£838 psychiatric hits for hire follow the money trail

I amposing a question so this is speculation but with some real teeth to it.I've always wondered about the presumed MEDUSA attack waged on me andhow military non-lethal weapons were used on me as well as being askedto join the mob or take a bullet in the head. We know some TIs areconscripted to be perps. When choosing the bullet I was then drugged for30 hrs that they made look like 4 hours. I will never know what theydid to me unless evidence was left behind like a chip or something.
I'm thinking of how my attack coincided with my divorce. I was alsothinking of how my x-wife ended up with a guy who is a fireman and he isstill married but his wife is institutionalized. I have heard of this
before in a few cases where kids I knew had mothers who had lost it andtheir fathers had
girlfriends that they lived with. Now knowingabsolutely for sure that this can be a setup and that doctors, lawenforcement with military weapons are involved I have to wonder if thesepeople can have there wives children or even parents involuntarilycommitted.
There are a lot of reasons like ending a marriage andmaking it look like they are the victim of an unfortunate situation.Kids will still love you and be supportive and loving, excepting yoursituation with the girl friend as unfortunate and necessity under thecircumstances.
In my case my x-wife was divorcing me while I wasout of work with carpaltunnel syndrome. She was awarded only $256 a month in childsupport. one child stayed with me and one went with her and the thirdwas put with her mother because of her young age.
By attacking mewith what appears to be MEDUSA with the same attack mode as LRAD I haveno
doubt I was
attacked. Being involuntarily committed I havebeen told would have allowed a life insurance payment should I havesuccumbed to the attempted forced suicide attack where they pretended toattack my daughter while she called to me and while they repeated for meto hang myself and to jump out the window. A call in the morningexposed the psychological attack for what it was. The attack seemed tobe caused by V2K, voice cloning and possibly silent MEDUSA as an intensefor of physical torture. Wet towels around my head lessened the latterto the point where I survived and got out but I was stillpsychologically and physically hurting, badly. I was forced onto SSDIdisability. My x-wife's child support went from $256 a month to around$800. She would have gotten this even if I had succumbed to the forcedsuicide attack and would have received a bonus life insurance payout if Ihad died.
There was a
writing about a fund set up in the UK
recently for victims of tooth implants but authorities claimed to haveno records of who received them (like the Justice department letters) soagents were slow killing these victims and acting as secondaryrecipients of this money while illiminating the evidence according tothe post. Whether this is true or not it made me think.
Therewas a lot of money to be made by what was done to me. Also other than mymental health records exposing that I was hospitalized by police andthat my home was searched for bomb making materials to expose lawenforcements involvement, there was also information on how my son waspressured to not stay with me because of my false mental diagnosis. Itmade me very proud to see that in spite of pressuring him he refused toleave me. If he had, my X-wife's child support would have increased andI'm sure she would have gotten possession of the home that I had builtand that I had because
I had gotten a restraining order on her forstabbing me. Our equity was only thirty five thousand at the time butbecause I had built a large beautiful home I would have almost $300,000in eqity in just 10 years.
I'm hearing that at lot of TIs havehad their
estates stolen by lawyers. In the same breath if grand daddies his estate will be passed out according to his will or the laws.If a child is committed and given a false diagnosis then in many casesthe parents will collect social security benefits or life insurance ifthey were to die.
There is a money trail. My x-wife even huggedme before the breakup saying she didn't want to see me go down likethis. I think she knew all along I was being taken out. Now she is with aguy who's wife had also been committed. The two of them if in similarsituations who keep their secrets well together. Maybe putting on theMEDUSA attack mode was an accident and I wasn't supposed to know of thisall out attack which had been silent and had been meant to be covertuntil I began catching on despite their efforts.
The night I wasbeing committed I heard, "This is how we do hits today". This was hours
before the forced suicide attack.
This government is so corruptthat this
is definitely possible. If this has a weapons testingcomponent maybe there is a $50,000 fee to put someone on the list or itis a reward for a favor done.
How else do we explain lawenforcement ignoring us, doctors involvement as well as using the mentalhealth system to incarcerate, torture and kill. My medical insurancewas also billed for $20,0000.00 form the 12 day stay. More people havedied in mental institutions than all the wars put together. These aresome evil bastards.
I have also noticed a number of TIs have beenin the military, military intelligence, NSA and FBI. Some TIs are whistle blowers as well.This could also be for revenge. Time for this practice to

Peter Rosenholm

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  • That would be nice.
  • Hi:

    I was reading your story. I am terribly sorry that happened to you. I hope we can meet soon online I have been a member for a while and I am connecting with new members all the time...


    Karen Dawe
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