military intelligence researches

The link between the explosion of government neuroscience research and classified cold war/post cold war weapons programs

The new neuroethics conferences have not included military research in their discussions and yet many articles describe weapons which target the nervous system and brain. This summary of 2004 developments, includes the long-term military interest in nonlethal, electromagnetic weapons and human rights expert’s comments on the continuing problem of excessive secrecy. The excessive secrecy prevents evaluation of the new weapons by human rights groups. The Reuters World Service, May 30, 1996, Microwave and acoustic weapons pose new threats, Jim Della-Giacoma reported;

”…There are indications that [electromagnetic weapons] may have adverse affects on the brain,” she [Louise Doswald-Beck, Deputy Head of the legal division of the Geneva-based ICRC(International Committee for the Red Cross)] …Doswald-Beck said all developed countries were doing research on microwave and acoustic weapons. ”The U.S. makes a lot of mention of it in its specialised literature but then they say it’s classified. The same goes with some European countries. The West assumes that Russia’s doing it, but it is kept under wraps,” she said. Doswald-Beck said the ICRC was unable to do the early research on banning microwave and acoustic weapons because they were shrouded in secrecy.


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  • Anyone seen Madonna's "A Bedtime Story" Youtube? "I'll never explain again."  I'll never think in coherent sentences again. LOL They're using that to target free speech that they allow! Why not make rules instead of all this suggestion?  What, are they afraid that we'll be good citizens or logical?  I don't mind dying if all like me die.  I'm sick of being so damn special, however.  Get past the dollar and to the crux of the issue.
  • Annie:


    The group of nutcases has been trying to induce hypnosis and slavery and other horrendous acts of mind control and still they keep mauling me and sending me into oblivion. Oh well when they die then and their trials are up what will they do then, the vault of Jesus will be their s to sort out and have fun.


    Karen J. Dawe

  • Yes, some of them got their jail terms when they used private corporations to close down the public.

    Not enough of them went to jail to make a difference. They think they do not need human rights they would prefer being in lockdown and being hosed down and charged for doing their job.


    Oh well then I guess there is little to nothing we can do. Oh well when they go to jail then.


    Karen J. Dawe


  • Yes,
  • HI
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