ritual human sacrifice (4)

One can not copy or print the contents of this website called oppressed.news which is linked here because its built in program does not allow for doing so. However, I have typed some of its contents below that link here:-
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State which has been prosecuting cases against Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members in the International Common Law Court of Justice Court since 2011, has called for protests against child sacrifices believed scheduled for Aug. 15 for Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal and Pro Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. The Ireland child sacrifice was thought to be under the direction of Catholic Archbishop Dermot Martin. EVidently because of protests, the Montreal child sacrifice was relocated from the Montreal Cathedral sub basement crypt to an underground facility at McGill University, then to the private estate in Outremont, Montreal.
Not just the United Nations but many nations now, not only possess mind control technologies but use them with obscene regularity. When the primitive tech described above is "aimed" at individuals and groups, far more sophisticated technologies, capable of inducing, not just voices, but emotions and even beliefs, has been integrated into mobile communications platforms.
We have absolute evidence of this, can technically describe its use and, if asked, demonstrate how it was doscovered and how it works.
The only questions are those who are targeted, how many thousands or millions are subjected to quite genuine "thought control" and what is being induced, what fears, what beliefs, what ideas.
Thus far, we have only discovered the capability in what are called "smart phones." However, hundreds of millions of people possess such devices. We know the individuals who developed the technology, have access to their notes and have recorded evidence of the use ofmind control technologies in many nations.
For those readers who, as many who depend on their daily dose of OP do, find themselves employed within classified government facilities, we ask you remind your employers of this story. Tell them we know about "Bach." Mention "Sandy Hook."
"One word of warning is perhaps necessary for the beginner. The victim must be in perfect health - or its energy may be as it were poisoned. It must also not be too large: the amount of energy isengaged is almost unimaginably great...."- Quote from a book called "Magick in Theory and Practice" by Aleister Crowley.

We aught all to study the book called "Magic in Theory and Practice"by Aleister Crowley in order to  understand and put a stop to child torture and human sacrifice by dark occultists who operate in secrecy throughout the world.   The police throughout the world must investigate satanism, luciferianism and black magic and put a stop to it urgently.

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Organised religions came into being for the purposes of social control. All countries use religious indoctrination to control the minds of their people. Religion is the suppression of free thought. The one thing all religions have in common is that they regiment the thoughts of the believers. The believers become unable to think outside the compartment which has been prepared for them. Religions allow a small group of powerful men to control a much larger population.
If a non-religious philosophy is adequate to provide a moral foundation for society what then is the purpose of an organised religion, other than obtaining money, power and status for the leaders of that religion and other than mind controlling the adherents of that religion into a mind set of absolute obedience to the religious leaders.
I was raised by a religon which encouraged cruelty towards women and children. We were beaten with canes in the religious school which I attended. Unmarried mothers were treated very cruely in mother and baby homes throughout my country.
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Ritual Human Sacrifice are currently being used to traumatise those who are forced to attend those rituals into a state of absolute obedience to a small group of powerful men. Ritual Human Sacrifice is being set up for more widespread use in order to further traumatise the masses into a state of absolute obedience to authority. Members of the World Economic Forum and World Health Organiseation are known Satanists.
Christians celebrate the re-enactment of a brutual human sacrifice on an alter every day because they are being mentally prepared to accept real human sacrifices in the very near future in order to traumatise them into a state of absolute obedience to a small group of powerful men known as the Illuminati. The top level Illuminati are believed to be headquartered in the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia. The well known Illuminati such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are simply Illuminati managers for the Top Lever Saudi Arabian Illuminati and they live in fear of their masters.

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Organised religions came into being for the purposes of social control. All countries use religious indoctrination to control the minds of their people. Religion is the suppression of free thought. The one thing all religions have in common is that they regiment the thoughts of the believers. The believers become unable to think outside the compartment which has been prepared for them. Religions allow a small group of powerful men to control a much larger population.
If a non-religious philosophy is adequate to provide a moral foundation for society what then is the purpose of an organised religion, other than obtaining money, power and status for the leaders of that religion and other than mind controlling the adherents of that religion into a mind set of absolute obedience to the religious leaders.
I was raised by a religon which encouraged cruelty towards women and children. We were beaten with canes in the religious school which I attended. Unmarried mothers were treated very cruely in mother and baby homes throughout my country.
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Ritual Human Sacrifice are currently being used to traumatise those who are forced to attend those rituals into a state of absolute obedience to a small group of powerful men. Ritual Human Sacrifice is being set up for more widespread use in order to further traumatise the masses into a state of absolute obedience to authority. Members of the World Economic Forum and World Health Organiseation are known Satanists.

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Dark occultism involves conducting ritualised human sacrifice in locations where the leylines of the earth intersect and such ritualised human sacrifices are sometimes conducted during solstices when the leyline energy is at its weakest. Other aspects of ritual human sacrifice such as the human energy field of the victim and the human energy field of the dark occult human sacrificer are also of prime consideration. When will dark occultism be available for study as a university degree so that the general public can protect themselves and their children from being selected as a human sacrifice? Who will organise this situation in Europe and bring it into effect. Why is it not the case already? Who is blocking the activities of dark occultists from being a course of study. When will the actual practice of dark occultism by banned by every country in the world because it involves torturing and murdering people, who are mostly children. What can I do to protect myself from being selected as a victim of human sacrifice by dark occultists? What happens to the energy fields of dark occultists during the time they are sacrificing one of their victims. Why do they continue to perform ritual human sacrifice and what do they gain from performing it. What are all the identities of those who are involved in satanic ritual abuse and satanic ritual human sacrifice. I don't think they have legal names because I dont believe they register their children at birth but I am not entirely sure of that. Do they register their children at birth?.
Why do nuns willingly sign away their freedom in order to become slaves. What psychological manipulation are they subjected to in order to willingly enslave themselves? Religion corrupts our sense of reality and suppresses our ability to think freely. Religions pretend to know things they can not know. Religion is mental slavery. Religion trains us to disrespect our own reasoning power and logic. The bible was written by men. Always abide by moral law but stay away from religions. Sacraments are simply acts of mesmerism and nothing supernatural ever takes place during those acts of mesmerism. Extravagent costumes and elaborate posturing are used in those acts of mesmerism. Prayer is a form of auto hypnosis. We are always inculcated into religions while we are very young children. We are not allowed to remain free from inculcation into a religion until we have reached adulthood. Why is that the case. Religion is suppression of free thought. Religion has become a dangerous political tool.
Controllers of organised religions do not respect us. They inculcate us when we are too young and to inexperienced to defend ourselves from their inculcation. They invent stories about us burning in hell for all eternity if we dare to disobey their religious dictates. They are experts in psychology and they are wealthy and powerful because of their psychological manipulations. I am very angry at controllers of organised religions and I am very sorry for their followers who are unable to think clearly due to heavy inculcation. I do not agree that those who are inculcated into false belief systems by very evil men should be left with an inability to think freely and logically. I think they should be helped to think more clearly and I strongly believe that organised religions should be banned from the face of the earth. They gain money and power from deliberately destroying our ability to think logically and rationally.

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