Your smart phone can use frequencies to influence how you vote.
| Nov 10, 2021, 12:10 PM (4 days ago) | | |
10 November, 2021
Ms. Gretta Fahey
gretta fahey <
Dear Ms. Fahey,
Thank you for your email of 28 October, 2021 to President Higgins.
Your letter will be brought to the President's attention.
Yours sincerely,
Mairead Madden
From: gretta fahey <>
Sent: Thursday 28 October 2021 08:57
To: Presidents info <>
Subject: Your smart phone can use frequencies to influence how you vote.
Dear President Michael D Higgins,
Further to the email which I sent to you yesterday 27th October, 2021 I now wish to inform you of something which I omitted to include in that email. If you carry a smart phone on your person or if you are in close proximity to any digital media device, that digital media device can easily be used to transmit frequencies to your brain to affect your mood and emotions, thereby affecting how you vote. This form of manipulation can be done to government ministers, T.D.s and county councillors. This form of manipulation can even be done to villagers when they are deciding what water scheme control system to join. Please inform the public of Ireland that their smart phones are Trojan Horse Technology and that they are being used against the people of Ireland by unknown others. I also enclose the email which I transmitted to you yesterday in case you have not read it yet.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey,
Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901
My mobile phone number is 087 1046096.
When you purchase a smart phone, the store staff member who sells you the smart phone may ask you for identification and they then may register that smart phone in your name. Otherwise you might be asked by a digital message to register the smart phone to your own name when you get home. When the smart phone is registered to your name you are then associated with that smart phone at an unknown data collection and analysis center. That smart phone reads your body temperature and your heart rate and a vast number of other pieces of data about you whenever you touch it or whenever it is in your bodies electrical field which is most of the time if you leave it in your pocket or on your bedside table at night. Your smart phone reads your emotions by reading the frequencies your brain and body emits because each human emotion generates a unique and individual energy frequency.
Your smart phone contains proximity censors so it detects when it is close to your body and inside your electrical field which comes out about five feet from your body. Your smart phone has its own electrical field.
Your smart phones electrical field attaches to your electrical field and creates a symbiotic relationship with it. The radiation which is being emitted from your smart phone is continually altering the cells of your body. The algorithms which are simple computer programs and also the content you see on the screen alter your brain chemistry. Your body slowly gets used to operating with the algorithms and the electrical field of the smart phone.
Your body's electrical field adjusts to the electrical field of your smart phone.
Your body becomes dependent on the electrical field of your smart phone.
Your body becomes addicted to the electrical field of your smart phone.
You experience withdrawal symptoms whenever you have been without your smart phone for a significant period of time.
Your body detects when you havent had a smart phone addiction fix for a while and you feel compelled to find your smart phone and look at the screen.
Your smart phone collects vast amounts of data from your brain and body on a continual basis, based on how you are feeling and what you are saying and hearing and also based on your location. By the use of proximity censors built into your smart phone your smart phone can detect if any other smart phones are located close to you and it can detect who the owners of those other closely located smart phones are and what emotions they feel while they are while they are close to you. By this and other means your smart phone can detect how others in close proximity to you feel about you.
Your smart phone collects all of this data and transmits it into a large data base which is located at an unknown remote location and data analysis programs are then used to detect unique patterns about your from all of that data. It identifies your health status, your social status, your financial status, your belief systems, your knowledge base, your friendships and your current capabilities among many other pieces of data. If you are being interviewed for a job the interviewer can even tell if you are hostile to any of his or her interview questions. Based on all of the data analysis findings from the data which has been collected from you, other data is then transmitted to you in an effort to remotely influence your beliefs, your emotions and your behaviour. This system can even be used to transmit frequencies into the brains of both your and your spouse in order to break up your marriage.
Eventually, your view points and perceptions become so controlled by the grid system so you lose all of your free will and all of the ideas and perceptions which you have are simply externally transmitted influences. That is the method which was used to entice billions of people to believe that a covid-19 virus had been isolated and was dangerous and they should get vaccinated with an injection which contained an assortment of ingredients which they were not legally entitled to know. There were no extra deaths at the time the covid-19 pandemic was first announced. Many extra people only started to die after they received the covid-19 vaccine so the covid-19 vaccine directly to blame for most if not all of the extra deaths and those extra deaths are now being wrongly attributed to covid-19.
I obtained much of the above information from listening to the well known Author Cyrus A Parsa being interviewed in many online video platforms. Cyrus A Parsa's website is called He also has a masters degree in homeland.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
gretta fahey | | Nov 13, 2021, 12:47 PM (1 day ago) |
gretta fahey <> |
| Nov 13, 2021, 12:48 PM (1 day ago) | | |
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From: Presidents info <>
Date: Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 12:10 PM