氣槍 (1)

用被腦控市民的血選出來的特首? 你喜歡嗎?

未來日子, 香港將有很多政黨的競選活動, 需要大量資金, 而政治獻金大部份都來自被腦控市民人體實驗, 微波痛症, 藥物銷售的收益; 另一方面選民的投票意願都受腦控技術控制. 所以被腦控受害者很難得到各政黨的支持, 現時不只競選經費, 包括政黨每日的運作基金有部份都是來自被腦控市民的微波痛症買藥錢.    

 宏觀目前香港政治局勢, 此場反政府暴力運動, 是政府放手, 由腦控人展示實力的遊戲, 志在告訴市民, 目前香港大部份人都被腦控技術所操控, 假如實行普選, 得勝者背後一定是掌握腦控技術的暴君, 大家是否願意見到我們未來沒有思想自由, 沒有個人私隱, 只有腦控的強權? 市民的血被作為他們統治的籌碼? 是否願意見到市民被作為人體實驗的白老鼠?

一直自以為聰明的香港人, 為何仍堅持普選, 難道真的被洗腦? 或者被腦控技術暗中摧殘至智障? 清醒啦, 香港人!

If The chief executive born by using the pains of citizen? Do you like it?
In the coming day, Hong Kong will have many political parties' campaigns that require a lot of money. Most of the political contributions come from brain-controlled people's human experiments, microwave pains, and drug sales return. On the other hand, voters' willingness to vote who their real want, but under brain control technology. That's why, The victims are difficulty to get the support from the political parties. At the present, not only the campaign funds, but also the daily operating funds of the political parties are partly from the microwave dirty money.

Macroscopically the current political situation in Hong Kong, the anti-government violence demostration only a game in which the government let the perps go to show their power by using brain control technology. It was used the truth to tell the public that most people in Hong Kong are being manipulated by brain control technology. If universal suffrage is adopted, the achiever who should be come from and the main mind control technology. Do you want to see our future without freedom, without privicy, only under government brain control technology? Using the blood of citizen as a bargaining power? Do you want to see the Hong Kong citizen being used as a human experiment? White mouse?

Hong Kong people who have always thought they are smart, why are they still insisting on universal suffrage, are they really brainwashed? Or are they being brain control to mental disable? Sober, Hong Kong people!


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