記憶 (1)




1. 據腦控空間討論,當腦控人將他人的人生記憶記錄同你併芯片,你會沿著 “他”的人生軌跡行,你會有同 “他”一樣的人生,如果 “他" 的記憶是死於自殺,被併芯片者死於自殺的機會很大,除非你知道記錄的內容,走出原有的圈圈去改變腦控人為你設定的命運。


我個人認為,被自殺的記憶大部分是被腦控至憂鬱, 足不出門,擔心被整蠱, 害怕社交時出丑, 害怕溝通時用詞不當, 慢慢自己鑽牛角尖, 繼而被腦控走上自殺之路。所以只要多走動,多晒太陽,去時差同原居地不同的地方,無論身在何處,只要感覺到不開心即轉換地方,直至開心為至,以此走出被腦控人操控的命運。


2. 幾位女性朋友閒聊時,談到女性經期,有人提到無論如何都沒辦法使用衛生棉條,以為是使用方法有問題。實則,很大機會是變態控芯片賤人將女性和男性一起併芯片,如是者,肯定沒辦法使用衛生棉條。 




3. 拜讀小說” Poisoner in chief” 其中的記錄提到,因腦控技術,某人可在沒有脈搏,心臟停頓的情況下,仍處於活著的狀況。




在此提醒變態控芯片賤人,根據”中華人民共和國刑法” 第三百零二條規定,盗竊,侮辱尸體罪判處三年有期徒刑。


4. 近期,不知何故,我發覺自己沒有丹田氣,唱歌時沒辦法運氣,有時聯講話也好似換不到氣,很奇怪!我每天最少一小時快步行練氣,已超過十年,也經常練習腹式呼吸法。我懷疑變態控芯片賤人又在腦控機上做了手腳害我。可惡!


Mind Control News this week (March 8 to 13, 2020)

1. According to the discussion in brain control space, when the metamorphosis chip controller mapping you with the records of memory that belong to someone else life, you will follow "he" life to live, and you may have the same life as "he". If the memory record was died of suicide, then the probability being suicide is very high, unless you know the detail of the memory record, get out the memory life circle which already set by the brain controller.If you do not want to according to the arrangement by brain controller, and you did not know whom you are mapping on, the only way to change your future is to leave the original place and start your own new life.My personal opinion that most of the memories of suicide are brain control to depression, they did not want to go out, worry about being tricked, fear of ugliness when socializing, fear of inappropriate words when communicating, slowly dying to dead end, then to commit suicide as perps’ will. 

How to get out?  walk more and sun more, going to a place where time zone is different from your original place. No matter where you are, if you feel unhappy, change the way until you are happy.


2. The girls talk, talked about women's menstrual periods. Someone mentioned that she could not use tampons whatever, may something wrong in use. In fact was the metamorphosis chip controller mapping the woman with men caused, so she is no way to use tampons.On the other hand, it is proposed to female elders who got urinary incontinence problems use tampons to keep themselves clean and hygienic. That makes the metamorphosis chip controller cannot mapping you with someone else for nuisance.


3. Reading the novel "Poisoner in chief", it mentions that someone no pulse and the heart stop, but still alive. In real life, there is indeed such a case. Someone was dead but still able to speak. Under mind control technology principle was mapping the dead person with alive one, use the alive person to inducing voice to speak and inducing eyes to blink for misleading people that who was not dead yet.Hereby reminds to the metamorphosis chip controller that according to the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", Article 302 Whoever steals or insults a corpse shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

4. Recently, I found that I cannot breathing, inhaled air in smoothly when I singing, and the joint speech seems to be out of breath. It was strange!

I train myself walk quickly for at least an hour every day last more than ten years, and I often practice abdominal breathing. I suspect that the chip controller has done some harms to me in the brain control machine. hateful! 



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