The New World Order Cabal have banned industrial hemp and raw milk from the marketplace. Industrial hemp is the world's number one financial resource, capable of providing the raw material for sixty thousand different products such as paper, fuel, animal feed, building material, furniture and thousands of other products. It only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp to full maturity and yet they had it banned on a pretext.
The New World Order cabal have also banned raw milk from the market place. Raw milk is purported to be a cure all. Because raw milk is a whole food it can sustain our lives without the need to eat or drink anything else other than water. When ever milk is pasteurized or homogenized it is cooked to a very high temperature which destroys most of its nutritional value.
The Irish government are now banning turf which is also known as peat from the market place from next September on. The Irish people have harvested turf for thousands of years to use as a source of fuel.
Many scientists have come forward to assure us that global warming is a hoax and the real reason for erratic weather patterns is weather engineering which has been ongoing for at least twenty years.
We live on a planet of absolute abundance and all scarcity is deliberately engineered scarcity. The cabal wish us to be unhealthy, uneducated and poor so that they can more easily enslave us under their control. The Irish government are under microwave mind control. Do they know what microwave mind control is and how it works. Do they know where the microwaves in their environment come from and what messages they are carrying into their brains. Do they know how to stop the process of being mind controlled by means of subliminal messages being carried into their brains on microwaves. Do they know who is inserting the messages into the microwave carrier waves which are carried into their brains. If they know the answers to these questions are they going to have all microwave transmitters disassembled and banned from their environments so that they can think clearly again, and if so when are they going to have them disassembled and banned?