hey since i was in a faraday cage effect,look up the meaning of this ,is a physics thing .Now an electromagnetic feild is invisible,we just need the rules from the fcc and see if possible aboutcreating a faraday cage effect with the right meters possibly,just an idea............Zero Gauss Chamber (ZGC) Guass is in electromagnetics and can bring down the feild around ya.anyway look into this site for ideas ok......... has all types of meters for reading and amplifiershttp://www.trifield.com/so will be invisible and reads earths electromagnetic feilds and much much more.so a legal wave destorter or reducer in a farraday cage effect in your home? hmmm?what are the legal limits to createing a legal electromagnetic feild,yap they are some legal ones you can do.Also please consult with a electrical engineer if u havent already done so. preferably a professor in this stuff,i`m sure they can find out and do know how to do it,if legal and permissable.why suffer decharge your air in your home,goodluck with outside and if you can accomplish thislet me know ,i`ll wanna visit you with the rest of the TI`s . so hope this may help. Google guass it`s in an mri feild. well got to go now kids, my bones are acheing and need my fiber. gtg pass the ideas on and see what haapens,k.
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