child abuse (1)

Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 16, 2023 at 8:02pm
What is known as the covid-19 vaccine is in fact injectable identification technology and also other types of technology and many other substances.. If you accepted what is known as the covid-19 vaccine it will self-replicate and self-assemble inside you and you will be identifiable to unknown others no matter where you try to hide from them. I have had injectable technology put inside my own brain and body without my awareness or consent. I now experience verbal pornography being broadcast into my head. I wrote some of it down and I emailed a large sample of it to the Irish governmnet and to the main stream Irish media in the past few months. A lady from Dublin, rang me and she informed me that both pornographic images and verbal pornography are being braodcast to her on an almost continual basis for the past two years.

There may be a way of dissolving the nano technology which is self-assembling inside the brains and bodies of some humans, animals, insects and birds. Independent scientists and herbalists and others are looking for ways of destroying the nano technology which is now inside most of us. Some have suggesting using chlorine dioxide. Others have suggested using colloidal gold and still others have suggested using miniscule amounts of borax dissolved in water. Please research ways of destroying the nano technology which is inside us.
I don't as yet know who is broadcasting data into my brain without my consent. They have been communicating with me for nearly twenty years and I have no way of blocking their voices and other data. They have issued threats of extreme physical torture to me on many occasions and they have succeeded in frightening me in the past to such an extent that my teeth have been chattering with fear. Voice to skull communication is in widespread use throughout the world and there are many scientific patents in existence which support the existence of many methods of direct communication with human beings.   I am not a shill.   I do not get paid for any of my posts, videos or letters to governments or to the main stream media.   I am not a puppet.   I write my own posts and letters and I make my own videos.
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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