Sara testified in 1977 and worked with Congress to shut the MK ultra program down in 1977. She is in a banned US Book called "A nation Betrayed" by Carol Rutz. It does not even show up in Boarders on the computer as being a book. The Torture of "Tara Potter" in the US CIA MK Ultra Program inside the United States By Josef Mengele himself.She was an early brain implant for controlShe was present the day John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas.George Herbert Walker Bush was there (AKA George H. Scherf) and Josef Mengele was there the day JFK was murdered."Sara Potter" was a conjoined multiple twin- one of 5 twins that was taken from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN and separated by Josef Mengele himself.She was kept as a pet of Josef Mengele and pain tortured as well as raped from her earliest memories of 3 years of age.She also was pain and fear brainwashed.She was friends with Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald was also tortured."Sara Potter" was given the names of the victims of Josef Mengele that were totrured to death... she has no identity... and has been abused her entire life."Sara Potter" is in a book called "A Nation Betrayed" by Carol Rutz. She assisted to shut the MK ultra program down in Montreal in 1977. It just went farther underground since 1977. message was sent with High importance.To:,,,,,,,, "Holiness pope" ,,,,,,, "International world criminal court" ,,,,,,,,,,,, usunpublicaffairs@state.govCC:Subject: Tortrue Testimonial for Denise from Illinois Human Rights Violation adn crimes against humanity. Fw: Voice Message (206-202-1234)Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 10:40:58 -0500Show Full Headers Back To [SENT]USA torture Testimonial fromUSA torture Testimonial from Denise Myles from Swansee Illinois-Naar st. Louis Human Rights violation from Directed Energy Weapons.Stalking is a Crime. is the telecommunications satellite companyresponsible for the infared interface from 22,000 feet aboveTorture via Directed Energy weapons must stop ASAP. The NSA/DoD of the United States has a contract with Intelsat and has interfaced the DARPA network with the satellites to interface with all living creatures. These satellites must be de-orbited ASAP. Prof Larson from Georgetown University is the Director of Ethics of Weapons in Space. He has already met with the DoD/NSA as well as with Thise technology must be destroyed.. all 200 satellites must be de-orbited ASAP and torture must be stopped worldwide from this technology. No one person is responsible and it is something that is under Supercomputer control similar to the "Big Blue" supercomputers what won against the LATE Bobby Fischer.. but much much more sophisticated and a database storage system much more advanced."Ye shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free" Jesus ChristDecember 26th 2004 in Indonesia a most horrible event took Place. Diego Garcia was unharmed- a joint military base in the Indian Ocean run by the USA/Britian. I Contacted Prof Whiteford from New Brunswick January 9th 2005.. I knew there was no precurser eathqakes to the Indonesian Tsunami ecept one that was a 9.0 about a week prior in the North Pole under the polar ice caps. My nickname on Craigslist was morpheusjr in 2004. Whiteford mailed me this around January 15th 2005. Whiteford from New Brunswick Canada and I spoke and he said High Probability of a "Project Seal" event in Indonesia. So who profitted? The ones that had the money of those who died in the bank. Follow the money trail as to who took control of those peoples bank accounts."Just say no to fascism, communism"
Chemtrail support forumChase Manhattan Bank knows about the massive murder inside the USA and has justified that this has been taking place and that they can take the accounts and assets of those murdered. They are guilty of massive crimes against humanity. Oak Park Chase Manhattan Bank was taken over by Blackwater on November 11th 2006 and they have video tapes of this. There needs to be an international investigation and the tellers, and illegal taking over of the baNK Branch on Lake street in Oak Park Illinois needs tob e investigated. Murder and attempted murder have no stature of limitation.Again Chase Manhattan bank from Elgin Illinois has confirmed that massive amounts of people are dead and an employee by the Name of Doug in Elgin Illinois justified the murder of peace, truth, and justice people worldwide. Chase Manhattan Bank and it's executive staff are guilty of crimes against humanity.Any more murder inside the USA or world can be directly linked to Chase Manhattan Bank and the current administration. "Thou shall not steal" Support Forum
NASA photo of chemtrails over the USA and world
Karl Rove, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Wolfowitz, Denis Hastert, William J Rigby, Richard Chenev are responsible for the massive poison on America
HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer
Hurricane Fay created on 08/05/2008 by the HAARP in Alaska

Many died on Sanibel Island, Captiva Island..Fort Myers, and all of Florida.. after.. hurricane Charley.. and they were not given food, water, and starved out.. murdered.. As accounts here in Florida have been reported from eye witnesses. A terrible crime against humanity took place there.
