#mindcontrol (1)

I have been informed via voice to skull that signals intelligence operatives come around to my private house on one occasion each week in order to use energy frequencies to take readings of the energy in the air of my bedroom and that these signals intelligence operatives come from the near by town of Castlebar in Co. Mayo. I was also informed that one of the names of the aforementioned signals intelligence operatives is Eamonn Clohessy. I dont know anybody called Eamonn Clohessy but the voice to skull operatives often mention his name and they have informed me that he is a linch pin in the proceedings against me which have now continued both day and night for nearly seventeen years. I am being psychologically tortured to an extreme degree and my own head can be made to nod and shake by external wireless means against my will and without my permission. My facial muscles can also be wirelessly externally controlled. I can be placed under electronic constraints to a small degree but the level of electronic constraints which can be placed under is due to increase to an extreme degree at some future date. I have made two serious suicide attempts to the extent that I was not expected to live on either occasion.
I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Whenever I visit the bathroom and sit on my own toilet in the privacy of my own home samples of my waste matter are taken by the use of energy weapons and while these samples are being collected I am being forced to hear the voices of the neuro operatives speaking to me by wireless voice to skull methods while they make disparaging remarks about me. This happens every time I visit the toilet whether day or night. Irritable bowel syndrome is predominantly caused by extreme stress. I am extremely stressed by this extreme abuse of my human rights to privacy and dignity.
More than seventeen years ago I complained to an agent of the Irish government that I was not treated correctly by a large number of medical practitioners whom I had visited and sought help from for irritable bowel syndrome and that I was refused disability allowance for it by Dr John Connolly, Pontoon Lodge, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Soon after that meeting with the government agent who was a female disability assessment doctor who I met in Claremorris town whose name I can not remember, I began to experience electronic harassment and torture and sabotage of my personal possessions. I do not blame Dr John Connolly for the electronic harassment and ongoing psychological torture and physical pain that is being administered to me by wireless means. However, I blame him very much for denying me much needed disability allowance when I really needed it. I blame the ongoing wirelessly administered torture on agents of the New World Order who are slowly and incrementally enslaving the human race by wireless electronic means. They use many methods to achieve this. They use wireless physical manipulation techniques on my face and body and they are wirelessly gaining more and more control over my central nervous system as the years go by.
Agents of the New World Order use microwave mind control on most government officials. I cry inside from frustration that many agents of the government have now become unable to think clearly to the extent that they implement in the Republic of Ireland anything and everything that agents of the dark new world order advice them to implement. An Irish government minister called Denis Naughton has signed a document giving permission for fifth generation wireless technology to be erected throughout Ireland. Fifth generation wireless technology generates millimeter waves which have the ability to carry pain signals to anyone who would challenge the dictates of the New World Order and it also generates the band width necessary to wirelessly connect and then enslave each and every one of us for all eternity. Denis Naughton and all other members of the Irish government would have to be under extreme microwave mind control in order for them to allow this to happen to us. What is wrong with the Irish government that they have not woken up to the extreme technological wireless electronic enslavement measures which are being carried out against the Irish race and against the children of the future?.
I live alone in my family home at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo in the West of Ireland. I used to live with my parents until 2011. They have both passed away now. When they were alive we did not bolt our doors at night because my father was blind and he would not be able to leave the house in the event that the house caught fire. We simply locked the doors at night but did not bolt them. Unbeknownst to me some group of individuals had made copies of our house keys and they could come into our home at night if they wished and they could use frequency weapons to render us onconscious if they wished. I was living alone in 2012 and I had locked the outer doors of my home but I had not bolted them because I was not in the habit of doing so. At about six am one morning in 2012 I heard the outer door of my home being opened. I would have immediately got up to investigate under normal circumstances but suddenly I was rendered into a deep sleep by means of frequency weapons. I dont know what occurred inside my privately owned home during that time but whatever happened it was against my will and without my permission. I now bolt my doors as well as locking them whenever I am at home.
