The nano technology which is inside covid-19 vaccines is being used to wirelessly link people up to their own smart phones and other technological devices.
Stealing data from the brain of a non-consenting human being involves first of all manipulating that human being to accept an injection containing nano technology into their veins , mainly by hoaxing a pandemic. The nano technology does directly to the brain and becomes embedded there. Then data such as private thoughts can be stolen from the brain using a brain signal acquisition software known as Mushu which is written in Python. It runs under all major operating systems like Windows, Mac OS and Linux. It is free and open source software and it is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. From there your thoughts and words are streamed onto a closed circuit internet which has been created especially for the one percent of criminals who wish to take over the world for the purposes of enslaving the remaining ninety nine percent of their fellow men and women. Those who run the system from behind the scenes throughout the world would then reply to your most private thoughts and words in real time and if ever you complain to the police or military establishment you are quickly sent for psychiatric evaluation so as not to alert the masses of this worldwide takeover of their brains and bodies by wireless means.
The above mentioned neural link can be used to either enhance or diminish the brains capabilities.
In the following linked 2017 video, the United States well known Industrial Elon Musk when being interviewed about his neuro technology company which is called Neuralink and is headquartered in the Pioneer Building in San Francisco, California. he was asked if it would be necessary to put a microchip surgically into peoples brains in order to link them to a computer system he replied as follows " No. You can go through the veins and arteries and that provides a complete roadway to your neurons."