my phone on silent mode, she couldn't reach me and called my hostel. At
that time, I explained that I put my phone on silent mode and such.
Later, I received few phone calls from totally unknown people. First one
I answered, but the man's voice was just saying "Hello. Assaram Aleikum
(Arabic Greeting)." Since he did not tell me his name nor I could not
recognized his voice, I turned off my phone.
At night, I gotphone number from 2 numbers around 12am, just few minutes ago.
Firstone kept calling me for 15 times and the other one called me 3 times.
The second one just started right after the first one stopped, so I
assume that one was done by the same person.
Here are the phonenumbers.
1. 0103828808 (1time and answered) - 09:08 pm 26-07-2010
2. 0193114952 (15 timesand did not answer) - 11:50pm 26-07-2010
3. 0121444869 (5 timesand did not answer) - 12:11a