celestial navigation (1)


You can find this information at the following linked vidoe  https://www.bitchute.com/video/UuIWkEsO4kam/
When the current maps we use were made more than 2160 years ago during the age of Aries, the sun was in the constillation of cancer during the June solstice, and the sun was in the constillation of capricorn during the december solstice. That is the reason why we call the two tropic lines on our maps, the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.
There are no maps which present the tropic lines correctly as they should be during the age of Pisces, which is our current age, and which is the age we have been in for more than two thousand years. The circles of latitude which are also known as the tropic lines should now be called the tropic of gemini and the tropic of sagitarius instead of the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.
Maps are practical instruments of navigation. Our ancient historical ancestors depended on celestial navigation, on the position of the stars in the firmament above to guide their way when at sea by following the north star. Knowing the map of the stars above would have been critical if ever their compas failed. They would certainly have updated their maps and they would have designated the tropic circles to their correct constillations. They would never have neglected their maps.
Our current maps are more than two thousand years out of date. They are tools of deception.
According to the following linked video, our known world is a circle within a much larger circle. The smaller circle is our known world and it contains the sun and moon and the land within the toroidal magnetic field. It moves around a much larger circular world known as the realm every 25,920 years. When the toroidal magnetic field moves away from the known world where we live now then our world and everything in it becomes too dark and cold for any life to exist on it, and it isnt capable of supporting life again for another 25,920 years when the toroidal magnetic field containing the sun and moon reappears over our known world again.
True north and magnetic north are at two different locations. Navigators can get to magnetic north by using a compas but the only way navigators can ever get to true north is by celestial navigation by being guided by Polaris, and this is a skill set which has been generally eradicated from common knowledge .
The presenter of the enclosed linked video claims that if you look at the moon you will see a mirror image of the entire world which is known as the realm and which includes the land masses within our own known world which is the area contained within our toroidal magnetic field. . Here is the link to that video https://www.bitchute.com/video/UuIWkEsO4kam/

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