religious programming (1)


Most if not all followers of organised religions including Christians, Muslims and even Dark Occultists are programmed from birth to adopt certain positions in society throughout the entire world. From birth until the age of seven we are unable to rationally analyse what we hear and see so we are easily programmed up until the age of seven. If we are born into a Christian or Muslim family we automatically become Christian or Muslim ourselves. If we are born into a Satanic family we automatically become Satanists ourselves. Further to that, children of Satanists are tortured and raped from infancy until at least the age of seven so that they will grow to be ruthless and cruel and psychopathic.
Christians, Muslims and many other religions are programmed to be unquestioningly and subserviently obedient to church and state whereas Dark Occultists such as Satanists and Dark Luciferians are alternatively programmed to have a commanding presence and to be controlling and dominant and to have leadership rolls throughout the entire world. Dark occultists are taught to hide their dark occult status by falsely claiming that they are Christian, Muslim or a follower of some other similar type of religion.
Jay Parker who was born and raised as a Satanist but who since has deprogrammed himself from the Satanic system has stated online that Christians, Muslims and followers of other similar types of religions can be compared to prisoners in a prison system while Satanists and Dark Luciferians can be compared to the prison wardens. He did not say who the owners and controllers of that worldwide prison system are. He did not say who pulls the strings throughout the whole world where ten percent of people are programmed to be prison wardens and ninety percent of people are programmed to be prisoners. Who is pulling our strings? Who are the puppet masters of the world? I used to believe that they were Satanists and Dark Luciferians but now I believe that such a situation could not be possible because now I believe that Satanists and Dark Luciferians are equal victims of the worldwide control system as the rest of us are. If you believe you know who is psychologically controlling the entire world by means of religiou programming please leave a comment below. Thanks.
Here is an online link to one of the many Jay Parker interviews which are to be found online.

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