remotely administered wireless torture (1)

I believe that millions of people throughout the world are being subjected to remotely administered wireless torture by means of directed energy weapons combined with neuro technology inside the bodies and brains of the torture victims.
I also believe that millions of people have committed suicide because of being tortured by this means.
I believe that a system has been deliberately set up by the new world order cabal who are also known as the self-proclaimed elite, and that system is being maintained by the police, and that system ensures that those victims who complain about being subjected to wireless remotely administered torture immediately misdirected towards psychiatric evaluation and immediately lose their freedom by that means.
I believe that all police, psychiatrists, and government officials throughout the world are now trained into a false reality which is so all pervasive that they are part of the problems in the world and not part of the solution.
I believe that remotely administered wireless torture is widespread and you might be next to experience it if you don't take action now to protect yourself by some of the following means:-
1 Do not accept any injections of any kind because the vials containing the injection solution may contain nano technology without your awareness and without the awareness of the individual who is administering the injection.
2. Wear both shungite jewellery and copper jewellery, because , I beleive both of those types of jewellery and others offer some protection against electromagentic radiation poisoning and directed energy weapons attacks.
3 Make a shield for your bedroom window which will block out millimeter wave radiation coming from 5G. It is supposedly easy to block out 5G.
4. Do not have children because you can not protect them against directed energy weapons which come through the walls of your home.
5. If you already have neuro technology inside your body and brain, your muscles can be forceably moved or jerked against your will while you are driving a vehicle so please consider riding a bicycle instead. Three wheeled cargo bicycles can be used to carrying large heavy items such as large amounts of groceries.
6. On a youtube channel called HerbsPlusBeadWorks the owner of the channel Tony Pantaleresco demonstrates on a number of his videos how to make an anti-nano device which offers some protection against remotely administered torture. You will possibly have to make your own anti-nano device by following his advice.
7. You can take many different products which will detoxify your body from heavy metals and other toxins such as Zeolite, bentonite clay, droplets of freshly activated chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide which you can enhale by means of using a nebulizer, ozonated water, black oxygen and many many other products.
There are many other tips to be found online which may offer protection from remotely administered wireless torture.

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