Something that I have learned in this life is that if you don't lose your child's heart, you will never lose your beauty because natural beauty comes from inside out and not this plastic beauty that the NWO promotes. (for instance, lady gaga is the perfect woman for a psychopath) I understand it's not easy to not lose it but if we lose this we lose everything because I believe our soul is attached to this child's heart.
Here it looks like the devil's kingdom with all his satanists politicians, senators, etc. Not all of them of course are but most of them. My perp is a former Senator, former CEO and former chairman of the Principia, which is a branch of a christian cult. He is now supporting the Westboro Bapstist Church, the craziest cult in the US when in fact not even the KKK want to be associated with them so that must tell something about him.
That's how the devils' kingdom operates using politics and religion to manipulate and lie to the masses. If you got your smile how matter how much shit they throw at you, consider yourself blessed and never lose it friend.