up around 2;00 am all left side of body was numb very sick.I went back to bed and layed on my ground sheild in the other bedroom i woke up two hours later and my head was pouring water.Janary 28 2013 same thing happen around the same time went to hospital i was told i needed to be admitted so i stayed.I informed all hospital staff that i had implants even in my heart and i needed to know was it my Heart or the implants causing my heart problems (signals).  All day i felt very good jan. 29 the morning of stress test i felt great after cat scan and right befor stess test the head Nurse informed me that the two Metal Stents had grown into my Heart mussele.I walked the tread mill bare footed with ease,i informed the nurses that they allmost made me break a sweat and ask them did they want me to walk the tread mill backward now and they said no.When the Heart doctor cam to my room after the test informed him that i had Microchips and implants that was causing my heart problems and ask him where could i go for help and his reply was just go down to one of the universitys and they would help me this was strange coming from a heart doctor.My Congressman sent me a document saying to contact Biomedical proceeders Ombudsman ( N.C.Health and Human Services) this is at Duke University in N.C. it took a long time to find this after being hospitalized Jan i went to Duke and talked to Jeff Dawson he was located in the Cancer Research Center on Research Drive. I showed Mr Dawson the document that my Congressman sent me that says that he hoped that they would adress my concerns as soon as posible.Mr. Dawson informed me the he knew nothing about Ombudsman and that he did not see Plublic people.Mr. Dawson is not only Ombudsman i found out only Faucalty at Duke goes to see him.I was doing farly well for a while until all my protection started to get Sobatoged and my Wife helps them. I ask my wife if i could get FBI and ATF to investigate these crimes not to lie that she would get into trouble. She told me that these people are more powerful than you know but she would tell the truth,my wife is a trun coat after twenty five and she has told me several times in the last year to (eat shit and die) and a few weeks ago she said to me (i hate you,you Bastared) I have gave her no reason to say these things to me.She called the Police on me for no reason a few weeks ago she told them that i threten her life,i was in bed when they came.The Police ask me did i think that i was above the Law and i said no sir. I informed them that i had broken no law and i was going back to bed my wife left fowlering two police cars and was gone two hours,i never was taking to jail. My wife is very sick and i beleive that they are Beating Up on Gramma but will they throw her off the Ciff.I have heard them say many times (We Are Going To Kill All Those People) but i don't know who all these people are.I have a App. with my Therapist tomorw at Piedmont Family Services in Shelby and i have a APP. with Dr.Robert A Forinash a Psycaritist on Sep 9 2013 this should be very Intersting.  Thanks and God Bless!

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  • I have done some research on nanotech. I find very little evidence that nanotech work outside the laboratory. There are so many variables in real life , that I find it hard to believe that these things can be accomplished in real life situations. Also, When taking into account the evidence there is to support ELF waves as a medium, I dont see how trying to introduce a foreign substance into the body would be advantageous to the perps. I mean, If they can do this without implanting anything, by any means, it seem as though they would choose the way that has the fewest moving parts. There is a lot that can go wrong with devices of any size, with ELF waves, the moving parts are outside the body and far away so the moving parts can be observed and manipulated when needed to affect the victim. And we come to the same problem with nanotech as we do with chips, they can be detected as foreign objects by a number of different devices. I have seen the results of measuring equipment and fully believe that they can 'see' nono devices by their means of measuring so I believe that if they were or are using nano devices they are leaving behind tons of evidence. There is far less evidence left by ELF waves. It would seem that they would choose way to do this that does not leave behind a trail of bread like Hansel(of /hansel and Gretel). 

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