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1.     At home inventory, I lost a Lesportsac backpack, a LV monogram handbag with the same clothing accessories, also a pair of Tods shoes found which lost before, but the soles have been worn. My apartment’s doors and windows were not broken, suspected thieves trespass by key.  I can't understand why all my bags and shoes have been used, and it is not a most expensive product. Why the thieves targeted?  Also the previously lost 7 big albums have not been returned.

2.    This week's gossip news; The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with legs disable patient, which made my legs joint pain and weakness;  

When you heard Bob Lam’s voice appeared in mind control space, you can ignore it since all lies for misleading;

It is said that someone force Francis Ng to remote control electronic harassed victims in exchange for the academy award for best actor. True or dare?

In the near time, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got the problems with the respiratory tract, Nasal congestion, Congestion and super fatty person. According to the parties, said Joe Nieh received their money to for eye stalking me, it may relevel to Cai Lam, but I still not yet confirmed. 

3.     In the last issue, I talking about the perps used mind control technology to pull pranks on someone by within the low IQ chip with high IQ person for long-time, which made the high IQ person to lower his intelligence as Low IQ one. On the contrary, some parents may use such method by within chip with elites of school in order to increasing their children knowledge. But they never know, the metamorphosis chip controller within their children’s chip with one elite, also secretly within an idiot, also putting idiot in the first thinking place, which made your child sometime naive. Remind to parents, take your time with love to train your children during their grow up. Knowledge must to learn and absorb by themselves. There is no quick way for successful. Within chip will make your children being manipulate by someone for them entire life.

4. There is a list in the brain control space, which listing the detail number and name by the time when being mind control, so that the chip maker can clearly identify it. After then, some perps rearrange the number to confuse the user.

As said, the metamorphosis perp pays HK$10,000 per month as bait to recruit someone for keep the mind control machine with chips of victims. Most of them are kept by drug dealer and someone who need money urgently. They must turn on the machine for 24 hours every day that perp used for electronic harassment and gang stalking as positioning system. When victims suffered attack and ask the chip keeper to shut down the machine, the metamorphosis perp refuse and threat the chip keeper never shut down, otherwise will not get pay. Made the chip keeper for money to ignore victim’s life

On the other hand, the brain control perps replace the chip of the victim with evil one, and hand over to the good person for safe and lie to good people which chip for them own and their relatives, so most of the good people keep for themselves not for paid, and they shut down the machine all the time. Who knows when they relatives being killed by electronic harassment, they are being blame and blackmailed which they don’t know they kept one not really the died one. So remind readers never take the chip for others, it is a serious criminal offence. You should remember each chip is equivalent to a life.


1.  家居盤點時, 發現Lesportsac背包一個, LV monogram手袋一個同一些衣物配件不翼而飛, 而一對Tods皮鞋失而復得, 但鞋底已穿. 門窗沒有被爆破, 懷疑賊人是用鎖匙開門. 最令我百思不得其解的是所有袋和鞋都是已用過, 也不是特別貴價的產品, 為何賊人偏偏選中? 不解! 而之前遺失的大相簿仍未歸還.


2 本週雑碎; 變態控芯片賤人將我同不良於行患者併芯片, 令我雙腿關節痛和無力


在腦控空間聽到林盛斌聲音出現時即代表他所講的全屬虛構. 敬請留意




近期持續有呼吸道有問題, 鼻塞, 痰塞的肥胖變態賤人同我併芯片, 據當事人講是倪震收他們錢, 帮他們控芯片跟蹤我, 相信同蔡瀾有關係, 但仍未聽到倪震腦音確認.


3.  上期提到腦控賤人整蠱人的方法, 將低智能的人同高智能的人長時間併芯片, 令高智能者低智化. 相反有人為了培養自己的子女, 將精英同自己子女併芯片, 但並沒有將自已子女精英化而不解, 查核後, 原來被整盎. 腦控賤人將2位精英同他併芯片, 但暗中將一位智障也同他併芯片, 並將智障思維放於第一位, 令原本肓苗變成鋤苗. 在此提醒各位家長, 培養小朋友成長是需要時間和精神, 知識是要靠自己學習吸收, 沒有速成法. 併芯片方法只會令你的小朋友一世受人牽制.


4.  在腦控空間有份名單, 將在空間所有人以被腦控時間順序編號和人名列出, 令用芯片者清楚識別. 後期有人將芯片重新排列, 混淆用家


腦控賤人最新方法是將受害者的芯片以每月一萬元作為誘惑, 大部份放於吸毒者或急需用錢的人保管, 要他們24小時開機, 以便變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器摧殘和併芯片作為定位系統. 當保管到最後幾天. 腦控賤人遙控電子武器劇烈摧殘受害者, 保管者為保受害者生命要求關機時, 放芯片者揚言如關機. 將拒支付一萬元保管費, 令保管者為賺取一萬元而見死不救.


另一方面, 腦控賤人將受害者的芯片同賤人家屬的芯片掉換, 將賤人家屬的芯片交好人保管, 因大部份好人都不收費, 拿到芯片後長時間關機, 不受賤人控制, 再加上以為保管的芯片是自己朋友和親人, 更加盡心盡力去保護. 誰知自己的朋友和親人的芯片在賤人手中被摧殘, 自已盡心保護的竟是劊子手的家人. 當自己親人和朋友被死亡時以為關自己事而一世內咎 更甚者被賤人冤枉勒索. 所以提醒讀者, 切不可輕言保管他人芯片, 此屬觸犯嚴重刑事罪行. 每條芯片等同一條生命. 切記切記!


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