Event (1)

Soleilmavis wrote 14 Jan 2009 Dear all, I could not add comments on members pages and send private messages to members on http://www.change.org to invite people to join our action "Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture" http://criminaljustice.change.org/actions/view/ban_mind_controldirected_energy_weapons_abuse_and_torture Could you help us to continue inviting people to join our action? According to my experience, if you leave comments or messages to members, 30% members will join our action. We wish to invite 3000 people to join our action. Now we have already gotten 100. if everyone can help us get 25 or more people to join our actions. we will surely achieve our goals. Change.org is a social entrepreneurship venture based in San Francisco, CA. The company was founded by Ben Rattray in the summer of 2005, and with the support of a friend from Stanford, Mark Dimas, and a founding team of Darren Haas, Rajiv Gupta, and Adam Cheyer, Change.org launched the first version of its site in 2007. Soleilmavis wrote: 13 Jan Dear all, Would anyone in USA like to "Host an event" in Mr. Obama's website which bring awareness of remote mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture If we can invite people support our events hosted in this website, we can let Mr. Obama and his people to notice our urgently demand of exposing mind control abuse and torture. (Please go to this website to register and host an event) http://usaservice.org/page/content/calltoservice/ Advisers say Obama preparing to close Gitmo http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090112/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_guantanamo This is a good news that we can make sure Obama fight torture. And we also wish mind control abuse and torture will go to public soonly. and torturers can be sentenced according to law soonly. Few websites which can let Mr. Obama hear our voices (1) http://www.change.gov You can submit your idea to let Mr. Obama hear your voices. (2) http://usaservice.org/ It’s a tool that will allow you to organize a service event in your community and recruit others to join you. Or, if you’d prefer to join an existing event, the site will direct you to what others have organized in your neighborhood. (3) http://my.barackobama.com Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign My page: http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/blog/soleilmavis (4) http://www.change.org Dear All, Please support our actions to let Mr. Obama hear our voices. Please invite more people to join after 31 Dec 2008. (You need sign up an account with change.org) http://criminaljustice.change.org/actions/view/ban_mind_controldirected_energy_weapons_abuse_and_torture My Change.org URL www.change.org/profiles/soleilmavis If you have a nonprofit organization, you can add your organization to this site: http://www.change.org/nonprofits/search?city=&keyword=&name=ffchs&state=0&x=12&y=11 This is one of the top 10 ideas in http://www.change.org , I think this one have some idea related to our matter. Please help to vote. http://www.change.org/ideas/view/get_fisa_right_repeal_the_patriot_act_and_restore_our_civil_liberties (5) More contact information of Mr. Obama https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/statement-of-presidentelect
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