the papacy (3)

The Jesuits Erased All Knowledge of the fact that the earth is flat and stationary in order to discredit the bible as a reliable source of science.
The Jesuits own astronomy and they have falsely claimed that the earth is a spinning ball in order to discredit the bible. They have also created the fictional big bang theory.
By the year 500 AD the Roman Empire had mutated from being a military power into a religious power, thereby co-opting the beliefs of Christianity and mixing them with ancient Egyptian, Greco and Babylonion paganism.
Christians were told by the Roman Empire run Vatican that they could no longer govern their own salvation. Instead they needed Rome to ensure their salvation. They were told that they must rely on priests, bishops, and cardinals if they wished to have their souls saved.
Christians were told that if they purchased indulgances by paying money to the church then the Pope would release their dead relatives from purgatory. The Roman church burned all her enemies alive. Ordinary Christians were not allowed to own bibles and any who owned bibles was burned alive as a punishment.
By 1517 the Gutenberg printing press was invented which allowed Christians to finally find out how corrupt the Vatican was. An Augustinian monk called Martin Luther wrote ninety five thesis or complaints about the Roman church and on November 1st 1517 he posted them to the door of All Saints Cathedral in Vitenbert. The Gutenberg press allowed them to be translated and replicated easily. The news about extreme corruption by the Roman Church spread like wildfire around the world. The Gutenbeerg press also printed out large quantities of common language bibles.
The Roman Church fought back by discrediting some of the contents of the bible in order to force people to return to accepting the authority of the Roman church. In order to discredit the bible the Roman Church created a false reality matrix. They created the false notion that the earth is a spinning ball, and not fixed and flat as the bible correctly states. A Vatican mathematician and polish priest names Nicholas Copernicus deliberately created a matrix of lies on behalf of the Roman Church and that matrix of lies falsely claimed that the earth was a spinning ball. Nicholas Copernicus did not wish his dishonest work to be published before his death but Rome forced him to have it published in 1543. The Roman Church and the papal agents the jesuits began to push this false cosmology and they either pushed out or murdered anyone who contradicted it. Protestant reformers disbelieved the Roman Church and disbelieved the spinning ball earth falsehood. In response to that situation, the Roman catholic church then quickly rewrote history so as to present themselves as defenders of the flat earth truth. Galaleo who was pushing the false notion of the earth as a spinning ball was tried for herasy and then placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. However, it was falsely presented that the earth was a spinning ball and that they Roman Catholic Church must now accept that reality.
The Jesuits now own astronomy. They travelled across the world and insinuated themselves in royal courts in order to become the official astronomers of those royal courts. The Jesuits now have their own observatories both in Italy and the United States. They have called one of their telescopes by the name of Lucifer. The Roman Catholic Church was never against the promotion of the spinning ball earth hoax but for a time they claimed to be against it in order to save face because they were being widely disbelieved. Jesuits are also the creators of the Big Bang Theory. Albert Einstein who was a supporter of the Jesuits and the Vatican fabricated the theory of relativity in order to help make their flat earth falsehood more convincing. The existence of dinosaurs and the theory of relativity are in doubt. The Jesuits control Freemasonry and all freemasons throughout the world. The so-called astronauts who falsely claimed that they went to the moon in 1969 were all freemasons. Most of those who work for NASA are presumed to be freemasons who would be tortured and then murdered if they ever broke their vow of secrecy about the true nature of the earth. I believe that they possibly have been injected with technology which tethers them to a central cnntrol system and which monitors their words and actions so they can not speak the truth even in private without endangering themselves. The aim of most of the falsehoods which have been generated by the Roman Catholic church controllers is to discredit the bible which would otherwise have be taken seriously as a work of science. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is owned and controlled as a private business by thirteen bloodline families such as the Orsini's and Medici's who run it as a business for profit and for eventual control of the world.
I obtained most but not all of the above information from this online video link which is narrated by Johnny Cirucci

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When I was a child growing up in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960 and 1970s , our primary and secondary schools were provided with canes for hitting us with. Most if not all schools throughout the Republic of Ireland at that time were provided with canes for hitting the children with and the school teachers had permission to hit us even when we were eighteen years old and over provided we were still attending secondary school at that age. I have asked in the past for the total amount of tax payers money which was spent on canes for the entire nineteen sixties decade. In my own primary school, some of the children once hid the cane on the school teacher. He then went down the road outside the school and broke a stick from a tree and brought it back to the classroom in order to hit us with it. Because of this type of papacy endorsed corporal punishment I grew up to be anxious and nervous and extremely fearful of false authority figures. It took me many years to regain my current equilibrium. I am drawing attention to this matter because I wish that future generations of children throughout the world are allowed to live without physical violence, and further to that I strongly distrust the Pope of Rome and the Jesuits and I wish to see them overthrown because they are believed my many to be behind the attempt at a one world government where we would not be allowed to own anything and they themselves would own everything. We would not be able to challenge them ever again because our bodies would be embedded with technology which would be wirelessly linked to a cruel and sadastic control system. This has already happened to many but whenever they come forward with information about this situation they are being wrongly classified as being mentally ill. To support my claims of the Pope of Rome's endorcement of corporal punishment I enclose relevant information which I found online and also the link to that online information herebelow:-

No, Pope Francis, there's nothing 'beautiful' about hitting a child
Pontiff ignores decades of medical literature on corporal punishment – and survivors like me
February 15, 2015 2:00AM ET
by Stacey Patton @DrStaceyPatton
Pope Francis has officially lost his revolutionary cred. Known for his willingness to challenge church doctrine, to bring religion into the 21st century and to speak truth to power, he clearly hasn’t gotten an updated parenting manual. He appears to still be reading from a 17th-century edition that advised Europeans that children could be possessed by a devil that should be driven out with a rod of correction.

