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The web has significantly changed the manner in which we convey and how we handle everyday tasks.

We send messages, emails, share documents online, we pay bills and we buy products by entering our own personal data all on the web and without any hesitation.

Have you at any point halted to consider what amount of personal information you have shared on the web? Or then again what befalls that data?

What we're talking about is all about the banking data, contacts information, social sharing information, shopping information, IP address tracking everything that you do online will store digitally. Most of the companies tell you that they are collecting the data to better serve you, offer you more focused relevant information and customer experience.

Is that what they truly utilize the information for?

Respective of this question, the European Union (EU) government answered with a new privacy regulation called General Data Protection (GDPR) that enforced from May 2018 and permanently the way at present collect, store and use client information. Get to know more about online GDPR surveys Data Protection Regulation

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