The reason I am relating this story now is because of something that occurred this morning. I related to the voice to skull staff by wireless brain to brain means that I am about to get a new security feature in my home. The voice to skull staff then replied that because of the new security feature that I am planning to acquire, in future, when signals intelligence operatives come to my home late at night which they do on at least one occasion each week at approximately two pm for the purposes of taking energy readings of the energy in the air in my bedroom , they will now render me comatose by the use of frequency weapons when they first arrive so that I will not be able to see them with my new security device. I was also informed that rendering me comatose on a regular basis such as what they are now planning to do would have severe longterm repercussions on my health. Who are these signals intelligence operatives and why did they gain entrance to my private home without my permission as well as against my will?
Who is allowing this form of torture to happen to me? When I informed the Gardai that I was hearing voices which were being delivered to me by energy weapons they did not then accept a statement from me and instead they erroneously sent me for psychiatric evaluation. When I was then speaking to the police psychiatrist I was then forced to withdraw some of my statement which I had made earlier to the Gardai lest I wrongly be incarcerated inside a mental institution because the state wrongly refuse to recognise the legitimacy of wireless voice to skull technology which is now in widespread use throughout Ireland.
Psychiatrists appear to be under wirelessly administered microwave mind control because they refuse to accept that the voices their patients hear coming from inside their own heads are being transmitted to them by wireless technological means even though according to the United States Patent Office as well as according to many other patent offices throughout the world many patents exist and have existed for several decades which explain scientifically how this transmission of voices can be carried out by a use of a combination of scientific and technological means. It is my belief that the human mind could never and has never generated intelligence sounding voices in the whole history of the human race and that all intelligent sounding voices which individuals have heard coming from inside their own heads throughout history have been transmitted to them via hidden means. I also believe that no aspect of psychiatry is science based. It is simply a concoction of pseudo scientific nonsense. I also know that the pills which I was administered when I was under the care of psychiatry in the past owing to the fact that on more than one occasion I looked for sanctuary there from the wirelessly administered psychological torture I was then and still am going through, were highly toxic to my system and they degenerated by state of health to a substantial degree. I believe that the toxic pills which I received from psychiatry also rendered me unable to think, speak and write as clearly as I do not about my experiences of wireless electronic torture. I was later required to lie to psychiatrists about my knowledge of me being wirelessly tortured in order to eventually escape from the psychiatric process which I have successfully done.
Why do our elected officials refuse to believe their own Irish men and women who legitimately warn them of wireless weapons and why do they instead believe every human being outside of Ireland who present them with a false badge of authority which they get from Satanists whose ultimate aim is to enslave all of us?
Is it because our elected government officials are under a heavy form of microwave mind control or some other unknown form of mind control. It is apparent to me that our elected officials are no longer acting in the best interests of those who elected them and are now acting in the best interests of others who have no bearing on the men, women and children of Ireland. If they are concerned with managing the finances of this country which they rightfully are that should not be foremost in their concerns now because we would not be allowed to have personal finances if we were wirelessly enslaved. We would instead by given a stipend based on the amount of work which we carried out on behalf on the Satanists and dark Luciferians the previous week. If all of the aforementioned stipend was unspent it would then be deleted from our account and we would never be allowed to accumulate personal money during the reign of the Satanists who wish to be our slave masters. We would also be forced to work constantly and if we refused to do so we would then wirelessly receive a pain signal in order to make us return to work immediately. I known that this is possible because I have lived with wirelessly delivered voice commands and pain signals for many years and so have many of my Irish aquaintances and friends who are also being manipulated and psychologically tortured by wireless means inside their own homes while attempting to live peaceful lifes and this is happening in a large number of homes throughout the Republic of Ireland at this time.
My fellow Irish targeted individuals can not get through to technologically mind controlled Irish government officials any more than I can. The Irish legal system is such that targeted individuals of wireless electronic harassment and torture can not speak to the Gardai without losing their legal right to freedom . The minute we speak to the Gardai, by the very act of our speaking to them we are handing them our rights to freedom and they then have the right to wrongly force us to see a psychiatrist who can wrongly force us to stay in a psychiatric hospital even for the rest of our lives on their biased say so. I have no intention of ever speaking to the Gardai or psychiatrists again as I strongly believe that their thinking has been brought under the influence of outside forces who are not friends of this country Ireland such as I am.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control and where I have written about my extreme experiences where over nearly seventeen years I have been administered wireless electronic psychological torture as well as physical electronic harassment is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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