un human rights office (2)

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, International court of justice, UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court, because of their firewall and dirty hands, thanks.

The only purpose for Non-Lethal Weapons is to incapacitate people and change human behaviours, from NATO.


Canada...can not stop their psychological
torture, MK Ultra, which started 50 years ago. All Canadian media reported it . But, recently they seek justice with International court of justice for victims.

From "wesend it", Prime Minister of Canada, International court of justice, UN Secretary-General ... you all received what I recently sent about Canada... 's ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Their terror is not only against me, but anyone who speaks out and stands up for me, UN, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association.






What are they still doing in Canada?
You must take action to stop them and to do according to UN's resolutions about torture , war crimes and crimes against humanity.

They were also defined as war crimes and crimes against humanity by UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, and International Criminal Court after contacting them 18 years ago.

ICC message 1

"The ICC can only intervene to carry out the investigation."




ICC message 2

" MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."




Now, to cover up their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra: 1) Canada...filter the key word "email" when I try to find UN Human Rights new chief' s email, Volker Türk 2 ) they keep committing madly terror , psychological torture, MK Ultra when in home and in my workplace ( Re.MK Ultra, 10 years ago all Canadian media reported and testified that they started them 50 years ago ) 3 ) they stop me from using any European safe browsers and any VPNs, which are dangerous to them 4 ) they hide and filter all evidence about their war crimes and crimes against humanity over 20 years saved on the Internet , especially on "YouTube" 5) hack , interfere everything I am using, hacking anyone who helped me, such as OMCT, IRCT...OMCT emailed me " Medical Torture"; IRCT emailed me "seat number " for global meeting"

What are more brutal and evil are listed in here from UN Human Rights office and UN Human Rights Council :

UN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :



UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

Besides them above, what most evil are they are remotely controlling and attacking madly my hearing , my heart and my body when in home and in my workplace; their drones, aircrafts are tracing me anywhere in Ontario, Canada. UN Human Rights Office and you all have the photos and videos I provided. Please imagine how they can trace me everywhere and anywhere with drones and aircrafts in Ontario, Canada. Yes, they must put their dirty hands onto my body.

Here are the evidence about how EMF, Sonic Weapons ( used to disable peaceful protestors in Toronto during G20), Interference and Microwave Weapons can be used to "affect", that is, remotely control
our hearing, our hearing when making phone call, our hearts. UN, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, they all have the photos and videos about how they are remotely controlling and attacking my heart. They are remotely controlling my smart watches because they have IP and MAC.


EMF and Interference:






Microwave Weapons used to attack our hearing and our hearts, actually attacking our brains confirmed by some experts.



https://ibb.co/ngL1B6V. ( this website has been hacked.)

This website event below has more details about how they keep committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ontario, Canada.




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

September 02, 2023

Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.

Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
UN Security Council
UN Peacekeeping
UN Investigation Team
UN Serious Crimes Investigation Team



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Is it serious! Now, it has become not my own issue, it matters to our whole world because torture can destroy our world. ( from NGO and one politician in Canada )Please send ICC prosecutor and his office regarding ICC Forum and regarding..., not only for myself, thanks.Who hacks UN (UN Human Rights Council, UN Human Rights Office), International Criminal Court, International Bar Association? ! Canada... are hacking all websites, all APPs, including vpns I use for uploading, storing evidence, files to you.UN Human Rights Office: Human Rights can not be compromised.Prime Minister of CanadaUN Secretary-GeneralInternational Criminal CourtICC ForumInternational Court of Justicejustin.trudeau@parl.gc.casgcentral@un.organtonio.guterres@un.orgFadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.intotp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.intinformation@icj-cij.orgsssgeneva@un.orgcontrolcenter.security-unog@un.orgurgent-action@ohchr.orgohchr-petitions@un.orgCP@ohchr.orgICC Forum, please see what UN Human Rights Office sent me a few years ago.Please don't delete , filter my posts or block my my account after registration. From their emails to me, you all can realize how serious it is now in Ontario, Canada .Please work with UN Security Council, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council to investigate and stop them.https://ibb.co/cCrF1TQOr, https://fastupload.io/urDODdhUH9oSb3c/fileOr, https://easyupload.io/bg9k37Or,https://www.linkpicture.com/q/IMG_20200717_210651.jpgUN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/ElectromagneticTorture.pdfhttps://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/ElectromagneticTorture.pdfUN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:Forty-third session24 February - 20 March 2020Agenda item 3Robin YanCanadian victim of torture26/05/2023AttachedICC 's messages to me and to those war criminals and criminals against humanity in Canada, still at large for 20 years. Canada can not and refuse to stop them, all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples....( They don't work at all for 5 -10 years). From one famous case happened among Canada, USA, and China, we know that Canadian law never allows foreign agents, foreign agency, or foreign anything to commit illegal activities in Canada. Because of WHO's conclusion several years ago, Canada... have deadly stopped me from contacting WHO." modification of brain waves; change in time perception."https://ibb.co/TKfn5ZvOr, https://tempsend.com/vdykjPrime Minister of CanadaUN Secretary-GeneralInternational Criminal CourtInternational Court of Justicejustin.trudeau@parl.gc.casgcentral@un.organtonio.guterres@un.orgFadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.intotp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.intinformation@icj-cij.orgsssgeneva@un.orgcontrolcenter.security-unog@un.orgurgent-action@ohchr.orgohchr-petitions@un.orgCP@ohchr.orgPrime Minister of Canada, Canadian government have known all my neighbours' IDs. Canadian medias, various investigators, and some APP told me who they are. 1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad ) 2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. ) ICC message 1"The ICC can only intervene to carry out the investigation." https://ibb.co/b2hnbhzOr,https://tempsend.com/fbsjyICC message 2 " MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."https://ibb.co/FgvWyQkOr,https://tempsend.com/avnwvWhat did they do to me ? And what are they still doing to me? A few days ago, Canada...at once shut down the internet when I used Tor Browser to send "something" to "someone ". And, I couldn't contact UN special Rapporteur on Human Rights because of my name, my email, the vpn I use. By fire wall confirmed by The University of Toronto, they intercept and block almost everything.What did they do to me? And what are they doing to me? They commit terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra against me for over 20 years. They started MK Ultra 50 years ago and still keep going according to all Canadian media several ago and whistles blowers recently. They donated almost 7 million dollars to UN Human Rights Office to protect human rights for the whole world several years ago.Here are the links for the uploaded evidence, actually the facts, because Mr. Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court sated: If they shut your mouth, all allegations are real.UN ICC Canadahttps://tempsend.com/tfhfaOr,https://anonymfile.com/dr2pj/unicc-canada.pdfOr, https://fastupload.io/iHcenVVgZ5inue1/fileTake immediate actionshttps://tempsend.com/rdrprOr, https://anonymfile.com/JOgY4/take-immediate-actions-to-stop-in-canada.pdfOr, https://fastupload.io/v3y70m7q1CdL755/file22/05/2023
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