colon cleansing (1)


What is Oxy-Powder?
Oxy-Powder is a scientifically formulated, all natural oxygen colon cleanser that safely relieves the bloating, irritation and constipation associated with a toxic colon.

By using Oxy-Powder you can safely and effectively melt away the compaction from your small intestine, large intestine, and colon.

Brief History of the Invention of Oxy-Powder
Oxy-Powder is the result of unparalleled research and development in ozone, superoxide and ozonide technology used to create a powerful oxygen based colon cleanser which slowly releases monatomic oxygen to the intestinal tract and body.

The history of Oxy-Powder is based on our superoxide/ozonide creation and stabilization process which was invented during Dr. Group’s research on the root cause of disease. He found that all disease is caused when the body becomes so contaminated with toxic residue from our daily lives that our own internal self-healing mechanism is suppressed. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and many other potential sources and over 90% of these toxins enter through the intestinal lining.

This led Dr. Group on a journey to create the most powerful oxygen releasing, toxin neutralizing colon cleansing product on the market. It all started by studying the works of the most famous ozone and reactive oxygen species scientists worldwide dating back to the late 1700’s.

With the help of many brilliant scientists and many years of painstaking trial and error, Dr. Group was able to stabilize reactive oxygen species to magnesium compounds, and Oxy-Powder was born. We started selling our first batches in the late 90’s and since then Oxy-Powder has become the industry standard for oxygen intestinal cleansers. The name Oxy-Powder was chosen to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of ozone and magnesium oxides into a stabilized oxygen releasing powder to support health and longevity.

Top 5 Reasons You Need Oxy-Powder
Oxy-Powder uses the power of time-released oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify your whole digestive tract – not just the colon!

1. Promotes intestinal harmony while creating an environment that encourages friendly probiotic growth.

2. Reduces uncomfortable abdominal ailments! Do you suffer from any of the following? Bloating, Mood Swings, Back Pain, Headaches, Poor Appetite, Bad Breathe, Body Odor, Diarrhea, Lack of Energy, Weak Immune System, Weight Problems and Occasional Constipation.

3. The human intestinal tract is 25 to 30 feet in length and covers a surface area the size of a tennis court. By the age of 40, the average person may have 10-20 pounds of hard, compacted fecal matter lodged in their intestinal tract.

4. Oxy-Powder is formulated to support proper digestion and cleansing of impacted fecal matter from the bowels and intestinal tract. Oxy-Powder is safe, gentle, made from the finest ingredients.

5. Thousands of satisfied customers have given Oxy-Powder fantastic reviews. Try Oxy-Powder risk-free for yourself and feel clean again. You have nothing to lose except toxins, guaranteed!

Shocking Statistics About Constipation and Colon Health
– Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week.

– Medications, IBS, laxative abuse, disease, poor diet and lack of exercise are common causes of constipation.

– Over 4 million Americans are frequently constipated.

– 2.5 million doctor appointments every year are for constipation and nearly half result in the use of laxatives.

– Americans spend over $700 million every year on over-the-counter laxatives.

– According to the American Gastroenterological Association, many people unnecessarily buy and use laxatives.

– Routine use of some stimulant laxatives can cause dependency and frequent use may lead to complications.

– Women and adults over the age of 65 are the most likely to suffer from constipation.

What are the Benefits of Oxy-Powder?
Cleanses, flushes, and detoxifies your colon while you SLEEP – How easy is that!
Dislodges toxin-filled fecal matter without harming the natural flora in your intestines.
Easy capsules, no horrible tasting concoctions!
Does not require time off work or an interruption to your daily schedule.
Backed by an award winning customer service department that is ready to answer your questions.
Uses oxygen for gentle and safe cleansing of impurities, toxins, and harmful organisms
What are the Top 3 Questions People Ask About Oxy-Powder?
Should I only use Oxy-Powder when I’m constipated? Oxy-Powder can be used as an intestinal cleansing agent or to relieve the symptoms of constipation. This means that anyone that uses Oxy-Powder can and will benefit from its oxygen cleansing properties.
Will I lose weight while using Oxy-Powder? Oxy-Powder is not designed to promote weight loss. While some people have reported weight loss up to 20 pounds when using Oxy-Powder, this is not body fat or muscle, but is the elimination of stored, compacted fecal matter.
Can I take Oxy-Powder with over the counter products? No contraindications have been reported when taking Oxy-Powder with over the counter products as long as the Oxy-Powder is taken 6 hours before or 6 hours after the medicine. It’s always best to check with your health care professional before adding any supplement to your regimen.
Best Colon Cleanse Product That Really Works!

