Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.


Hi Mind control friends: A person is a person not a company.

I am a mind control monitor and victim. I save myself and in the conditions that I live which are irrefutable a mind control issue. Eh when the tables turn victory is sweet though. There was a mind control scam that was used by a group of religious lawyers that are apparently unaware of the criminal code? Unbelievable their human rights scam on self proclaimed interest rates and how we bank, how tough. They called me a…

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Miss Kitty

Miss Kitty:Thank you for your children message. The place I live in is a detrimental hazard. It doesn't like children or their moms or grand moms. It hates the world. I am glad you reminded me of this and my soul can be at peace amd this as applies to me as I am a single grand mom. I know the heartache of this house and some days it makes me feel poetic. I will look for you in the future and now and I will remember your mind, your true thoughts are the more for me.SincerelyKaren Dawe
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Hi:I read your message and was so glad to hear from you! I am experiencing a number of attacks as well and I feel I might die right away too or perish or turn up missing.My daughter and my grand babies do not know.Do you have anybody to trust that can do special things for you, or help take care of you?I would like to correspond and hear about your difficulty and share back and forth.SincerelyKaren Dawe
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Just Believe commented on Karen Dawe's blog post CCR
"How did you save yourself? What equipment did you use? and from where i can buy it"
Aug 10, 2021





Ottawa Ontario


January 8

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  • correction i meant Karen not kelley !

  • hello, nice to meet you.
  • I'm sorry Karen I have BUG CHARACTERS also in my Inbox peacepink.

    I'ts impossible so. Excuse me, I'm sorry, if do you want, you have my SKYPE. My account peacepink CLOSED. Excuse meKaren, Do not angry but for me is impossible so
  • Thank you for the comment Karen. I have kindred (uncle and aunt) in Toronto that have migrated after the Second World War. 
  • we all have such hard time trying to 'live' due to the illegal human destruction tortures... and so, as is common in us military prisoners of war situations, they try to group together and help each other survive. For if each stayed petrified, traumatized, each alone, trying to survive the attacks... is a no go. Additionally that is against nature. It is natural to wish to become stronger and try to survive. If TI became neighbors, at least the attacks coming from the neighbors, would not be from the TI neighbor... having a witness that sees the men with lasers sitting in a car on the street - the electrical company installing illegal torture devices - having a neighbor that understands the terrors, is a key to survival. There are TI buying land in the country to have many acres to live on - each separately but within a few hundred yards of another TI. any comments are welcome. peace
  • Hi:

    This morning mind control begins with demeaning comments like "How do you get the day done as if I am every Dow Jones elite market the Rockerfellers.

    The books that were fired at me and used for masonry discovery or sexual med eds or false gods and misteaching aids were Scaredy Cat, one of four books were Mark Billingsham a new Canadian author."

    The next directive was pathetic croning " Why blame the poor, poor, ice poor caps, or the Tundra or the establishment, come up with something folks any antedote will do?

    Now the conversation after the diagnosis and after the elite psychoactive methods and 23 hour screw up lock down is, " Why is Bell Canada debugging my telephone.?"

    The former 911 contracts are posted on blogs and areretractable by law however they relate too being criminalized and to human sex trafficking .

    The sexual cult programming begins everyday with a message attached, here is how to join one what every welfare cheque comes equipped with.

    I am at home looking for a post. \

    So Good Morning to you...this is to my gang stalkers union that denied access to my mind.

    Mind controlled going on 20 years now.

    Karen Dawe
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