haptic technology (2)


I am a non-consenting subject of black budget research which is being conducted remotely on me by unknown criminal predators for more than nineteen years continuously. Invisible ultrasonic forcefields are being used to force me to feel the sensation of physical touch on the surface of my skin. This capability is known scientifically as Haptic technological capability and it is being used to sexually abuse me by by those who use it and one of the many ways they abuse me with it is by sending ultrasonic forcefields to my nether regions which I perceive as sexually invasive.
I imagine that this haptic technological capability can also be used on minors without the awareness of their parents. I heard that school teachers throughout the United States and elsewhere are being forced to groom minors sexually by means of teaching them sexual education by way of the current school curriculum policy which is purported to be of a sexually deviant nature and entirely unsuitable for anyone respective of their age. If this sexual grooming of children by means of the public school human sexual education curriculum is eventually combined with haptic technology which sends ultrasonic forcefields to the nether regions of unwilling victims then future generations of children will find themselves in a hellish existence of sexual depravity.
However, there may be a very viable solution on the horizon. Many of us have unknowingly been injected with bio-nano technology, which includes tungston which radiates energy in the form of information from our bodies and brains which can then be collected by others by means of our own digital media devices, and which also included graphene oxide which acts as antenna's which attracts data in the form of digital signals into our bodies and brains. By means of the injection of these heavy metals and other bio-nano tech into us we have become both transmitters and receivers of digital data, which then is made to affect our thoughts and general behaviour.
Dr Ana Mihalcea M.D. PhD in both of the enclosed online links has informed the world that we can get rid of those heavy metals and other technology from our blood stream simply by taking a course of EDTA chelation once per month. You can then inspect your blood under a powerful microscope and you will find that your blood has been purified of all heavy metals. I imagine that in the future we will all need to have powerful dark field microscopes in every town and village in order to inspect our blood for the presence of illegal bio-nano technology.

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It is possible that by now there are nano weapons, such as bio-sensors and other technology being built into the floors of major stores of the type that are owned by multi national companies and which in turn are owned and controlled by Luciferian business men and women. Nano technology built into the floors would generate an artificial energy field which would be used to detect information about the customers who entered those stores, such as private biological details. Nano technology is being injected into the shoes of some targeted individuals. Nano technology has already permeated the feet and legs as well as the rest of the human bodies of most of the human race. I have been informed by means of voice messages directly into my brain that codes are being transmitted into both my legs and my shoes which align with each other in order to enable unknown others who must be sadistic criminals to physically remote control my physical body at a later date. I am fully aware that parts of my body can already be remotely controlled against my own will by unknown others who psychologiclly torture me from unknown remote locations by the use of digitally transmitted voice messages, pain, electric shock, heat sensations, cold sensations, the sensation of touch and many other unwanted experiences. I have been informed by means of voice messages in the past that roads are being surfaced with materials which contain nano or micro technology which can detect the level of traffic which travel over them. Please inform the public that nano and micro technology is being used to build a digital prison for us all by Luciferians and others. If the public were fully aware of the urgency of this situation they would have all smart street lighting, 5G transmitters and microwave transmitters disassembled and banned as a matter of urgency. Please share this.

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