發炎 (1)




1.  很多賤人身在海外,利用替身以併芯片, 換樣貌方式同老朋友聚餐,當晚宴結束後,賤人將自己抽身,而替身得回自已腦袋之後,不知道自己身在何處?等了三小時後得賤人再次併芯片引導替身回家。大部份被當替身的長者, 當被換成他人的腦袋時, 是沒有自己的記憶, 當長時間被併芯片即換腦袋後, 自己原有的腦袋海馬區會慢慢收縮, 長期會變成老人痴呆. 所以在此提醒被作為替身的長者,隨身攜帶家中地址,以免走失。


2.  24日,由早上11時開始,變態賤人遙控電子武器令我頭痛超過13小時,我已於早上時份向香港警方報案,報案編號:e-Reference Number: ERC2002251012431



3.  賤人用錢引誘,利用他人將我公開場合的照片拿去換錢和用於網上欺凌,然後再利用取錢者作為GSP併芯片竊聽。實際上是滋擾我之餘又將貪錢者收為賤人所用。而賤人同時遙控電子武器令我頭痛,賺取我和受害者頭痛錢後,再次以各種方式付款貪錢者滋擾我,形成一個循環,以此吸納更多人被腦控者所用。在此提醒大家,我己於2015年訂下有法律效力的懲罰性索債條款   http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4590914 ; http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4604593,切不可一時貪念而造成一世的遺憾!


4, 近日,我閱讀一本有關腦控的書,書名”Poisoner in Chief”, 其中提到某位細菌研究專家最喜歡的食物是洋蓟, 並用於細菌研究項目的名稱。我們中國人很少以洋蓟入膳,查醫書得知原來其功效是排肝毒,肺毒。在此肺炎流行期間,多食有益。


5. 本週,我深深體會到被智力衰退的慘況,平時一天可完成的工作,需四天才能完成。閱讀文章需中英文閱讀後仍沒法完全理解,電影睇完後瞬間即忘。以上種種都是因為腦控賤人將我的智力調低,同時將腦力老化的長者同我併芯片,減低我的效率,再來一招思維干擾,三管齊下,令我做任何事情都有深深的無力感。現在行路,食飯都比平常慢一倍。實在太恐佈了。


Mind Control News this week (Feb 22 to 28, 2020)

1. Most of the perps resident in oversea, using substitutes for mapping to change their face as themselves to attend friends’ party. After the dinner, the perp separated the chips and leaved, the substitutes got back their own heads, but don't know where they are? Sit there and forgot how to get home, waiting about three hours until the perps mapping again to guide them home. 

Most of the elders who have been used as substitutes, they have not their own memories when they are replaced with some perps else. after being mapping replaced for a long time, their original hippocampal area will gradually shrink, and it will become Alzheimer's disease. 

So we remind the elders who are acting as substitutes or suspected may being used as substitutes, you should bring your home address with you to avoid getting lost.

2. On the 24th, from 11 am, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassed caused me headache for more than 13 hours. I reported it to the Hong Kong Police in the noon. The report number: e-Reference Number: ERC2002251012431

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got inflammation in navel, and got odd smell last few days long for physical and mental abuse.


3. The metamorphosis mind control perp use someone who greedy for money to take my picture to sold them and then online bullying, after that the perp use the money receiver as a GSP for mapping. It was a cycle game, the perp used harm to earning by remote electronic harassment to me, then pay greedy people to bothering, and also used the greedy people to do what the perp want by mapping. Used such as a cycle to recruit more people to used by brain controller. 

I would like to remind everyone that I have set a legally punitive claim clause post at November 7, 2016 (http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4590914; http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4604593).  Don’t do something regret for a while and cause regret for life!


4. Recently, I read a book about brain control, titled "Poisoner in Chief", which mentioned that the bacterial expert favorite food was "Artichoke", and also used for the name of bacterial research project. I never ever eat Artichoke before, for understand what the advantage and dis advantage, I check the medical books, it shows that its efficacy in detoxify, and good for liver and lung. During this pneumonia epidemic, I will try it for prevent.

5. This week, I deeply experienced of my memory decline. The work that I can done in one day before, now I need four days long to complete. When I reading the article, I cannot fully understand it ever used in Chinese and English cross reading. All of the above are because the brain-controlling perp set in the mind control machine to lowered my intelligence, and at the same time mapping me with the elderly to less my efficiency, then used someone to inducing and interfered into my thought, triple harm to my brain, ever when I walking and eating, felt slow down, and need the time about double than usual, made me felt so weakness in sprite. It was so horrible and fearful!



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