I believe that an electronic surveillance system exists which is being used as an aid in the generation of negative profiles of morally righteous men and women,
Illegal electronic surveillance combined with what is known as Remote Neural Monitoring is being used throughout most if not all of the world to generate profiles of many of the men, women and children of the world without their awareness or consent. The software for the electronic system which is being used to aid in the generation of such profiles has been written by individuals who may or may not be untrustworthy in the sense that they have written the software in such a way as to make it generate negative profiles about most if not all people so that a false perception of them is then perceived by those who have access to the profiling system and to some of the information which it contains. The laws that we are required to abide by are out of alignment with moral law which is also known as natural law and instead we are being required to abide my immoral laws and that in itself as one of the reasons why negative profiles are being generated about us covertly by agents of the new world order cabal, in my informed opinion. Natural laws are laws which man did not create and which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Dark occultists have created religious systems and other distractions so that we would not look into the knowledge of Natural Law.