During a recent general weekly audience, the pope decided to offer some advice to the world’s parents. “One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married couples say, ‘I sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face, so as to not humiliate them,’” he told the audience. “How beautiful!”

He then praised the father’s actions, saying, “He knows the sense of dignity. He has to punish them but does it justly and moves on.”

Did somebody slip a mickey in the pontiff’s communal chalice?

There is nothing beautiful or dignified about physically assaulting a child. At its core, corporal punishment — legalized brutality — is about intentionally causing pain. It is a form of humiliation that denies children the right to bodily integrity and puts them at risk for a slew of negative behaviors. If Francis had stopped — or sent one of his many researchers to the Vatican Library — to look at more than 60 years of medical literature, he would realize the numerous harms that come from smacking a kid.

The pediatrics, child development and psychological communities around the globe are in agreement that corporal punishment does not work to get children to comply. Parents will often repeat and escalate the intensity of hitting, placing children in danger. Scientists have repeatedly found that lightly spanking a child, even occasionally, is tied to mental disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, aggressive behavior and hyperactivity and juvenile delinquency. The trajectory of brain development can be altered when a caretaker spanks the gray matter (literally) out of their skulls, which leads to lowered verbal intelligence and decision-making skills as well as imbalances of the hormones cortisol and oxytocin, which can lead to an impaired ability to regulate emotions and risky sexual behavior.

In providing a moral justification for abuse and brutality, the pope's comments are another reminder of the false promises of a church that speaks for power.
And if science isn’t his cup of tea, the pope should simply talk to survivors like me. I guarantee they wouldn’t utter the words “dignity” and “beautiful,” unless the architecture of their brains have been damaged sufficiently that they’ve convinced themselves that being hit was an act of love that made them better people.

The pope’s endorsement of hitting as long as it is done with “dignity” suggests that he, like so many, see violence as both necessary and empowering as long as it is imagined as transformative. Such efforts to reconstitute abuse and violence as love and empowerment share an ethos with those who seek to influence behavior through violence. And they are particularly disturbing in a world in which kids are routinely beaten and brutalized in their homes, in juvenile facilities, on the streets, at checkpoints, in schools and in war zones.

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To Whom it Concerns, 
The Jesuits have directed their agents to put nano-technology inside all people of the world by means of vaccine under the guise of there being a dangerous worldwide pandemic.  
The nano-technology then self-assembles inside the human body forming an intra-body nano-network thereby giving endless potential for those who indirectly work for the Jesuits to bio-manipulate or to wirelessly torture  all those who have been injected with nano-technology without or without their knowledge or consent.
The goal of the Jesuits is to be able to wirelessly torture to death anyone who does not bow down to the leader of the Jesuits, the Pope of Rome.    Another goal of the Jesuits is that  under the policies stated in U.N. Agenda 21,  the people of the world would own nothing, they would rent everything they use even their clothing, and that the Pope of Rome would own everything on earth and would be treated as God and would be considered infallable.
Agents of the Jesuits include the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, The Bilderbergers, The Club of Rome, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United States C.I.A. and F.B.I.   According to many researchers the Jesuits and their agents are directly responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, the 9/11 Twin Towers event, the murder of President John F. Kennedy, both world wars and possibly all other wars which have occurred in the past more than one hundred years.    Many individuals who belong to the above groups may already have been implanted with nano-technology and may now be under wireless control.   Therefore, it may be difficult to ascertain who is guilty of criminal activity and who is innocent of all crimes.  
It has been suggested that we might be able to damage the capabilities of the nano technology inside our bodies and brains by means of strong pulses of magnetic energy.    Please give this information to the science department of all major universities so that they may search for a solution to this problem.  
Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain has concluded an official report stating that he found nano technology in several  covid-19 vaccine vials which he tested in laboratory conditions.   You will find a copy of his official statement in spanish at the following online link  You will find detailed information about the Jesuits and their agents in a book called 'Vatican Assassins' by Eric Jon Phelps, who has a website called    Many individuals have come forward in online forums stating categorically that they are already wirelessly linked to a partial enslavement system which is sometimes known as the internet of living things and is also known as the internet of bodies.    The rand corporation which is a worldwide thinktank has written a book called  'The Internet of Bodies' which is a basic introduction to this system but which leaves out most of its current capabilities and its extreme dangers to those who become captured by it.
The author of this post and letter is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris in the Republic of Ireland and I am wirelessly connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission for nearly nineteen years and I have been disbelieved whenever I have reported this crime to officialdum as have most other victims.

My email address is
Todays Date is 1st March, 2022 and the time now is 21.54.
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