Superweapon (1)

Haiti Killer Quake Caused By Scalar Weapon !

  • The endgame is in sight. The Illuminati global élite are making their final moves for their New World Order, One World Government, global fascist police state! Tesla’s Electro-Magnetic Scalar weapons will increasingly be used for the coming wars! It provides plausible deniability. The Earl of Stirling writes:
    The reality of power and its use in the world is vastly different than the perceived reality that most people have. The reality of power is rather frighting and the mainstream news media, ever the tool of those hidden forces that control things from the shadows, indoctrinates the masses against “conspiracy theories”. There is a massive effort in the modern age to keep the citizenry dumbed down and politically immature. They ‘raise’ us rather like mushroom farmers raise mushrooms, “in the dark and fed manure”.
    I write daily on my blog about what is really going on in this world. I have been a consultant to three aerospace/aviation firms; I am a specialist in theoretical weaponry strategy and design. I generally harbor no illusions about the truly evil nature of the global bankingfamilies, their Illuminati organization and related groups, but even I was reluctant to see the large earthquake in Haiti as anything but a natural event. It’s not that I lack knowledge about the little known field of Scalar Warfare, which is largely based on the works of the late Nickola Tesla. I simply, like most people, did not want to face the fact that this could have been a man-created quake instead of something natural. The horror, evident in the pictures and descriptions of the deaths of hundreds of thousands from the quake, simply is so great that it is human not to want to accept that it could have been or even was a deliberate act of mass murder.
    We have long known that there are often certain precursors to natural earthquakes. These natural precursors include low level but widespread ‘Earth lights’ that are sometimes seen in the sky before a large quake, the dropping of well water levels, and strange behavior by certain types of animals. All of which have perfectly logical explanations.
    We also know, that there are technologies, usually dating back to the late Nickola Tesla’s work (he was responsible for a large part of the electrical discoveries and advances of the first half of the Twentieth Century), that can effect weather (even going so far as to create and direct hurricanes; a field known as Weather Warfare) and can cause earthquakes and other really massive events (overall this field is known as Scalar Warfare in its military applications).
    There is documented evidence that a powerful quake in China was created by scalar weapons based on a wedding party video that showed plasma discharge lights in the sky before that earthquake. There is also evidence to show that some hurricanes behaved as if they were being directed and enlarged by this technology. There have been a couple of articles published suggesting that the Haiti earthquake was the testing of a ‘earthquake machine’, perhaps a test that went wrong. Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has come out with an official claim that America used a ‘weapon’ to create the Haiti earthquake.
    A key bit of evidence was filmed by Christian missionaries over the epicenter of the Haiti earthquake a few hours (see video above) before the quake hit. This was a large very bright orange glow or ‘ball’ in the sky; in reality it was a plasma discharge. Such a massive and bright plasma ‘ball’ has never been seen in natural earthquakes in human history.
    As with any major event that is either a False Flag Operation or a man-made “natural” disaster, we need to ask Qui Bono (Who Benefits) and Why?
    I have come to the conclusion that the use of a scalar weapon on the poor masses of Haiti did happen and is directly connected to the massive little known oil reserves in and near Haiti and to the coming attack on Iran/general Middle East War/World War III. The major oil companies have long known of the oil fields in and near Haiti (as well as other places that have also been kept effectively hidden). These have been kept largely secret as part of long term corporate planning for the day when either Middle Eastern oil would run out or not be available due to war or other reasons.
    The horrific Haitian earthquake has given cover to the military operation to take full operational control over Haiti in order to begin the process of turning Haiti into a replacement for a large percentage of the crude oil coming from the Middle East. Not only will Haitian oil be ‘found’ and exploited but the ports and some of the land will be used for transportation and storage of the crude oil. 


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