控制技術 (1)




1. 近期腦控空間有很多菲律賓人出現,他們大部分都是做財經,金融,外匯.


2. 本週又有新發現,原來你所食的食物不在你的胃,而是在他人胃中。你相信嗎?我絕對相信,我每餐食很多,但很快又肚餓,電腦顯示我的胃是空的,而我所食的食物在他人的胃部,仲引起他人消化不良。而我實際體重只有40公斤,腦控賤人為了掩飾我過瘦的事實,將體重60公斤肥胖者同我併芯片,令我外型顯現肥腫難分。


3. 聽力操控: 當多人併芯片時,聽到一樣聲音是理所當然,但當處於多聲道控制的時候,可以是每個人聽到的都不一樣。控芯片人經常以電台的廣播做試驗,當大家併芯片一起收聽,間歇性各人會收聽到其他人聽不到的弦外之音. 弦外之音並非來自電台廣播, 而是有人利用多聲道控制技術去傳遞信息.


4. 腦控賤人會將他人的腦部記憶片段,用於和現在被腦控目標併芯片,如果記憶片段中某一時間有嘔吐,跌倒時,被用於併芯片的目標人物同樣有相同的感覺,如果片段的主人翁最後被自殺,被併記憶片段者也會不知不覺的走上自殺的路。

即是當同死物(記憶片段)而非真人併芯片都起到一樣的感應。 對此我不禁質問,此次肺炎冠狀病毒所引起是否同之前的SAR病患者的記憶片段合併有關?如是者,即是一場有計劃,有預謀的大規模屠殺。如果不毀滅之前病患的記憶片段,未來將持續有同類型事件發生,無休無止!此非一般官員, 醫務人員能力所能控制的範圍.


5. 當多位跟蹤者同目標人物併芯片時,跟蹤者的記憶片段中的場景和目標人物所見所聞是一樣的,但他們可以對住同樣的場景有不同的思維和評論。但當所有人的腦合併如一時,到底記錄的是誰的記憶?答案是視乎誰是主腦。 是否主腦可以完全不受其他腦部的影響?答案是視乎腦控操作的模式。即記憶的片段有很多不確定性的因素, 我如何將之作為呈堂證據? 法庭如何判斷它的真假??


6. 場景操控: 個人經驗,當我打開雪櫃時,看到有些已經食完的食物仍存在於雪櫃內,奇怪的是當我伸手去取時却是另一種東西。即時我關上雪櫃門再開,發現我見到的之前食物根本不存在,取而代之的是真正存在的食物。因此才知道原來是控芯片人同我開了個玩笑,將我雪櫃的場景換成前幾天的記憶片段以考我記憶。 另一件類似的事件,當我到超級市場的羊肉櫃買羊架時,所有人都見到有很多羊架,偏偏我見到的全是牛肉,直至檢視再三,才見到有羊架的存在。




7. 吸血事實,之前我提到很多被腦控受害者普遍都有低血壓的情況,大家都懷疑電磁波是否會影響人體的造血功能。而事實是腦控醫療機可以做到在受害者不知不覺的情況下將血液輪送給他人的功能。當然只限被腦控者。我個人防範方法將兩块強力磁鐵的負極用強力膠紙將他合併,然後放在身上。測試將其放在電腦傍邊,電腦即時失靈,所以小心不要放太近電器產品。其作用是令腦控醫療機在輛送血液時失效。當然如果你有更好的方法,不妨大家分享一下。


Mind Control News this week (February 29 to March 5, 2020)


1. Recently, many Filipinos have appeared in the brain control space. Most of them are doing finance deal with future foreign transaction.

2. This week, I scared to fought that the food what I ate not in my stomach, but in the stomach of others. Do you believe? I am absolutely convinced that I ate a lot of meals, but soon I am hungry. The computer shows that my stomach was empty, and the food what I ate in the stomach of others, causing indigestion in others. It was so weird for me to accepted. 

My actual weight was only 40 kg. In order to conceal the fact, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who weight was over 60 kg, such used to harm my healthy and appearance.


3. Hearing manipulation: When some people are mapping together, naturally what we hear should be in same, but when under multi-channel control, everyone can hear differently sentence in difference channel. 

The controller did an experiment with radio broadcasts. When everyone mapping together for listening, everyone got a difference wording inside the radio broadcasting. 

As said, the difference wording was not coming from radio broadcasts, it was came from hearing manipulation, someone uses multi-channel control technology to deliver the information to targeted person as well. 

4. The chip controller have recorded other people ’s brain memory sim to combine with the current being brain-controlled target. If the recording got vomit and felling down in the street, the target person used to combine the chip will also be the same effect, even the memory recording who pass away under suicide, the current target also will have an emotion to step to suicide. 

That is, when merged with someone’s memory recording also can have same effective as real person. In this regard, I curiously that the pneumonia coronavirus may related to the memory chip of patients whom previous got SAR disease? If so, there were the deadly massacre with conspiracy. 

If the above were truth, why the controller do not destroy the memory chips of the patients, may they want to continue murder the people in the future. There were so sad for citizen, we all being experiment, and the general officer even health care staffs out of knowledge to control such situation. What’s wrong with our government, why the government not taking action over the mind controller?


5. When group trackers are mapping the optical with the target person, what the target person saw are same as the trackers in normal situation as well as the memory recording, but they can have different though and comments on the same scene. 

But when all brains are united, how to distinguish whose memory is recorded? The answer depends on who is the main brain. 

Is the main brain completely immune to other brains? The answer depends on the mode of brain control operation. 

That is, there are many uncertain factors in the memory recording. How can I use it as evidence summit to court? How the court to prove it true or fake??


6. Scene manipulation: Personal experience, when I opened the refrigerator, I saw some of the food that had been eaten was still in the refrigerator. It was odd that when I reached for it, it was another thing. Immediately I closed the refrigerator and opened it again, and found that the food I saw before did not exist at all, and replaced it with the food that really existed. So I realized that it was the chip controller who had just made a joke with me, and replaced the scene of my refrigerator that recorded previously to test my memory. 

Another similar incident, when I went to the supermarket, look for the lamb chop, everyone saw a lot of lamb chops at the counter, but all I saw was beef. I didn't saw any lamb chops until the controller damaged brain recovery, then presence.Therefore, the victims of being brain control should keep your brain in energy and concentration in the memories all the time. Stay away from drugs, and alcohol that something harms your brain, don’t be fooled by the brain-control perps and being misleading that you got hallucinations.


7. The fact of blood transfusion. I mentioned earlier that many victims got hypotension. I was doubt it may affect by electromagnetic waves harm to the body's hematopoietic function? Now it was confirmed that the brain-controlled medical machine can perform the function of sending blood rounds to others without the victim's knowledge. Of course, only the targeted individuals. 

My personal precautions are to combine two powerful magnets face in negative side with tape and place them on my body. I done a test to place near my computer, the computer fails immediately, so be careful not to place it too close to the electrical products. Its role to make the brain-controlled medical machine ineffective when the blood transfer. Of course, if you have a better way, please share it to us with appreciate.




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