Posted by Soleilmavis on February 26, 2022 at 10:20pm
Los Angeles Times Opinion
Great news, guys! We first heard talk publicly about civilian citizens being affected by microwave or directed energy weapons at the University of Texas / Psychiatry Department webinar a couple of weeks ago on Thursday, February 10. Now exacty two weeks later, on February 24, the Los Angeles Times has published an opinion piece written by one of its own staff journalists whose father was a victim of remote directed energy weapons attacks.
She has previously detailed his experiences in a 2018 WIRED article which can be found here.
She also cites former Rep Dennis Kucinich's bill that he introduced in 2001, which if enacted, would have banned much of the mind control weaponry affecting our community within the United States and globally via a world treaty.
The author has evidently been closely following the recent developments in the news about directed energy weapons just as we have, as she cites the HAVANA Act noting that it currently only benefits government employees. She feels that private citizens should also be included in similar legislation.
She even speaks of last Sunday night's "60 Minutes" episode and was heartened by CIA Director William Burns' comment that he was "taking reports seriously."
She winds up her article by advocating that the "Biden administration should create a centralized location for reporting cases, including by private citizens."
This was an amazing, astounding article to read considering the source was a mainstream, well-regarded publication such as the Los Angeles Times. Surely, it was also seen by many other mainstream news outlets since they often feed off of each other, which means that now the word is starting to get around.
Let us hope that this report will be a catalyst for the type of public discourse about our issues that we have been awaiting for many years.
Below is the link to the Los Angeles Times article.
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of ‘Havana syndrome’ seriously
For those who still have not seen it, here is the link to last Sunday night's "60 Minutes" segment on the Havana Syndrome.
Hello & thank you. It is excellent news - yes! Jean Guerrero, the author, was also on PBS NewsHour on August 8, 2018, discussing her book, "Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir" which addresses her relationship with her father.
Kind regards,