“Let me start out by saying that since I was a little boy I have always had problems with constipation. As the years went through teen and adult eating processed junk food and sweets it got worse. In 2003 I switched over to natural and organic food which helped alot. I knew there was something still missing now at age 47 as even with the good food I am eating plus exercise and supplements,I would still have a full feeling after eating or taking my supplements,not to mention my bowel movements were once a day or sometimes every other. After starting with taking 3 Oxypowder capsules at night before bed,I wake up and my bowel movements are now like clockwork & finally feel that true emptied out feeling! It is truly a blessing to have found this product,not to mention that it helps to flatten out your stomach which I am sure is the build up of accumulated & stuck fecal matter from years of toxicity due to the bad food I was eating prior to my change to the organic food. The best part of all is that it’s easy to take with no messy bulky fiber drink or seeds to take. I am a customer for life!”
Healthguy 1.

Verified Buyer

A New Life

“It sounds dramatic, but yes — I feel like a new woman with a new lease on life! I’ve always been constipated and was addicted to laxatives. Fiber didn’t work. Drinking 8+ glasses of water didn’t work. NOTHING worked but amusing laxatives. Until Oxy-Powder, of course. I’ve just finished the 7-day cleanse, lost 3-4 pounds, and have a new flat stomach! I don’t get gas and bloating each time I eat, and people have noticed that I’m actually in a cheery mood (because I’m not digestively miserable all day, every day). I will never ever be without Oxy-Powder, and I thank you so much for helping to benefit my life in such a positive way!”


Verified Buyer

I Lost 14 Pounds!

“About ten years ago, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident that left me with a great deal of physical trauma. Until I took Oxy-Powder, I would have bowel movements only once every two or three months. During the 7 day cleanse, I lost 14 pounds!!!! At 5’6″, 130 lbs, I wasn’t overweight to begin with. It was quite a shock to me to find that I had that much waste in my body. Since taking Oxy-Powder, I’ve felt better, have had regular bowel movements (two to three per day), and have kept the 14 pounds off (I’m not dieting). I’ve also recommended this product to any one who will listen. I’m so impressed with the product that I will be a lifetime user.”

Jennifer N.

Verified Buyer

Love the product!!!
“I have tried all kinds of products for constipation and have had problems with this condition since my mid 30’s. I am now 50 and have a product that makes me go on a regular basis, does not hurt my stomach, or produce excess gas. I used to have to give myself enemas and laxatives all the time and it was so painful. I now get up in the morning, and take 2 capsules and wait 10minutes. Have a cup of coffee and I am usually going to the bathroom every day now. YEAH!”
Verified Buyer

High Octane Colon Cleanser

“Used either before or after heavy meals, this product blows all new and old waste from the body, making me feel lighter, cleaner & more energenic, much like an engine additive cleaning the pistons to help the vehicle run more efficiently.”

Tampa L.

Verified Buyer

A Good Healthy Purge!

“I have been using Oxy Powder on and off now for some years, and I can say that for me personally it’s the best internal/colon cleaner out there (and I’ve tried lots of different types). You don’t just see the difference, you feel it too. You won’t be disappointed.”

Amanda M.

Verified Buyer

Take 4 capsules with a full glass of purified water on an empty stomach before bed. If you do not achieve 3-5 bowel movements the next day, increase serving size by 2 capsules each night until you achieve 3-5 movements the following day. Continue this amount for 5 more days.

Take your serving size 2-3 times weekly or as desired.

– Add the juice of 1/2 a lemon (preferably organic) to your water when taking the capsules.
– Drink plenty of water while using Oxy-Powder.

Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and the juice of 1/2 a lemon into 16 ounces of purified or distilled water. Take with 6-8 capsules of Oxy-Powder before bed. Oxy-Powder will cleanse your intestinal tract while you sleep, allowing you to relieve yourself of toxins the following morning.

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