Now in Florida they say that if you do not have a special"pass" or "ID" you will not be allowed in your home. A state Id or driver's license should be good enough to return home
Google Patent 4686605 Bernard Eastlund Weather
- Invented in TEXAS... of all places.. on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or PunishmentAdopted by United Nations General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX) of 9 December 1975If the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand did not happen WWI and WWII would never have been. Chemtrails over Michigan, TN, Georgia, NJ, Illinois.. and all of the USA as well as the world need to stop ASAP. The following individuals will be held accountable for all kidney failures, liver failures, strokes, heart attacks, cancer unless they stop NOW in the criminal coure of justice. STOP THE POSION of chemtrails. http://www.carnicom.comChemtrails cause kidney failure and the health insurance industry run by Daniel Rigby, Ryan Rigby, through Denis Hastert and William J Rigby have profitted off of those surguries. J Rigby is repsonsible for this: William J Rigby has threatened since 1998 to murder me and threatened to murder my entire family or have me or my entire family murdered. Dr Robert Buckman of Naperville Illinois introduces himself as the "poisoner". He will openly admit that he "poisons" people to treat them. Dr. Bob Buckman provides the drugs to William J Rigby that he uses to insert into food to murder those who diagree with him. Joe Sullivan is dead and was William J. Rigby's associate at Vigoro Corporation. His son Daniel Rigby as well as his other son Ryan Rigby also have threatened my life. Lori Palmer Rigby is also involved and Ryan Rigby and Lori Palmer Rigby live in White Eagle in Aurora Illinois- Near Denis Hastert who is the ex speaker of the US House. White Eagle is in Both Aurora Illinois and Naperville Illinois, depending on what phone book you happen to pick up. Mike Keck and Page Flemming (Keck) Live in Eagle River Wisconsin and are fully aware of the torture the Rigby's commit. Mike Keck is a Radio Announcer for a local Radio Station. Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons US Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons of Torture.
Karl Rove, George W. Bush, George H. Bush, Richard Cheney, Rumsfeld and William J. Rigby, Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street, of Naperville Illinois, and Denis Hastert from Aurora Illinois, Dr. Robert Buckman-"The Poisoner" from Naperville Illinois, Elgin Illinois and Traverse City Michigan are responsible for the torture Weapon as well as Frank Argus of Long Beach California who is the Project Manager for Northrupp Grumman of Space Torture Satellites

Whatever Country you live in call the poison control center if you see chemtrails and ask them to test for high toxic chemicals in the water. Collect water samples NOW from flower pots, barrels, and label them with a sharpie permanent marker to send and send them. Keep samples on hand to give to local labs to make sure that the results at the US Poison control center are not switched. you see Chemtrails call the US Poison control Center 1-800-222-1222
US POISON CONTROL CENTER Poison Control Center: Kingdom National Poison Services are making people worldwide very very sick and it is being done by the USA/NATO NATO has been taken over by George Bush and is under the control of a world dictator. Bush and his father are the brutal dicators Worldwide Suport and information forum:NASA photo of Chemtrails over USA-MASSIVE MEDIA BLACKOUT by Karl Rove and George W. Bush Flight 800 Shot Down by Surface-to-Air Missile pt 5 of 6
Google: Wackenhut Martial Law Prison Camps Constitution: First Amendment
Chenev Vice Presdient Dick CheneV>George H Scherf
Google-Children of the Fold
