impairment (1)


"One can develop a system that can seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period."
Quote by geophysicist J.F. McDonald who worked for United States President Lindon Johnson in the 1960s.
Our air space is being continually sprayed with metal particulates such as strontium, titanium, barium and others which make our air space highly conductible so that signals can be transmitted and received through it against our wills and without our consent.  We inhale and ingest some of this material which then makes our brains and bodies more accessible to those who wish to analyse or to damage our brains and bodies from unknown remote location.
Here are just a few patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering for those who doubt the authenticity of what is being claimed:

Patent #1619183
Patent# 2045865
Patent# 2591988
Patent# 3437502
Patent# 3531310
It is now believed that the brain performance of all duly elected politicians,  government employed police and all government employed military personnel (as opposed to private armies which now exist and are presumed to be in secret use) throughout the world has been impaired because they appear unable to act in the face of millions of their fellow men and women being wirelessly and invisibly and silently tortured inside their own homes by microwave signals being transmitted to their brain and bodies from unknown locations by unknown groups.
We must call an abrupt halt to all spraying of the air spaces of sovereign countries. We must call an abrupt halt to forcing the police to work close to microwave transmitters and to carry TETRA communication devices on their person at all times during their working hours. TETRA communication devices are trojan horse devices which combined with nearby microwave transmitters assist in impairing the brain performance of the police, even at the most senior level in each country. We must have microwave transmitters disassembled and banned throughout the world and we must return to the use of wired/corded devices.
The enemy do not spray their own air space with metal particulates and other injurious materials. It is self evident to those who can still think clearly that the earth is fixed and flat. It has been proven that not all areas of the fixed and flat earth are being sprayed with chemtrails which is also known as geoengineering. Madagascar is one country that has been left unsprayed according to one mathematician who calculated the journeys and flight paths of both air craft and drones.

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