I am wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the internet of things also known as the internet of bodies from bio-technology which has been injected into my body without my awareness at the time the injection was occurring.
This situation has enabled some of those who run the internet of things control system to broadcast voices, visions, sensations, pain, disablement and forced muscle movement into my head and body whenever they wish. They also use technology to instantly translate the EEG patterns being generated by my brain into my thoughts, emotions and actions.
Here is a sample of some of the messages which they broadcast into my head in the past.
"O My God. She is taking our her computer and I have not done any of the preparatory work."
"I thought she was finished for the night so I shut down."
"Sever ties with this woman. She has no respect for the church."
"She doesn't eat bread. That will set up back because that is where we import our nano technology into her body and brain."
"We will catch up with her, there is nothing surer."
"We will wait. We will torture you." "Do you plan to torture Gretta." "Yes." (that particluar broadcast was heard by me coming from inside my own head at twenty five minutes to nine pm Irish time on 3rd February, 2022.)
"We wish that the public have a mind set of being wary of the police. You do not appear to be wary of the Claremorris police who are also known as the Gardai."
My response is as follows:-
"The police need to be under the authority of the people and not under the false authority of the corporate state which they now are because the corporate state is unaccountable. The salaries of the judiciary and of the police are paid by the tax payers which means that both the judiciary and the police are servants of the people. We the people are the source of all authority on earth. The existing courts are extensions of corporations whereas the common law courts are extensions of we the people. We must return to using common law and in order to do so we must over turn the admiralty law and birth certificiate corrupt system of enslavement which we are now bothered by.
"Free the hands and she is free. Tie down the hands and she can't do anything such as wash her teeth, type a letter, use the computer, open a door, eat food, etc. " (Some people are often heard to say the following in conversation as follows:- My hands are tied. We dont know if they mean that their hands would be literally tied if they disobeyed the voice broadcasts which they might be hearing coming inside their heads from unknown remote locations.
I was denied justice by the police because they wrongly implied that I was mentally unwell and forced me to attend for psychiatric evaluation when I described my plight to them back one Sunday in February 2014. the date of which I have on record because on that same day and date a vet called Bernie Kirrane from Claremorris came to my brothers farm to conduct a caesarian section on a cow. That is how I know that exact date that I visited the Gardai (police) station in Claremorris where I reported this crime against me.
Many people now have nano-technology inside their brains and bodies owing to the fact that there was undeclared nano-technology inside vials of covid-19 vaccines that were examined officially by independent scientists in Spain, New Zealand and a number of other locations.
Those who are behind the attempt to wirelessly enslave us are known to be the Satanic Jesuits, Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict, the thirteen bloodline families, many and varied royal families throughout the world including Queen Elizabeth II of England, CEO's of various banks and megs corporations, ultra zionists and others. They have been lying to all of their fellow men and women of the world for many centuries about a great number of topics . In order to eventually enslave us under their command the Satanic Jesuits attempted to prevent us from understanding the only way energy works. All energy is fields and fields are not particles. They created many false sciences and other falsifications such as Particles physics, Quantum physics, the Gregorian Calender, The spinning ball earth and numerous other falsifications. In fact, we live in a wave/pulse universe. The satanic jesuits are hiding the pulse by wrongly focusing on the particle. There exists a science known as Synchretism which is a synchronising of all sciences in existence and if you wish to find more about this topic please visit the website of Santos Bonacci which is called